Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Enter The Wax Chambers Of The Diane D Entities Or Demons, If You Dare!

Mr. Yim steps inside the second chamber which is on the left and a solid wall on the right. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives step inside the second chamber behind Mr. Yim and follow him inside.

The family and relatives stand at the front of the second chamber facing the second chamber as Mr. Yim stands on their right. They turn their heads and nervously look around the second chamber. The second chamber is another very large room with a 20-feet high dome-shaped ceiling and dome-shaped walls. It has an outdoor nighttime setting with slow-motion video images from a projector shined on the dome-shaped ceiling and dome-shaped walls showing the nighttime sky that’s partly cloudy with a large hazy moon and clouds at the back of the chamber near the top.

It is dark, dim and creepy inside the second chamber. There are a lot of spooky looking trees, spooky looking bushes and spooky looking grass and weeds inside the chamber. There is also slight wind inside the chamber that is causing the leaves on the trees and bushes to slightly blow. The sound of an eerie wind is being heard throughout the chamber. “Wow,” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives say. They all continue to nervously look around the large dark, dim, creepy chamber as they hear the slight eerie sounds of the wind. They then see another seven-feet tall large dark gray curtain eight yards away, ten yards wide in the middle of the chamber that is slightly blowing.


“Oh oh,” Nicolas nervously says, “that curtain over there is much wider than in the other chamber.”

“We see,” Tomas nervously says. He turns to Mr. Yim and says, “Mr. Yim, that curtain over there is wider than in the other chamber. Those aren’t the wax figures of the entities or demons that look exactly like Diane from that guy Kurt’s sketch and nightmares, are they?”

“Of course they are,” Mr. Yim says.

“What!” the family and relatives nervously shout. “They are?!”

“Yes. This is the sketch we used to model the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures.” Mr. Yim shows Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives Kurt’s sketch of the fifteen identical Diane D images or Diane D entities from his dreams and nightmares all dressed in identical all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes! They have long black waist length hair with bangs with all their hair slightly blowing in the wind. They are all standing in a part-circle partially surrounding the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity who’s in the front and center who’s standing upright down on her knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the other Diane D entities standing directly behind it as another Diane D entity stands directly behind that one. One of the Diane D entities on the right holds a large tree branch reaching down to the ground as they all angrily stare above the camera with half-closed puffy eyes. They are surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon and clouds behind and above them.

“Hey!” Barry shouts, “that’s that guy Kurt’s sketch! That’s the same sketch that police officer showed us at the organization! You created the Diane entity wax figures from that sketch Mr. Yim?”

“Yep,” Mr. Yim proudly says, “I sure did.”

“How did you get the sketch Mr. Yim?” Mary asks.

“I borrowed this sketch copy from Kurt.”

“From that guy Kurt?”


“How many Diane entity wax figures did you create from that sketch Mr. Yim?”

Margarita asks.

“The same amount you see in the sketch, fifteen of them.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout. “Fifteen?!”

“You created fifteen identical Diane entity wax figures?!” Margarita shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim puzzledly says, “just like in the sketch.”

“Do the entity wax figures look exactly like the sketch Mr. Yim?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“Yes, I modeled their poses from the sketch.”

“You modeled the wax figures’ poses exactly like the sketch?” Aunt Laura asks.


“What about their facial expressions?” Marilyn asks, “because their facial expressions look pretty angry and vicious in the sketch! I mean their facial expressions don’t look friendly at all!”

“They sure don’t!” Aunt Laura shouts.

“Did you model the wax figures’ facial expressions from the sketch too Mr. Yim?”


“I modeled everything from the sketch,” Mr. Yim says, “just like I modeled Diane D

and Dana’s wax figures from their online photo! In this case, what I did was use this video of Diane D's image. I used this video of Diane D doing the martial arts performance dressed in this exact all-black one-piece bodysuit and thick black shoes.”

Mr. Yim holds up his tablet and shows Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives a pre-recorded video of Diane D on it.


Diane D is outdoors in a deserted mountainous and grass area wearing the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows and thick black shoes holding a sword in each hand with her hair out loose blowing in the wind. She is performing martial arts as she swings the swords! She then gets approached by Ninjas who try to fight her with their swords! She then fights them back with her swords performing ninja stunts and sideway ninja flips! A horse drawn wagon suddenly rides towards Diane D as a male driver shouts to her, “Hop on!” then keeps going! Diane D

turns and races towards the wagon with the swords! She reaches the wagon then hops on the back of it! She holds on to the bars inside the wagon as she stands and looks back at the ninja fighters as her long black hair blows in the wind!


