DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


Tensions Flare As Diane D Vs Jeremy!



“If?!” Jeremy, Mrs. Stevens’ stepson, a white male around his early 30’s in the back of the audience with dark wavy hair and bangs, stands out of his seat and shouts.  “You keep saying the word ‘if’ Diane D!  Yeah Dr. Stone says don’t get mad at you that this is not your fault, but it’s easier said than done, because my father was one of the swat team members who was killed by your ‘other personality’!”

“Ooooh!” the audience says.

“You or your ‘other personality’ harmed, tore up and brought pain and suffering to my entire family!”

“I said I’m sorry,” Diane D says.

“Your sorrow and apologies are not going to bring my dad back!” Jeremy shouts as he angrily starts to head towards the front of the room. 

The crowd quickly jump out of their seats and rush to Jeremy as Diane D hollers at him and shouts, “Stay in your seat Sir!”

The crowd quickly grabs Jeremy and stop him holding him back as one of the men shouts to him, “She said she doesn’t remember killing your dad!  Remember she was under hypnosis when it all happened!”

“That’s not the point!” Jeremy shouts.  “It was still HER physical body that did it!”  Jeremy angrily tries to break away from the crowd! 

The crowd continues to hold Jeremy back as another man shouts to him, “Jeremy if you go up there and try to mess with her and get her angry enough, you might just trigger that other personality or entity to come out of her and we all might wind up being inside the same room with it!  I don’t want to be inside the same room with that killer personality!”

“Me neither!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.  “Our loved ones were already inside the same room with that killer personality last year!  Look where they’re at now!”

“That’s right Jeremy!” Mrs. Stevens shouts.  “Her ‘other personality’ already killed six of our loved ones last year, including your dad and injured around twenty other people who are still laying in the hospital and might still die!  Your brother just lost HIS life when he lost control of the car!  You want to be dead next?!  You want US to be next?!”

“I don’t care!” Jeremy shouts!  He then breaks loose from the crowd.  He continues to head towards Diane D again shouting to her, “Your sorrow and apologies don’t mean shit to me!” 

The crowd quickly rush to Jeremy again and grab him stopping him as Diane D hollers back at him and shouts, “Hey!  You’re the ones who wanted to hear an apology from me!  My family and I made the effort to come all the way here to this hotel so I can apologize to you all in person and that’s what I did!  I did my part, so you do your part, stay in your seat and listen!  Don’t make me regret coming here to apologize to you!”

“Your apologies are not going to bring my dad back!”

“So I guess I wasted my time coming here if my apologies don’t mean a damn thing!”

“It doesn’t mean shit to me if it can’t bring my dad back!”  Jeremy breaks loose from the crowd again and continues to head towards Diane D! 

The crowd quickly rush to Jeremy again and grab him stopping him as Diane D hollers at him and shouts, “Go back to your seat Sir!”

“No!  You don’t tell me to go back to my seat after what you did to my father!”

“I am telling you to go back to your seat and do not come near me!”

“Do not come near you?!  You don’t tell me not to come near you either!”

“I’m not telling you not to come near me, I’m WARNING you not to come near me!”

“Ooohh!” the crowd shouts as they frighteningly look at Diane D.

“Oh you’re warning me now?!” Jeremy shouts to Diane D.  “I guess you ARE warning me, because all the other guys who tried to go after you for what you did to their dads wind up either hurt or dead, including my brother!”

“My brother too!” Kyle shouts.

“I guess I’m next because I’m about to come after your ass too!  So if you want a piece of me, come on, take a piece of me Diane D because I don’t care anymore!”  Jeremy desperately tries to break loose from the crowd again as they continue to hold him back!  He shouts to Diane D, “Take a piece of me Diane D, because I want a piece of you as well!”  Jeremy desperately tries to break loose from the crowd as they continue to hold tightly onto him!  He starts to punch the crowd!

“No don’t do it Jeremy!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts to Jeremy, “don’t go over there!  It’s bad enough that she killed your father, you want her to kill you too?!”

“Yes I want her to kill me, that way I’ll be with my dad again!”

“No Jeremy don’t say that!” Mrs. Stevens shouts.  “I don’t want to lose YOU now!”

Jeremy turns to Diane D and shouts to her, “So come on Diane D!  Come and kill me!”  He breaks loose from the crowd and continues to head towards the front of the room!

The crowd quickly rushes after Jeremy as Diane D hollers at him and shouts, “Sir, do not come pass these barriers!”  The crowd quickly grabs Jeremy and stop him holding him back again as Diane D shouts to him, “Now I was told not to go pass these barriers!  If you step one foot pass these barriers, I won’t be responsible for my actions!  I will claim self-defense!  Do not come pass these barriers!”

