DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 33


The Beast Within Strikes Again As Things Get Crazy!



As Jeremy’s body is about to fall out, Diane D quickly runs behind his body, spreads her legs apart and violently wraps her entire left arm around Jeremy’s neck putting him in a choke hold as she uses her right arm and grabs both of Jeremy’s arms holding his arms tightly behind his back!  Then she bends her upper body backwards lifting Jeremy’s feet right up off the floor then she jumps lifting both her body and Jeremy’s body right up off the floor then throws his body and her body forward body slamming both of their bodies face down to the floor as the crowd screams! 

“My God!” one of the men in the crowd shouts, “she just body slammed him!”  He and the rest of the crowd are shocked by what Diane D just did! 

Jeremy lays face down on the floor unconscious as Diane D lays face down on the floor with her upper body on top of his upper body continuing to have him in a choke hold with her left arm completely wrapped around his neck and her right arm wrapped around his arms holding his arms tightly behind his back with her legs spread apart across the floor.  Diane D’s family continues to knock and bang outside the door, but she ignores her family’s knocking and banging.  Suddenly, Diane D’s right arm squeezes tighter around Jeremy’s arms as her left arm squeezes tighter around Jeremy’s neck! 

The crowd shockingly looks at Diane D as another man in the crowd shouts, “My God what is she doing?!  It looks like she’s trying to put him in a tighter choke hold!”

“What!” the rest of the crowd shouts.  “Oh God!  Diane D noooo!!”  The entire crowd rush pass the barriers! 

The crowd runs straight to Diane D and shout to her, “Get the hell off of him!”  They bend down to Diane D and are about to grab and pull her right off of Jeremy, but suddenly she lifts her and Jeremy’s entire upper bodies right up off the floor, then drops her and Jeremy’s heads and shoulders as her torso, legs and feet lifts straight up in the air and back kicks the people like a horse kicking a couple of them right in their heads, snapping their necks, knocking them out cold!  The rest of the crowd scream in horror and quickly back away as Diane D throws her legs and torso right back down to the floor spreading her legs apart again continuing to have Jeremy in a tight choke hold as the two injured people lay unconscious on the floor around her!

The rest of the crowd quickly back up to the barriers! 


As Jeremy continues to lay face down on the floor unconscious, Diane D continues to lay face down on the floor with her upper body on top of his upper body continuing to have him in a tight choke hold with her left arm wrapped around his neck and her legs spread apart across the floor as her right arm squeezes tighter and tighter around Jeremy’s arms and her left arm squeezes tighter and tighter around his neck!

“My God!” another man in the crowd shouts.  “I think she’s trying to kill him!”  The crowd runs straight back to Diane D and shout, “Nooooo!” 

The crowd reach Diane D, bend down and are about to grab and pull her right off Jeremy again, but suddenly she lifts her and Jeremy’s entire upper bodies right up off the floor again, then drops her and Jeremy’s heads and shoulders as her torso, legs and feet lifts straight up in the air and back kicks the people like a horse again kicking a couple more of them right in their heads, snapping their necks, knocking them out cold too!  The rest of the crowd scream in horror and quickly back away again as Diane D throws her legs and torso right back down to the floor spreading her legs apart again continuing to have Jeremy in a tight choke hold as the two other injured people lay unconscious on the floor around the other two unconscious people! 

The rest of the crowd quickly back up to the barriers! 


As Jeremy continues to lay face down on the floor unconscious, Diane D continues to lay face down on the floor with her upper body on top of his upper body continuing to have Jeremy in a tight choke hold with her left arm wrapped around his neck and her legs spread apart across the floor as her right arm squeezes more tight around Jeremy’s arms and her left arm squeezes more tight around his neck appearing to snap his neck!


“Oh no!” Mrs. Stevens shouts, “it looks like she’s trying to break his neck!”  Mrs. Stevens then shouts to Diane D, “Leave him aloone!”  She desperately starts to race right back towards Diane D to save Jeremy as the crowd desperately tries to go after her to stop her!

Diane D quickly turns her head to her right and glares right at Mrs. Stevens with half closed puffy eyes as if daring Mrs. Stevens to come and approach her!