Mr. Yim then says, “I even used this still photo of Diane D behind the wagon!” Mr.

Yim shows Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives a still photo on his tablet of Diane D

standing in the back of the horse wagon with her loose hair blowing in the wind. “I took this video of Diane D's image and made fifteen digital copies of her, then made the fifteen digital copies of her into wax figures!”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout.

“Yes! First I digital copied her head, eyes and facial structure.”


“You digital copied Diane’s head, eyes and facial structure?!” Margarita shouts.

“What do you mean you digital copied her head, eyes and facial structure?!”

“I used computer digital to create carbon copies of Diane D’s head and face,” Mr.

Yim says.

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout. “Computer digital?!”

“You used computer digital to create carbon copies of Diane’s head and face?!”

Tonio asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “I digital copied her head, eyes and facial structure seventeen times!”

“Seventeen times?!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout.

“You digital copied Diane’s head, eyes and facial structure seventeen times?!”

Grandpa Mike shouts.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“Why so many times Mr. Yim?!”

“Because that’s the same amount of Diane D images that are on Kurt’s first sketch, fifteen, and one image on his second sketch and one image from that online commercial photo with Dana! Then I used computer digital to create carbon copies of Diane D’s 19

body type and digital copied her body and body type also, then I put the heads and bodies together.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“You put the heads and bodies of the wax figures together?” Barry asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “because the wax figures were made in pieces.”

“Pieces?!” the family and relatives shout.

“The wax figures were made in pieces?!” Tomas shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “in different body parts.”

“Different body parts?!”

“Yes, then all the body parts were put together with the copies of the all-black one-piece bodysuits, the copies of the thick black pairs of shoes and the copies of long black wigs then wallah, I made sixteen identical digital copies of Diane D’s image in wax!”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“You made sixteen identical wax figures of Diane?!” Barry shouts.

“Yep,” Mr. Yim says, “I sure did!”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“You mean you digital copied our child Mr. Yim?!” Mary shouts. “You digitalized these images of our child and created carbon copies of her?!”

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “because I wanted to create wax figures out of Kurt’s sketch!

Even though I computer digitalized the wax figures’ image from the real video and the real photo of Diane D, I modeled their poses, their standing positions, their facial expressions and their loose hair blowing in the wind from the Diane D entities or Diane D demons in Kurt's sketch!”

“What! So you created carbon copies of our child to imitate that damn sketch?!”

“Yes. The real images of Diane D, plus the images of the Diane D entities in Kurt’s first sketch equals the fifteen identical Diane D wax figures that are behind the curtain.”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout.

“So in other words,” Tonio says, “you have a whole group or a whole army of wax figures of those entities or demons that look exactly like Diane behind that curtain?!”

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “because each of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons in the sketch have their own wax figure.”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout. “Their own wax figure?!”

“Each of those entities or demons in that sketch have their own wax figure?!”

Michael asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“So that means you have a wax figure of the chained-up entity or demon?! Is the chained-up entity or demon's wax figure behind that curtain too?”

“Of course it is!”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout.

“You mean the chained-up entity or demon's wax figure is behind the curtain too?!”

Eduardo asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “it's behind the curtain with the rest of the wax figures.”

“It is?!”

“Yes, nothing from the sketch is left out.”



“That's right, nothing.”

“Oh no!” the family and relatives shout as they slowly and nervously look at the seven-feet tall dark gray curtain eight yards away in the middle of the chamber.

“So you’re saying that the chained-up entity’s wax figure is trapped in a contortionist position too?!” Uncle Willie shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “just like in the sketch.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“You mean you copied that sketch to a tee too Mr. Yim?!” Gracy shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “just like I copied the photo of Diane D and Dana’s online commercial to a tee.”

“Oh no!” the family and relatives shout as they nervously stare towards the curtain.

“But if you created around fifteen Diane entity wax figures from a 2D sketch that was drawn and colored by hand, that’s almost like 3D printing Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts.

“You can say that,” Mr. Yim says.

“Oh no!” the family and relatives shout as they nervously stare towards the curtain again.

“And if the wax figures of Diane and Dana inside the other chamber look so real that it even fooled us, I guess the wax figures inside this chamber will look real also!” Gracy shouts.

