DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 31


Tensions Flare As Diane D Vs The Widows!



“IF?!” the family members shout. 

“IF you hurt and killed our loved ones?!” Mrs. Jenkins stands and shouts.  “You DID hurt and killed our loved ones Diane D!  There’s no ‘ifs’ about it!  YOU hurt and killed them!  You killed my husband!  My husband was one of the victims you threw that psychiatrist couch at!  You slammed that psychiatrist couch right into my husband’s head killing him!”

“That’s right Diane D!” Mrs. Peterson stands and shouts.  “You killed my husband too when you slammed that psychiatrist couch into his head as well!”

“You also killed my husband Diane D!” Mrs. Reid stands and shouts. 

“And my husband!” Mrs. Stevens stands and shouts.  “And you emotionally killed my son when he died losing control of his car!”

“And you killed my husband too!” Mrs. Muer stands and shouts.  “My husband was just about to become a grandfather when he was killed, but you took that chance of him being a grandfather away from him!  My grandchild will never get to meet his granddad!  You emotionally killed my son too!  He was never the same after his father got killed!”

“And you also killed my husband Diane D!” Mrs. Crouche stands and shouts.  “You practically decapitated my husband when you picked up that psychiatrist couch, threw it across the room and slammed it right into his head when he and the rest of these ladies’ husbands were just trying to do their job!”

“I don’t remember picking up that psychiatrist couch, throwing it across the room and slamming it into any of your husbands’ heads!” Diane D shouts.  “I just told you all, that I don’t remember what happened inside that hypnosis room once the doctors put me to sleep!”

“You said you saw yourself in that video when your family showed it to you!”

“But I didn’t see the part when your husbands were being killed because the camera got knocked down and wasn’t facing what was happening inside the room, it was facing away from what was happening inside there!  Even though I wasn’t able to see what was happening in the video, I was still able to hear the horrible sounds that were happening in there!  Even though I was able to hear the horrible sounds that were in the video, I still don’t remember doing any of that stuff I heard was happening in the video!”

“You still don’t remember?!”

“No I don’t!”

“That’s why we’re letting you know that you DID pick up that psychiatrist couch and threw it across the room!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.  “You destroyed all of our families’ lives when you picked up that psychiatrist couch and threw it across the room slamming it into our husbands’ heads taking all of their lives away, now we’re all widows, thanks to you!”

“I said I don’t remember killing any of your husbands ma’am!”

“I’m sure your ‘other’ personality remembers it!”

“Ooohh,” the other family members say.

“Other personality?!” Diane D shouts.  “What other personality?!”

“Yours!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.  “The ‘other’ personality you saw speak in the video! That killer personality!”

“Ooohh,” the other family members say.

“Your family members know of that killer personality!  They were there inside that hypnosis room!  They saw everything that was happening inside that room, they witnessed the whole entire thing first hand!”

“I know my family members were there inside that hypnosis room and they witnessed the entire thing first hand because they’re the ones who told ME about everything that happened inside there and showed me the video!” Diane D shouts.

“And they also showed you the part of yourself under hypnosis speaking back to the doctors, didn’t they?!”

“Yes they did, but I still have no memory of speaking back to the doctors saying any of that stuff to them!”

“Still no memory of it?!”


“Oh don’t hand us that Diane D!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“Hand you what Miss?!  I DON’T have any memory of it!”

“Wow, that’s a good cop out Diane D!  A very good cop out!”

“It’s no cop out!  What are you trying to say?!  Are you accusing me of FAKING this memory lapse of what happened inside that hypnosis room?!”

“Well I think you could be faking the memory lapse of what happened inside that room to keep from going to prison!”

“Faking it to keep from going to prison?!  Really!”

“Yes really!”

“Well I’m not faking it Miss!  I actually don’t remember what happened inside that hypnosis room!  I don’t remember what happened inside that hypnosis room at all!  Like I said before, I’m sorry your husbands and other family members got hurt, injured and killed when they were inside the hypnosis room or about to enter it, but you all have to realize something!  Your husbands and other family members weren’t the only ones inside that hypnosis room who got hurt and injured!”

“What!” the widows and other family members shout.