Mrs. Stevens stops right in her tracks as she frighteningly stares at Diane D!  The rest of the crowd frighteningly stop right in their tracks also and quickly grab Mrs. Stevens as they all back up frighteningly staring at Diane D! 

Diane D continues to glare at Mrs. Stevens with half closed puffy eyes! 

The crowd frighteningly backs up pulling Mrs. Stevens with them! 

Diane D then turns her head back towards Jeremy and continues to have him in a tight choke hold! 

Mrs. Stevens cries out to Diane D, “Leave my son alooone!  He’s not trying to harm you anymore, can’t you see he’s unconscious?!  Please, leave him alooone!”


Diane D ignores Mrs. Stevens’ cries as she continues to have Jeremy in a tight choke hold!  Suddenly Jeremy’s right arm moves while locked inside Diane D’s right arm slightly moving towards the crowd’s direction as his eyes remain closed! 

“Oh my God!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.  “He just moved!  I think he’s coming out of it!”

Jeremy’s right arm suddenly breaks free from Diane D’s grip!  He quickly holds his right arm and hand out towards the crowd as if he is reaching out to them for help, but Diane D quickly grabs his right arm and locks his right arm tightly back in her right arm holding both of Jeremy’s arms tightly behind his back again!

“Oh my God!” Kyle shouts.  “I think he was trying to reach out to us for help, but she stopped him!”

“Was he really trying to reach out to us for help?!” Mrs. Crouche shouts, “or was he trying to say ‘goodbye’?

“Trying to say ‘goodbye’?!” the crowd shouts.

“What makes you think my son was trying to say goodbye Mrs. Crouche?!” Mrs. Stevens shouts.

“Well he DID say that he wanted Diane D to kill him, didn’t he?!” Mrs. Crouche shouts, “and it looks like that’s exactly what she’s trying to do, kill him right before our eyes!  Her family members aren’t going to be the only ones who witnessed her killings and be traumatized by it, because this time, I think we’re about to witness her killings and be traumatized by it also!”

“Oh yeah?!  Oh no the hell we ain’t!  She’s not going to kill MY child!  I’m going to save my son!”  Mrs. Stevens becomes determined to save Jeremy from Diane D’s clutches, so she breaks free from the crowd and races right back towards Diane D!  The crowd desperately tries to go after Mrs. Stevens to stop her, but Mrs. Stevens runs from the crowd and continues to race towards Diane D!


Mrs. Stevens reaches Diane D!  She jumps and is about to pounce her entire body weight right on top of Diane D’s head, shoulders and back, but Diane D quickly lifts her and Jeremy’s entire upper bodies right up off the floor again, then drops her and Jeremy’s heads and shoulders as her torso, legs and feet lifts straight up in the air and back kicks Mrs. Stevens like a horse kicking Mrs. Stevens body straight up in the air!  Mrs. Stevens’ body flips and turns upside down as her body drops and lands head first hard on the floor causing a loud BOOM knocking her out cold!  The rest of the crowd scream in horror and quickly back away as Diane D throws her legs and torso right back down to the floor spreading her legs apart again continuing to have Jeremy in a tight choke hold as Mrs. Stevens lay unconscious on the floor around the other four unconscious people! 

 “Oh nooo!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.  “We have another one down!”  The rest of the crowd quickly back up to the barriers and continue to scream in horror as blood starts to come out of Mrs. Stevens mouth! 

“My God!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.  “We have to call the police!”

“Call the police?!” Kyle shouts.  “What’s that gonna do?!  She already killed five of them and a priest last year!  We don’t need any more authority figures being killed by her!”

“So what are we gonna do then?!  We can’t just stand here and let her choke the life out of Jeremy!  She just back kicked his mom knocking her out too, we HAVE to call the police!”

“We can’t call the police, none of us have our phones on us!  Our phones were confiscated, remember?!”

“So let’s run to the back door and go out of it to get the police!”  Mrs. Peterson, Kyle and the rest of the crowd turn and run towards the back door!