“Oh no!”

“Do the wax figures behind the curtain have Diane’s face on them Mr. Yim?”

Michael asks.

“Of course they do,” Mr. Yim says.

“All of them?!”

“Yes all of them, just like in the sketch.”

“Oh no!” the family and relatives nervously shouts.

“My God!” Nicolas shouts, “imagine seeing multiple realistic looking wax figures of the exact same person! That would be like looking at a bunch of clones!”

“It certainly WOULD be like looking at a bunch of clones!” Gracy shouts.

“Oh nooo!” the family and relatives shout as they frighteningly stare at the curtain.

Suddenly, the curtain pushes forward! “What was that?!" the family and relatives jump back and shout as they frighteningly stare at the curtain.

“Oh, that was just the diva fan,” Mr. Yim says. “It malfunctions a little once in a while.”

“Malfunctions?” Margarita nervously asks.

“Yes. Well, you all don’t have to wait to see the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons any longer, because you can see them right now!”

“I’m not sure if I even want to see those wax figures Mr. Yim, especially that chained-up entity or demon’s wax figure! Seeing the sketch of that entity or demon handcuffed, shackled and chained, trapped in that contortionist position look so barbaric! Seeing that really bothers us even though it is only a sketch, but seeing a life-size wax figure version of that chained-up entity or demon in person is going to really bother us even more! It’s going to give us chills!”

“Just give it a try Miss Margarita.” Mr. Yim holds his tablet of Diane D standing in the back of the wagon high up in the air in one hand and holds Kurt’s hand-drawn 2D

sketch of the fifteen identical Diane D entities or Diane D demons high up in the air in 21

the other hand and shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen, in the blink of an eye, the image that you are about to see and witness was transferred from this hand-drawn 2D sketch of someone’s nightmares into actual wax figures that are behind that curtain!”

“Oooohh!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives gasp as they continue to nervously look at the curtain.

“The image you are about to see and witness was copied from this actual image of Diane D plus this hand-drawn 2D sketch of the entities or demons from the spiritual underworld who look exactly like her! These two images put together were copied into actual life-size wax figures putting the entities or demons who look exactly like Diane D

in the physical world, in other words, the wax figures will look exactly like this actual image of Diane D, but their poses, their standing positions and their facial expressions will look exactly like this 2D sketch!”


“So therefore, the image you are about to see and witness is exactly what that guy Kurt saw and witnessed in his dreams and nightmares when the entities or demons who look exactly like Diane D chased him through the woods, terrorized him, beat him with a large tree branch, tied him up to a tree, slammed a karate chop at his throat, then set him on fire and were about to watch him, burn alive!”

“Oh nooo!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives gasp as they frighteningly look at the curtain.

“But, Kurt is not here! So instead of Kurt standing here tied to a tree about to be burned alive, you guys are all standing right there in his spot!”


“You mean instead of those wax figures looking and staring at that guy Kurt, they’ll be looking and staring at us as if we’re all Kurt, watching US as if WE are about to be burned alive?!” Margarita shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “as long as you’re all standing in Kurt’s spot or position, the wax figures will definitely be looking and staring at you all as if you all are Kurt, watching you all as if you all are about to be burned alive.”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout. “Oh nooo!” they shout as they turn their heads and frighteningly look at the curtain again.

“Maybe we shouldn’t stand here!” Elisa shouts. “Maybe we should move to a different spot or location so those wax figures won’t be looking and staring at us!”

“But where should we move to?!” Marilyn shouts, “there’s no more room in here!

There are a lot of us in here, so there’s no place else left to stand!”

“So what are we gonna do then?!”

“How about run out of here!” Sammy shouts, “because this whole wax chamber gives me the creeps! I don’t want those wax figures looking and staring at us, watching us all as if we are about to be burned alive!”

“Neither do I!” Aunt Jean shouts.

“You guys!” Mr. Yim, smiles and shouts, “there’s nothing to worry about! You’re fine, wax figures can’t move! In other words, they can’t hurt you!”

The family and relatives nervously look at Mr. Yim.

“Alright ladies and gentlemen, are we ready to see the wax figures?! Are you ready to see wax figures of the entities or demons that look exactly like Diane D that were transferred from this 2D sketch of someone’s nightmares, to actual life-size wax figures 22

that are behind the curtain?!”