“Our husbands and other family members weren’t the only ones inside that hypnosis room who got hurt and injured?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.  “Well who else inside that hypnosis room got hurt and injured besides our loved ones Diane D?!  It certainly wasn’t YOUR family members!  They didn’t get hurt and injured inside that hypnosis room!  Yeah they might have been traumatized by what they have seen and witnessed and experienced inside that room, but they were still able to come out of that hypnosis room unscathed!  They came out of that room alive and well without a scratch on them!  They survived the whole entire thing!  So who else got hurt and injured inside that hypnosis room besides our loved ones?!  Are you talking about Dr. Stone and the other doctor, Dr. Kahn?!  We already know they got hurt and injured by you!  Are you talking about them?!”

“No I’m not talking about them!” Diane D shouts.

“No?!  So who are you talking about then?!  Are you talking about the injured security guards?!”

“No I’m not talking about them either!”

“You’re not?!  So who else are you talking about?!  Who else got hurt and injured inside that hypnosis room besides our loved ones?!”

“Me!  I got hurt and injured inside that hypnosis room! 

“YOU!” the widows and other family members shout.  “YOU?!”

“That’s right me!  I got hurt and injured inside that hypnosis room as well!”

“But YOU’RE the one that did it Diane D!” Mrs. Stevens shouts. 

“That’s right!” Mrs. Muer shouts.  “You hurt and injured your own self inside that hypnosis room!” 

“But I don’t remember hurting and injuring myself!” Diane D shouts.

“You hurt and injured your own self by the chaos you were causing!”

“I don’t remember causing any chaos!”

“Okay let me put it this way!  You hurt and injured your own self by the chaos your ‘other’ personality was causing!”

“I don’t know of any ‘other’ personality Miss!”

“Didn’t you just tell us that your family showed you the video of what happened inside that hypnosis room?!  Didn’t you say that you saw yourself in the video laying on the psychiatrist couch with your eyes closed speaking back with the doctors, but didn’t remember saying any of that crazy stuff to them?!  Didn’t you say you saw yourself in handcuffs with chains wrapped around your body trying to break loose from the handcuffs and chains getting ready to attack the doctors, but don’t remember doing that part either?!  So if you saw yourself in the video saying or doing crazy stuff, but don’t remember yourself saying or doing any of that crazy stuff, you still don’t think or know of any possible other personality that you might have?!”

“No I don’t!  Let me ask you all something!  If any of you were about to be hypnotized right now, and you knew that you would wind up killing people while you’re under hypnosis and not remember it when you wake back up, would you agree to have yourself hypnotized?”

“Ooohh,” the audience whispers.

“Would you sign to it?!  No!  Neither would I!  I did not know that I would wind up killing people while I was under hypnosis, I did not know!  After I woke back up from the hypnosis feeling terrible pain all over myself, then find myself waking up again inside a hospital room laying in the hospital bed, I didn’t know or realized that I had hurt or killed anybody!  Everyone else around me knew that I had hurt and killed people while I was under hypnosis and everyone knew for days except me!  I didn’t find out that I had hurt or killed anybody while I was under hypnosis until about a week after it happened!”


“I was the last to know and find out that I had hurt or killed anybody while I was under hypnosis, I was the last to know!  If my family and I knew that I would wind up killing people while I was under hypnosis, we would have never agreed for myself to be hypnotized!  We would have rejected the hypnosis if we knew what was going to happen!”

“You would have rejected it?!” Mrs. Crouche shouts.

“Oh course we would!  You think my family and I want to go through life like this?!  No!  We don’t want to go through life like this!  You think my family and I want YOUR families to go through life like this?!  No!  We don’t want your families to go through life like this either!  You think I want to go through life having everyone looking at me being afraid of me, treating me like I’m some type of dangerous monster?!  I don’t want to go through life like this either!  You think I want to go through life having people be afraid to come see my family’s shows if I’m performing in them?!  You think I want to go through life being locked back up in the mental institution for things I don’t remember doing?!  You think I want to go through life having these damn ankle monitors strapped around both of my ankles?!  You think I want to go through life having you, the victims’ family members trying to come after me for revenge for something I don’t remember doing?!  I’m even standing here apologizing to you all for something I don’t remember doing!  I had no control over what was happening while I was under hypnosis, I had no control at all!”