The crowd frighteningly looks at Diane D again as Jeremy shouts to her, “I will go pass those goddamn barriers!  Watch me!”  Jeremy desperately tries to break loose from the crowd as they continue to hold tightly onto him!  He starts to punch the crowd again!

“Jeremy!” Mrs. Muer shouts, “if you go up there and try to get her to kill you, you’re only going to be on a suicide mission!  Your step mom and the rest of your family will be very devastated because you’ll be the third one in your family gone from this thing after your father and your brother!  You’ll be the third one gone!”

“That’s right Jeremy!” Kyle shouts, “so don’t do it!  If she harms you or kills you then claim self-defense, she just might get away with it and your family is gonna lose three loved ones, three!  Think about them!  It’s not worth it!”

“I don’t caaare!” Jeremy shouts, “let me goooo!”  He punches at the crowd again and breaks loose from them!  He continues to rush towards Diane D shouting to her, “If you want a piece of me Diane D, I’m right here!  Come get me!”  The crowd rushes after Jeremy again!  They quickly grab him and hold him back again!  Jeremy punches the crowd again as they continue to hold him back!

Suddenly there is loud knocking and banging coming from the other side of the front door as Diane D’s family shouts from the other side of the door, “Diane!”  Diane D quickly turns her head to her left and looks towards the front door as her family try to open the door from the outside, but the door is locked.  They cannot get in!



Outside the conference room in the hallway, Diane D’s family and Dr. Stone are knocking and banging on the conference room door as Margarita shouts towards it, “Diane what’s going on in there, open the door!  We saw you on the TV monitor!  We saw that guy from the back of the room about to head to the front of the room right towards you!” 

“That’s right Diane!” Barry shouts, “and he seemed pretty angry!  Let us in!”  Diane D’s family bang on the door again as they try to open the door, but they cannot get in.

“Diane are you there?!” Dr. Stone shouts.  “The door is locked from the outside!  How did it get locked?!”

“Yeah Diane how did the door get locked!” Tomas shouts.  “Let us in!”  Tomas and Dr. Stone knock and bang on the door again as they try to open the door, but they still cannot get in.

“Diane why aren’t you opening the door?!” Mary shouts.  “Did you lock it?!  Open the door, now!”  Mary and the rest of Diane D’s family bang on the door again as they try to open it.  They still cannot get in.



Back inside the conference room, Jeremy continues to struggle trying to break free from the crowd!  He gives one big punch and finally breaks loose from the crowd!  He runs straight towards the front of the room towards the barriers shouting, “Come and get me Diane D!” as the crowd tries to go after him again!  “I’ll go pass the barriers!” Jeremy shouts, “come and get me!”  The crowd rush behind Jeremy and try to grab him again, but Jeremy runs right to the barriers!


Jeremy reaches the barriers!  He opens the barriers, throws half of them aside and goes right pass them!  The crowd stops and refuses to go pass the barriers as Jeremy runs straight to Diane D shouting, “Come and kill me bitch!”

Diane D rushes from the podium!  She runs straight towards Jeremy as her family continues to knock and bang outside on the door!


Diane D and Jeremy reach each other right near the front door as Jeremy lunges at Diane D and throws his fist right at her head!  Diane D quickly ducks from the blow and immediately spins her entire body around as the crowd screams!  Diane D then throws her fist right back at Jeremy’s head, but Jeremy quickly ducks from the blow!  He spins his entire body around and throws his fist right at Diane D’s head again!  Diane D quickly ducks from the blow again then spins her entire body around again as the crowd continues to scream!  She double throws both her fists at Jeremy’s head, but Jeremy quickly ducks from the blows!  He then uses some martial arts skills, spins his entire body around again and throws a karate chop right at Diane D’s head, but Diane D quickly ducks from the hit!  She uses some martial arts skills, spins her entire body around again and throws a double karate chop right back at Jeremy’s head, but Jeremy quickly ducks from the hits!  He spins his entire body around again and throws a double karate chop at Diane D’s head, but Diane D quickly ducks from the hits again!  She spins her entire body around again and kung fu kicks at Jeremy’s head, but Jeremy quickly ducks from the kick!  He then spins his entire body around again and kung fu kicks right at Diane D’s hips, but Diane D quickly jumps over his leg!  He then spins his entire body around the opposite direction and kung fu kicks at Diane D’s hips again, but Diane D quickly does a back flip right over his leg causing him to miss!  Jeremy continues to spin his entire body around a few more times and kung fu kicks at Diane D’s hips again, but each kick Diane D quickly does a back flip right over his leg doing a triple back flip causing him to miss again and again!  She then jumps, spins her entire body upside down and kung fu kicks Jeremy right in the head knocking him out!