“No!” everyone else shouts.

“What? You’re not ready to see them?”

“Not really Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts.

“No? Well why not?”

“Because we don’t know if we want to see, or ready to see a whole group or a whole army of identical Diane wax figures! Seeing a whole group of those entities or demons on a sketch drawing on paper is one thing, but seeing an actual life-size version of them in the physical world in person and being in the same room with them and having them actually looking and staring at us is another, which would be very creepy!”

“So you don’t want to see them?”

“I don’t think we should!”

“No? Even though Diane D is your own family member, you still don’t want to see the multiple wax figures of her?”

“Her being a family member?! That’s the part that scares us Mr. Yim, because we all know how Diane was born! We know that she was never ever born an identical twin, an identical triplet, an identical quadruplet and etcetera! Seeing a whole group or a whole army of ANYBODY no matter WHO they are is not normal, whether or not they’re a family member, friend or stranger! Now I love ALL my family members dearly, but do I want to see a whole group or a whole army of any of them?! No! It would freak me out! I wouldn’t even want to see a whole group or a whole army of my very own self! That would really freak me out!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts. “Now seeing identical twins is fine, that’s having two copies of a person, two natural copies! Seeing identical triplets is fine too!

Three of our granddaughters who are Dana's sisters are identical triplets, three natural copies! Seeing a set of identical quadruplets is also fine, that’s four natural copies, and seeing a set of identical quintuplets which is rare is fine also, that’s five natural copies!

But seeing six or more identical copies of the exact same person, or seeing a whole group or a whole army of that exact same person is not natural or normal, that would be clones Mr. Yim whether they’re family or not! Would you like to see a whole group or a whole army of clones of one of YOUR family members Mr. Yim?!”

“No,” Mr. Yim says, “I guess not.”

“Well there you go! And remember Mr. Yim, you modeled those wax figures from a sketch that’s supposed to be from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares, and according to that guy Kurt, those multiple images of Diane are supposed to be entities or demons!”

“Oh no!” everyone else frighteningly shouts.

“In other words, those wax figures you got behind that curtain will not represent Diane! They won’t represent Diane at all! They will actually represent the entities or demons from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares, the entities or demons who made themselves look like her!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We don’t want to see entities or demons no matter WHO they made themselves look like!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Does that guy Kurt even know, that you created his dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look like Diane in wax?”


“No he doesn’t know yet,” Mr. Yim says.

“He doesn’t know?”

“No. I already asked Kurt and his family’s permission to put his dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look like Diane D in wax and put them on public display, but he rejected the idea just like you all did! He claims he doesn’t want his dreams and nightmares about Diane D, the Diane D entities or the Diane D demons on public display. When I decided to go ahead and create the wax figures behind his back, I was hoping he would change his mind and allow me to publicly display the wax figures once he sees them, just like I was hoping that you all would change your minds and allow me to publicly display the wax figures once YOU ALL see them too!”

“Oh really?”


“I think our minds are already made-up Mr. Yim. We don’t want wax figures of Diane or wax figures of the entities or demons that look like her publicly displayed whether that guy Kurt agrees to it or not!”

“But you haven’t seen the wax figures yet!”

“It doesn’t matter Mr. Yim!” Tomas shouts. “We don’t want wax figures of Diane’s image publicly displayed whether we see the wax figures or not!”

“Okay, so they won’t be publicly displayed! So you don’t want to see the wax figures at all while you’re all here?”

“Maybe it’s best we don’t Mr. Yim!”

“Are you sure you don’t want to see the wax figures before I get rid of them?”

“Before you get rid of them?” Barry asks. “What do you mean get rid of them?”

“Destroy them.”

“Destroy them?”


Barry worriedly stares at Mr. Yim. He then looks towards the curtain. He then turns to his family and relatives and says, “Hey, I think we should at least take a quick look at the entity or demon wax figures while we’re all here before Mr. Yim gets rid of them and destroys them.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“Barry!" Gracy shouts, “those wax figures behind that curtain are not gonna really be wax figures of Diane, they're actually going to be wax figures of those evil entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares who made themselves look like her!”

“Oh no!”

“The same evil entities or demons who kept coming into that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares terrorizing him, having Kurt thinking that it was Diane invading his dreams and nightmares when it was actually THEM invading his dreams and nightmares!”

“Oh no!”

“The same entities or demons who chased that guy Kurt in his dreams and nightmares!”