“Well do you have any control over entering people’s dreams and nightmares Diane D?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Do I have any control over entering people’s dreams and nightmares?  No I do not have any control over entering people’s dreams and nightmares Miss!  You’re the second person who’s asking me that question!  Why are you asking me that?  Are you talking about when that kid Marcus told everyone that I was entering his dreams and nightmares terrorizing him?!”

“Yes that’s exactly what I’m talking about Diane D!  I’m also talking about my son Kurt who claims you were entering his dreams and nightmares as well!”

“Your son Kurt!  Oh he’s YOUR son!”

“That’s right he’s my son!  So you know of him, huh!”

“Of course I know of him Miss!  He’s the one who can’t seem to keep my name out of his mouth!  He’s the one going around telling everyone that I ran into him in the stairwell at my family’s organization and was around when he got shot there!” 

“Yep that’s him, he’s the one!  He claims that you came face to face with him in the stairwell!  He said that when you and he came face to face with each other, you stared at him then started circling him!”

“Circling him?”

“That’s what he said!”

“Listen Miss, I am going to say it one more time.  I don’t remember coming face to face with anybody in the stairwell at my family’s organization nor do I remember circling anyone there!”

“You don’t remember coming face to face with my son in the stairwell at your family’s organization then circling him?”

“No I don’t.  If I DID ran into anyone in the stairwell at my family’s organization, why would I be circling them?”

“I don’t know, that’s what my son is claiming!  He said when you stopped circling him, that’s when he got shot!  He claim he got shot right in front of you!  He said that you witnessed the whole entire thing!”

“Miss, I don’t remember being in the stairwell at my family’s organization nor do I remember seeing anyone get shot there!”

“You don’t remember seeing my son getting shot at all?!”

“No, I only heard about it.”

“You only heard about it?!”

“Yes I only heard about, but didn’t see it.”

“Didn’t see it?!  But I don’t understand!  How can you not see my son get shot nor remember being there in the stairwell if my son said you were right there looking right at him, staring at him, watching him the whole entire time he was shot then was laying injured on the floor?!”

“Miss, if I WAS there in the stairwell at my family’s organization when your son got shot, I don’t remember it.”

“You don’t remember it at all?!”

“No Miss!  I have no memory of it, and I’m not faking it either!  I honestly don’t remember running into your son or anybody in the stairwell at my family’s organization nor remember seeing your son or anyone get shot there!”

“But my son claims ever since that incident happened in the stairwell, he keeps having these dreams and nightmares about you coming after him terrorizing HIM in that same stairwell!”

“Miss, all I can tell you, is that I am not entering your son’s dreams or nightmares!  Like I told everybody at that hotel room a few years ago, I do not have the power to enter anybody’s dreams or nightmares, and I’m going to say it one more time so you all better listen real good!  I DO NOT HAVE THE POWER, TO ENTER ANYBODY’S DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES, OKAY?!  SO PLEASE DON’T ASK ME ANYMORE QUESTIONS ABOUT ENTERING PEOPLE’S DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT NONSENSE!”

“It’s not nonsense Diane D, this is serious!  My son also claims that you’re not only stalking him in his dreams and nightmares, but you’re also stalking him during his waking hours as well!  He claims he constantly saw you stalking him in different places watching him!  He claimed that he saw you stalking him outside a coffee shop window watching him staring at him while he was sitting there with me and my other son, then he claimed that he saw you all the way on the opposite side of the park watching him staring at him while he was sitting on the park bench chit chatting with his friends, then he claimed he saw you stalking him right inside his own apartment building right on his floor and believe that you were around when he got kicked in the head and face inside the stairwell and thinks that you’re responsible for it!  Are you stalking my son watching him Diane D?!”

“I do not remember stalking your son or anybody outside a coffee shop window watching them or staring at them!  I do not remember watching or staring at your son or anybody while I was in a park!  I do not remember being inside your son’s or anybody’s apartment building.  I do not know where your son lives!  I do not know how his apartment building looks like!  I do not remember being on a floor of any apartment building and I do not remember being inside a stairwell of any apartment building and being around when your son or anybody got kicked in the head and face!  Why would I want to stalk or watch your son anyway?!  I have no reason to stalk or watch him!  Why would I want to waste my time stalking and watching your son?”

“Because he thought you wanted to get back at him and us for causing your online commercial be cancelled!” 