Back in the hallway, Diane D’s family and Dr. Stone continue to knock and bang on the door as Dr. Stone shouts towards it, “Diane, let us in now!  We hear fighting and banging going on inside there!  Are you okay?!  Let us in!”  Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family try to open the front door from the outside again, but the door is still locked!  They still cannot get in!  They continue to knock and bang on the door!

“Diane open the door!” Grandpa Mike shouts towards the door!  He and the rest of Diane D’s family continue to bang on the door as they try to open it. 

“Is there a back door?!” Gracy shouts.

“Yeah!” Dr. Stone shouts, “but I think the lock to it is broken!”

“Broken?!” the family shouts.


“Oh great!” Gracy shouts.  “They picked a fine room to have this apologetic speech!  Having only one door working means there’s only one way in the room and one way out!  That could also be a serious fire hazard!”

“There was no other room available and the victims’ family members really wanted to hear an apologetic speech from Diane!”

“Well now that they got their apologetic speech, this is the result!” Margarita shouts.  “They might not be trapped inside the room with a fire, but they’re certainly trapped inside there with Diane!”

“I know!  We got to call the security to unlock the door!”

“I’ll call Nicolas and Mickey and tell them to get the security up here fast!” Barry shouts.  He anxiously gets on his cell phone as Dr. Stone and the rest of Diane D’s family continue to knock and bang on the door, trying to open it!



Back inside the conference room, Mrs. Peterson, Kyle and the rest of the crowd are at the back door!  They turn the knob and try to open the back door!  The back door won’t open.  “What the hell is going on here!” Kyle shouts.  “Why won’t this back door open?!”  They turn the knob and try to open the back door again!  It still won’t open!  “Hey!” Kyle shouts.  “I think we’re stuck in here!”

“We are?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“I think so!”

“Oh no, don’t tell us that we’re stuck in here with that maniac!”

“I think we are!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Peterson starts to jump and bang on the back door and shouts, “Help!  We need the police, somebody help!”

“My God!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “what are we gonna do?!  We TRIED to stop Diane D, but look what happened!  There are five members of our families laying injured and unconscious over there plus Jeremy!  That’s six people altogether!  That means Diane D hurt more members of our families this year!”

“I know!” Kyle says, “her kicks are just too powerful!  And those ankle monitors she’s wearing are not helping us at all!  They’re only helping HER by making her kicks harder, stronger, more powerful and more dangerous!”

“I know!” Mrs. Crouche shouts.  “It’s hard to stop her because we can’t even get close to her unless we’re knocked out unconscious by her kicks!”

“Well since we can’t get close to her without getting kicked or knocked unconscious ourselves!” a white male with light brown shoulder length hair shouts, “we’re gonna have to throw something at her to stop her!”

“Throw something at her?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.


“What the heck are we going to throw at her?!” 

“Water bottles!”

“Water bottles?!” everyone else shouts.

“That’s right, water bottles!  There’re stacks of water bottles right here in the back of the room!  Let’s get them!”  The man turns and runs towards the stack of water bottles as his hair bounces off his shoulders!  The rest of the crowd run and follow him! 

The man with the shoulder length hair and the rest of the crowd reach the stacks of water bottles as he shouts, “Does anybody have a pocket knife?!”

“No!” Kyle shouts.  “Everything was confiscated from us when we went through the metal detectors!”

“Well we have to try and get these stacks open!”  The man and the rest of the crowd desperately tear at the stacks of water bottles!


As Diane D continues to have Jeremy in a tight choke hold, she suddenly brings her legs together and gets on her knees as her torso is still bent down to Jeremy.  She then unwraps her left arm from around Jeremy’s neck!  She places her left forearm on top of Jeremy’s back.  She then gets on one foot and suddenly throws her legs, feet and torso high up in the air and lifts her entire body upside down doing an elbow stand right on top of Jeremy’s back!  She then turns her body around and throws her entire body on the opposite side of Jeremy’s body and lands face down on the floor!  She then uses her left arm and grabs both of Jeremy’s legs bending his knees backward!  She then wraps her entire left arm around Jeremy’s legs holding and bounding his legs and feet tightly behind his back as her right arm continues to hold and bound Jeremy’s arms and hands tightly behind his back!  She now has all four of Jeremy’s limbs bounded tightly behind his back!  She then gets on her knees as her torso is bent down to Jeremy still bounding his limbs behind his back.  She then gets on her feet with her knees still bent.