“Oh no!”


“The same entities or demons who were tormenting him in his dreams and nightmares about to set him on fire and watch him burn alive!”

“Oh no!”

“The same entities or demons who terrorized that kid Marcus in his dreams and nightmares!”

“Oh no!”

“The same entities or demons who kept appearing in Marcus' dreams and nightmares every night tormenting HIM, also having Marcus thinking that it was Diane invading his dreams and nightmares when it was actually THEM doing that to him until Marcus couldn't take it anymore and wind up taking his own life killing himself!”

“Oh no!”

“Do you really want to see wax figures of those evil entities or demons who made themselves look like Diane, Barry? If we see them, we might get dreams and nightmares about them ourselves! I'm not sure if I even want to stay inside the same room with wax figures of those evil entities or demons! The thought of knowing we’re all inside the same room with wax figures in their likeness just gives me the creeps!”

“Even though Diane D is your own family member?” Mr. Yim asks.

“Mr. Yim, are we talking about Diane, or are we talking about wax figures of the entities or demons who made themselves look like her?!”

“But Mom!” Barry shouts, “if we don’t take a look at the entity or demon wax figures now, we won’t get another chance to see them!”


“Then later on down the future, we’re going to always wonder and be curious of how the entity or demon wax figures would have looked like in person instead of just seeing them in that guy Kurt’s 2D sketch!” Barry turns to the rest of his family and asks, “So what do you all say? Do you all want to see the wax figures real quick while we’re all here before they get destroyed?”

“Remember Barry, we would be looking at a whole group or a whole army of identical Diane wax figures which will look like a bunch of clones, clones of Diane, or wax figures of the entities or demons that look like her!”

“Oh nooo,” the rest of the family and relatives say.

“I understand what you’re saying Mom!” Barry shouts, “but I’m curious to see how the life-size version of that 2D sketch would look like in person besides just seeing them on that 2D sketch!”

“So am I,” Uncle Tonio says.

“Me too,” Uncle Willie says. “So I think we should see the entity or demon wax figures.”

“I think so too.”

“So do I,” Barry says.

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“But those wax figures behind the curtain might look too real just like the wax figures of Diane and Dana inside the first chamber!” Marilyn shouts. “If we see these wax figures, it’s gonna really look like we’re looking at a bunch of Diane clones!”


“That’s exactly why I’m curious to see the wax figures!” Barry shouts. “I’m curious to see them with my own eyes!” He turns to Mr. Yim and says, “You can show us the entity or demon wax figures now Mr. Yim.”

“Are you sure?” Mr. Yim asks. The other family and relatives nervously look at Mr.

Yim, but do not answer. They then turn their heads and nervously look at the curtain again. “Are you all ready to see the wax figures?” Mr. Yim asks the other family and relatives. The other family and relatives nervously look back at Mr. Yim again, but still do not answer. They nervously look back at the curtain. “Do you all want to see the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures before they’re gone?” Mr. Yim asks. The family and relatives nervously stare at the curtain, but still do not answer. They then look at Kurt’s 2D sketch of all the Diane D entities or Diane D demons and nervously stare at it.

“I guess we can take a little peek out of curiosity Mr. Yim,” Tonio says.

“Take a little peek? You want to take a little peek?”

“Well at least we can try to take a little peek at the wax figures before we actually see the whole thing, if it’s possible!”

“Yeah!” Barry shouts, “is it possible to take a little peek at the wax figures before we actually see the whole thing Mr. Yim?”

“Sure it’s possible,” Mr. Yim says.

“Oh yeah?” Margarita asks. “How is that possible Mr. Yim?”

“I can have the curtain raised a little where you all will be able to see the bottom part of the wax figures.”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“See the bottom part of the wax figures?” Margarita asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says. “You’ll be able to see the wax figures’ lower legs and shoes once the curtain is raised a little.”

“Their lower legs and shoes?” Mary asks.

“Yes. Ready to see the wax figures’ lower legs and shoes?” The family and relatives nervously look at Mr. Yim again, but do not answer. They then turn their heads and nervously look at the curtain again. “Are you all ready to see the wax figures’ lower legs and shoes?” Mr. Yim asks the other family and relatives again. The family and relatives nervously look back at Mr. Yim again, but still do not answer. They nervously look back at the curtain. They stare at the curtain.

“Let’s take a quick peek Mr. Yim,” Tonio says.

