DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


Kurt Falls Half Asleep And Sees The Diane D Entities Inside Hospital Room!



That same night, Kurt is laying in the hospital bed.  He is sleepy.  He tries to force himself to stay awake, but cannot.  He doses off again.  As he doses off, he suddenly hears the slight sounds of chains rattling again as if someone is slowly walking around in chains.  He quickly wakes back up and sits up in the hospital bed frighteningly looking around the hospital room again out of breath!  He does not hear the sounds of chains rattling anymore.  He does not see or hear anything unusual happening inside the hospital room, but Kurt is still sleepy.  He tries to force himself to stay awake again, but cannot.  He doses off again.




Kurt is laying on his right side in the hospital bed inside his hospital room.  He slowly opens his eyes halfway.  His vision is blurry.  He sees multiple faint figures inside his hospital room dressed in all black standing all around him surrounding him.  He opens his eyes wider, his vision becomes clear.  To his shock and horror, he realizes that the faint figures inside his hospital room dressed in all black surrounding him are the Diane D entities or clones standing just two feet away from his face angrily staring at his face watching him sleep while they are partially surrounding the chained up Diane D entity who is standing upright on her knees still in handcuffs, shackles and chains trapped in a contortionist position!  She is face to face with Kurt.  The Diane D entity on the right who kung fu kicked Kurt in the chest, beat him with the large tree branch and threw a karate chop at his throat stands on the left side of the chained up Diane D entity along with some of the other Diane D entities.  She is holding the large tree branch as they all angrily stare at Kurt with puffy eyes!  “AAAAAHH!” Kurt screams and becomes startled as he sees the Diane D entities or clones just standing there so close to him angrily staring at his face!  “AAAAAHH!” he screams as he frighteningly sits up on the hospital bed then quickly turns from the Diane D entities or clones standing in front of him!  He is about to run from the opposite side of his hospital bed, but stops right in his tracks and sees more Diane D entities or clones standing right behind him on the other side of his hospital bed blocking his path as they angrily stare at his face also!  “AAAAAHH!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly turns away from the Diane D entities or clones who are standing behind him!  “AAAAAHH!” Kurt screams again as he finds himself completely surrounded by the Diane D entities or clones realizing that he has nowhere to run!  “AAAAAHH!” Kurt screams as he tightly shuts his eyes facing towards the ceiling!  




“…..AAAAAAHHH!” Kurt screams and cries as he wakes back up inside his hospital room sitting up on his hospital bed!  He frighteningly looks around the hospital room sweating and out of breath!  He does not see the Diane D entities or clones anymore.  He does not see or hear anything else unusual or strange happening inside the hospital room.  He realizes that he just woke up from a doze off nightmare about the Diane D entities or clones.

The Middle Eastern female nurse opens the door and rushes back into Kurt’s hospital room again!  She quickly approaches Kurt, holds onto him and shouts, “Young man, are you okay?!  What’s wrong?!”  Kurt frighteningly stares at the nurse as the nurse shouts to him, “This is the third time you’re waking up screaming at the top of your lungs and I had to bust in here to find out what’s going on!  What happened?!  Did you have another nightmare?!”  Kurt frighteningly looks at the nurse not knowing what to say, then he frighteningly looks around the hospital room again.