In the back of the room, the crowd finally open the stacks of water bottles!  They grab several water bottles each!  They then turn right towards the front of the room towards the open part of the barriers!  They then charge towards the open part of the barriers!


In the front of the room, Diane D suddenly gets superhuman strength and stands up from the floor lifting Jeremy’s entire body right up off the floor holding his body horizontal with his limbs still bound behind his back and his eyes closed!  Her eyes are puffy and almost swollen shut as she carries Jeremy’s entire body!  


The crowd reach the open part of the barriers!  They start to throw the water bottles right at Diane D, but she quickly turns and holds Jeremy’s body right towards the water bottles using his body as a human shield as the water bottles hit Jeremy’s face, head and body hard then fall and drop to the floor!  “Oh no!” Kyle shouts, “it didn’t work!”  Jeremy’s face starts to bleed a little!  The crowd becomes shocked as Kyle shouts, “She used his body as a human shield, now he’s bleeding!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Muer shouts as she and the rest of the crowd frighteningly back up. 

“We gotta grab more water bottles and make sure they hit HER!” the man with the shoulder length hair shouts.  “Let’s go!”  The man with the shoulder length hair turns and runs all the way towards the back of the room as his hair bounces off his shoulders again!  The rest of the crowd run and follow him! 


The man with the shoulder length hair and the rest of the crowd reach the back of the room again and run to the stacks of water bottles again as he shouts, “We have to make sure these water bottles hit Diane D and not Jeremy!”  He and the crowd grab more water bottles! 



Back outside the conference room, Nicolas and Mickey desperately rush to Margarita, Dr. Stone and the rest of their family as Margarita shouts to them, “Well where’re the security guards?!  Aren’t they coming?!”

“The security guards are afraid to come here Grandma!” Nicolas shouts out of breath.

“What!” the rest of the family shout.

“They’re afraid to come here?!” Dr. Stone shouts. 

“Yeah!” Nicolas shouts.  “After what Diane did to all those authority figures and the Priest last year, they’re afraid to take a chance with her and don’t want to be next!  They’re afraid to deal with her!”

“What!” the rest of the family shout.

“They’re afraid to deal with her?!” Barry shouts.

“Yeah!” Nicolas shouts.  “They said they don’t want to risk their lives!”

“Risk their lives?!” Tomas shouts.  “But we hear a fight going on inside this room right on the other side of the door!  It sounds like people are getting hurt and injured in there just like what happened inside the hypnosis room last year!  It seems like history is repeating itself!”

“That’s what I mean Grandpa, they don’t want to risk their lives like what happened last year!”

“Yeah!” Mickey shouts out of breath, “they say they still would like to live to see their families again!”

“See their families again?!” Mary shouts.  “We understand that, but the security guards HAVE to come here and unlock the door!  They need to handle this because no one inside the room is coming to unlock and open these doors!”

“I’m sorry Mom, but the security said that WE will have to be the ones to handle this!”


“That’s right ‘we’!  It looks like we’re on our own with this!”

“How the hell are we supposed to even handle this if we can’t get inside the room?!” Margarita shouts.  “Can’t the security at least come here to unlock the door or give us the key?!”

“No Grandma!” Nicolas shouts, “they’re afraid!  They said that they, other police officers and other swat team members are afraid to deal with Diane!  They said they don’t want to risk being killed just in case Diane lifts up another heavy object or furniture then toss it across the room at their heads!”

“But there’s no heavy objects or furniture for Diane to lift and throw across the room this time!” Dr. Stone shouts.  “We made sure of it!”

“Didn’t those victims’ family members have chairs in the back of the room that they were sitting on?!”

“Chairs?!” the family shouts.

“Yeah!  What if Diane decides to lift those chairs and use them as weapons?!”

“Oh boy!” Barry shouts.  “We are in troublllle!” 

“Can’t anybody from inside the room come and open the front door?!” Mickey shouts.