“Ready to take a quick peak?”

“Yes we’re ready.”

“Okay.” Mr. Yim looks towards the curtain and shouts, “Don! Dave! Raise the curtain a little please!”

The curtain slowly raises two feet off the floor then stops! Around thirteen pairs of the wax figures’ life-size identical lower legs and identical thick black shoes standing on spooky grass surrounded by spooky weeds are revealed with the lower legs and feet standing apart all standing in a part-circle partially surrounding a pair of life-size upper legs that are down on its knees in the grass in the front! One lower leg appears to be standing directly behind the pair of upper legs that are down on its knees! Another pair of lower legs appear to be standing directly behind that one lower leg! One of the pairs of lower legs and feet on the right appearing to have a large tree branch standing right in front of it!


Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives see the wax figures’ life-size lower legs and shoes partially surrounding a pair of life-size upper legs that are down on its knees in the grass and freak out! “Aaaaahh!” they all scream! They are startled to see so many pairs of the wax figures’ lower legs and shoes and a pair of upper legs down on its knees in the grass then shout, “Bring the curtain back down Mr. Yim, bring the curtain back down!”

“Okay okay!” Mr. Yim shouts. He looks towards the curtain and shouts, “Don!

Dave, bring the curtain back down please!” The curtain lowers back down to the floor making the thirteen pairs of the wax figures’ lower legs and shoes and the pair of upper legs that are down on its knees disappear out of sight! Mr. Yim looks at Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and asks, “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?!” Margarita shouts. “What do you mean what’s wrong Mr. Yim?!

Those many pairs of legs and feet look real! It looks like real people are standing behind that curtain!”

“It sure does!” Mary shouts. “It looked like they were all standing in a part-circle just like in the sketch! We even saw someone who looked like they were down on their knees in the front and center!”

“Oh oh!” the family members and relatives shout, “the chained-up one!”

“It looked like the other people behind the curtain were partially surrounding the person who’s down on their knees!” Christine shouts.

“That’s the chained-up entity’s wax figure Mom!” Dana’s sister Linda and their cousin Judy frighteningly shout.

“Oh nooo!” other family members and relatives say as they turn their heads and frighteningly look at Kurt’s sketch of the chained-up Diane D entity or Diane D demon who’s down on its knees.

“We even saw one of the pairs of legs and feet on the right with what appeared to be a large tree branch standing right in front of it!” David shouts.

“My God Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts. “From what we all just saw, those lower legs and feet behind the curtain are posed exactly like the lower legs and feet of those entities and demons in that sketch! I think you DID model that guy Kurt’s sketch to a tee! You actually created a life-size version of his sketch!”

“I told you I did!” Mr. Yim says.

“But did you hire real people to do that Mr. Yim?!” Grandpa Mike shouts. “Are those real people you got standing behind that curtain?!”

“No! Those ARE wax figures behind the curtain!”

“Oh yeah?! It looked like a whole army of legs and feet behind that curtain!”

“It IS a whole army of legs and feet behind the curtain, legs and feet of the wax figures, but don’t worry, it’s not like the wax figures are gonna come from behind that curtain and come over here!”

“Oooohh,” the family and relatives say as they frighteningly look at the curtain again.

“Now that you all saw the bottom part of the wax figures, are you all ready to see the whole wax figures now?”

The family and relatives nervously look at Mr. Yim again, but do not answer. They then turn their heads and nervously look towards the curtain again. “Are you all ready to see the whole wax figures now?” Mr. Yim asks the other family and relatives. The family and relatives nervously look back at Mr. Yim again, but still do not answer. They 27

nervously look back at the curtain. They nervously stare at the curtain. They then look back at Kurt’s 2D sketch of all the Diane D entities or Diane D demons and nervously stare at it again. “Do you all want to see the whole wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons now?” Mr. Yim asks.

“Yeah Mr. Yim,” Tonio says, “let’s take a look.”

“Take a look? You sure you want to take a look?”

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

“Let’s do it?”

“Yeah, let’s do this!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah Mr. Yim!” Barry shouts, “open the curtain!”

“Okay, going once, going twice! Enter, into Kurt’s nightmare!” Mr. Yim looks towards the curtain and shouts, “Don! Dave! Open the curtain please!”

The curtain opens from the middle. It is then pulled to the sides of the chamber out of sight! The fifteen identical wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares are revealed!