“Listen Miss, yes I was upset about the online commercial being cancelled, but I am not stalking or watching your son!  He is not worth my time or day to be stalking and watching!  Nobody on this entire planet is worth my time to be stalking or watching!  I have too much stuff and worries on my plate to be stalking or watching your son or anybody else!”

“Oooohhh,” the audience says.

“Diane D?” one of the men says, “can I ask you something?  What I would like to know is, do you practice witchcraft?”


“Do I practice witchcraft?” Diane D says.  “You’re like the hundredth person who’s asking me that question?!  Now what makes YOU think I practice witchcraft?!”

“Well,” the man says. “being that you meditate and I hear different personalities seem to take over you after you meditate, I was just wondering if you practice witchcraft or worship the devil!”

“Oooohh!” the audience shouts.

“Oh boy, here we go again!” Diane D shouts.  “Look!  I am sick and tired of everybody thinking that I practice witchcraft or worship the devil just because I meditate!  My meditations have nothing to do with practicing witchcraft or worshipping the devil!  It doesn’t have anything to do with witchcraft or worshipping the devil at all!  I don’t meditate because I practice witchcraft or worship the devil!  I meditate because it gives me a peace of mind and makes me feel good!  I feel my inner soul and spirit at peace whenever I meditate, that’s why I meditate, it’s like a mental escape for me!”

“I see,” the man says.  “So if that’s the case, then why do different personalities seem to take over you after you meditate?”

“I’m not aware of these different personalities that everyone keeps talking about.”

“You’re not aware of them?!”


“How can you not be aware of them Diane D?!”

“If I don’t actually see, hear or remember something that happened LIVE in front of my own eyes and ears, then I’m not really aware of it.”

“Even though you saw yourself in the video saying and doing these crazy things, but don’t remember yourself saying or doing these crazy things, you’re still not aware of these other personalities that take over you?”

“How can I be aware of these other personalities if I’ve never seen or heard them with my own eyes and ears?”

“Because you said you saw yourself in the video saying and doing these crazy things!”

“I saw myself saying and doing these crazy things by watching a recorded video, I don’t remember myself saying or doing these crazy things LIVE as it was happening!  If I don’t remember myself saying or doing crazy things LIVE as it is happening, then I’m not really aware of any other personalities unless I meet these other personalities face to face!”

“What!” the audience shouts.  “Unless you meet these other personalities face to face?”

“That’s right, so unless I meet these other personalities face to face, I’m not aware of them, so please stop asking me about things I’m not aware of.”


“So if meditation makes you feel good and you’re not aware of these other personalities that seem to take over you after you meditate, then why has your family banned you from meditating?!” Mrs. Stevens asks.  “They banned you from meditating for a reason!   Obviously something is wrong with your meditations if your own family believes that they have to ban you from it!  What is wrong about your meditations?”

“There’s nothing wrong about my meditations,” Diane D says, “I told you all it makes me feel good.  Feeling good can’t be wrong.”

“Then why has your family banned you from meditating then?!”

“Stop worrying about why my family banned me from meditating, leave my family out of this!  My meditations have nothing to do with witchcraft or worshipping the devil, okay?!  So let’s not come up with that bull about me meditating because I practice witchcraft or worship the devil, because how can I even practice witchcraft or worship the devil when I don’t even believe there’s a such thing as witchcraft or the devil?!  In other words, how can I worship something that I don’t believe exists?!”

“You don’t believe the devil exists?” the same man in the audience asks.

“No, I do not believe there’s a such thing as the devil!  I believe that this devil nonsense is all man-made.”

“Man-made?!  You think the devil is man-made Diane D?”

“Yes I do!  I believe that this devil creature or this devil character is a figure of mankind’s imagination and something that mankind has created throughout the ages!”

“What?  You believe man created the devil through the ages?!”

“Yes I do, so therefore, my meditations have nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to do with practicing witchcraft or worshipping the devil, so please don’t ask me anymore questions about witchcraft or the devil because I’m not here to talk about something that’s imaginary!”

“Imaginary?!” the audience shouts.

“That’s right imaginary!  I’m only here to talk about something that happened to your loved ones last year and I’m here to apologize for what happened to them, and again, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry if I killed your loved ones!  I am truly sorry if I killed your husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.”