“How can they?!  I think they’re the ones who are getting hurt!”  Barry, Dr. Stone and the rest of the family turn around to the front door and start to bang on it again shouting, “Diane open the door!  Somebody in there please open the door!”



Back inside the conference room, the victims’ family members grab several more water bottles each!  They turn right towards the open part of the barriers again!  They then charge towards the open part of the barriers again! 


Diane D quickly throws Jeremy’s body and her body forward body slamming him again, landing both of their bodies face down to the floor with her legs spread apart across the floor again as she continues to have all of Jeremy’s limbs bounded tightly behind his back!  She then gets on her knees again as her torso is still bent down to Jeremy.  She then gets on one foot and throws her legs, feet and torso high up in the air and lifts her entire body upside down doing an elbow stand straight up on top of Jeremy’s back again! 


The crowd reach the open part of the barriers!  They start to throw more water bottles right at Diane D again, but she spins her entire upside down torso, legs and feet around in the air and kung fu kicks each of the water bottles right back across the room hitting some of the people right in their heads knocking two of them out!  Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and a few other family members start to duck for cover as more water bottles fly across the room and smash all over the place with several water bottles landing on them and other water bottles flying and hitting Mrs. Stevens and the other unconscious people who are still laying on the floor!  Diane D then throws her legs and torso right back down to the floor as she continues to have all Jeremy’s limbs bounded tightly behind his back!  Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and a few other family members painfully rush up from the floor!  They and the rest of the crowd start to back up and quickly run towards the middle of the room! 

“Damn!” one of the men shouts out of breath!  “There’re two more people knocked out!”  The man and the crowd altogether see seven people knocked out unconscious around Diane D.  “We’re losing people left and right!” he shouts.  “Nothing seems to take Diane D down because these water bottles aren’t working!  We gotta find something more heavier to throw at her!”

“Like what?!” Mrs. Peterson shouts out of breath.  “There are no heavy objects inside this room!  The hotel staff made sure there were no heavy objects inside this room so there won’t be any heavy objects to be tossed and used as weapons!  They thought ahead!”

“Well what else are we supposed to do?!”

“I guess we have to grab more water bottles!” the man with the shoulder length hair shouts.

“Grab more water bottles!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts out of breath.  “These water bottles aren’t helping!  Diane D is not the one who is getting hurt by these goddamn water bottles!  We’re the ones who are getting hurt instead!  Two people are already knocked out when she kung fu kicked those water bottles right back at us!  She didn’t get not one scratch on her!”

“Well we have to try to throw something else at her then!”

“There IS nothing else to throw at her!  Nothing we do seems to stop her!  She’s out of control!  She’s like a one-woman army!  There’s nothing else to stop her!”

“Yes there is!  Chairs!”

“Chairs?!” everyone else shouts.

“What chairs?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“The exact chairs we were sitting on earlier!” the man with the shoulder length hair shouts.  “Let’s go get them!”  The man with the shoulder length hair turns and runs all the way towards the back of the room again as his hair bounces on his shoulders again!  The rest of the crowd turn and follow him all the way to the back of the room again! 


The man with the shoulder length hair and the rest of the crowd reach the back of the room and go to the chairs!  They all grab the chairs!  They fold some of the chairs!  They then lift the chairs high up in the air and turn right towards the open part of the barriers again!  They then charge towards the open part of the barriers with the chairs! 


The crowd reach the open part of the barriers with the chairs!  They start to toss and throw the chairs right at Diane D, but she spins her entire upside down torso, legs and feet around in the air again and kung fu kicks each of the chairs right back across the room hitting some of the people right in their heads knocking three of them out!  Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and a few other family members duck for cover again as more chairs fly across the room and smash all over the place with several chairs landing on them and other chairs flying and hitting Mrs. Stevens and the other unconscious people who are still laying on the floor!  Diane D then throws her legs and torso right back down to the floor as she continues to have all Jeremy’s limbs bounded tightly behind his back!  Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and the other family members painfully rush up from the floor again!  They and the rest of the crowd start to back up and run behind the barriers again!  Diane D gets on her knees as her torso is bent down to Jeremy.  She then gets on her feet with her knees still bent!  She then gets superhuman strength again as she stands up from the floor lifting Jeremy’s entire body right up off the floor holding his body horizontal again with his limbs still bound behind his back!  She then spins her entire body around spinning Jeremy’s body around with her!  She then stops spinning and swings Jeremy’s body, slamming his head and body hard into the other barriers that are still left standing as the rest of the crowd screams, “Noooo!!”  Diane D spins her entire body around again spinning Jeremy’s body around with her again!  She then stops spinning and swings Jeremy’s body, banging and slamming his head and body hard into the wall making a loud BOOM as the crowd screams, “Noooo!”  Jeremy’s face is bleeding more!  The crowd tries to hurry to the front door for help, but Diane D spins right in their path blocking them as she continues to spin Jeremy’s body around!  The crowd can’t get pass Diane D!  She stops spinning and swings Jeremy’s body again, banging and slamming his head and body hard into the wall making another loud BOOM as the crowd screams, “Noooo!”



Back outside the conference room in the hallway, Diane D’s family and Dr. Stone continue to bang on the door!  They suddenly feel and hear a loud BOOM which startles them all causing them to jump as they hear the crowd inside the room screaming, “Noooo!” 

“Wow!” Mickey shouts.  “It’s like the same boom sound we heard last year while we were outside the hypnosis room!”

“It sure is!” Grandpa Mike shouts. 

Margarita turns to Dr. Stone and shouts, “Dr. Stone, don’t tell me that the other personality came back, did it?!”

“It sounds like a very possibility Miss Margarita!” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh nooo!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“And that other personality has no problem killing as we all know!” Barry shouts.  “Since those security guards are afraid to come up here and unlock the door, I guess we’ll have to go down and grab their keys so we can come back and unlock the door ourselves before someone gets killed in there!”  Suddenly security guards, security officers and hotel staff members rush from down the other end of the hallway towards Diane D’s family and Dr. Stone with the room keys as police officers rush to the back door with guns!  Diane D’s family shockingly look at the police officers at the back door holding guns!

“Oh no!” Margarita shouts.

“They better not shoot Diane!” Grandpa Mike shouts.

“We gotta stop them!” Mary shouts as she and the rest of the family rush down the hall towards the back door and the police officers! 


As Diane D’s family rush to the police, the police shoot at the back door handle to unlock the back door!  The back door opens.  One of the police officers turns to Diane’s family and shouts to them, “I don’t think it’s safe for any of us officers to go in there first, because she might use one of the furniture in there as a weapon again and take our heads off with it!  We can’t take the risk!  I think it’ll be more safer if one of you her family members go in there first!”

“No problem!” Barry shouts.  “I’ll go in there!”

“I’ll go in there too!” Grandpa Mike shouts.

“So will I!” Margarita shouts.  Margarita, Grandpa Mike, Barry and the rest of Diane D’s family members burst into the back door and rush inside the conference room! 



Inside the conference room, Margarita, Grandpa Mike, Barry and the rest of Diane D’s family look towards the front of the room.  They are shocked to see Diane D carrying and spinning Jeremy’s body around!  They look around the room and are shocked to see injured bodies of unconscious people laying across the floor near the front of the room and middle of the room bleeding knocked out cold!  They are shocked to see blood all over the place!  They see blood splattered everywhere!  They see all the bloodshed that has just happened inside the room!  They also see all the mess around the room!  They see water splashed everywhere and see smashed water bottles all over the place!  They see chairs laying everywhere and see broken chairs smashed all over the place!  They then look back at Diane D and shout, “Diane!”

Dr. Stone bursts into the back door behind Diane D’s family.  He looks towards the front of the room and is also shocked to see Diane D carrying and spinning Jeremy’s body around!  He looks around the room and is also shocked to see injured people laying across the floor bleeding knocked out cold!  He also sees blood all over the place and blood splattered everywhere!  He sees all the mess around the room!  He then looks back at Diane D and shouts, “Oh my God!  That IS the other personality!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.  “It is?!”

“Yes!  It returned!”


“Are you serious Dr. Stone?!” Mary asks.

“Yes!” Dr. Stone shouts.  “I’m afraid Diane’s original soul,