Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Diane D’s Family And Relatives Flee Out Of Second Wax Chamber!

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives see the fifteen identical wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from Kurt’s sketches and nightmares! They see the fifteen identical wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons angrily staring at them and freak out! “Aaaaahh!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives scream! They are startled to see a large group of so many identical Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures all dressed in identical all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes!

The identical Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures have long black waist length hair with bangs with all their hair slightly blowing in the wind. They are all standing in a part-circle with their feet apart partially surrounding the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure that’s in the front and center that’s standing upright down on its knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the other Diane D entity or demon wax figures standing directly behind it as another Diane D entity or demon wax figure stands directly behind that one. One of the Diane D entity or demon wax figures on the right holds a large tree branch as they all angrily stare towards Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives with half-closed puffy eyes. They are surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon and clouds behind and above them just like in Kurt’s sketch!


Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives are frightened by so many identical Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures! They are startled by how realistic the many Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures look that they think they’re looking at a bunch of Diane D clones and frighteningly back away practically tripping over each other! Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives are so frightened by how all the Diane D

entity or Diane D demon wax figures are angrily staring at them that half of the family members and relatives turn left and race right towards the small narrow hallway exit that leads back into the first chamber, fleeing right out of the second chamber!

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives that fled out of the second chamber flee out of the exit double doors of the wax chambers and run out into the hallway of the basement screaming! They scream as they frighteningly race through the hallway!

The family and relatives reach the stairs! They then turn and hurry up the stairs leaving the other half of the family members and relatives behind in the second chamber!

The remaining half of the family members and relatives who are left inside the second chamber continue to frighteningly look at the many identical wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons! They step back as far away as possible from the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures then frighteningly turn their heads away and cover their eyes to avoid eye contact with the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures! They suddenly hear a double loud BOOM noise coming all the way from behind the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures! “Aaaahh!” the family and relatives scream as they become spooked keeping their heads turned away from the Diane D

entity or Diane D demon wax figures and their eyes covered!

Don, one of the staff members, suddenly comes from the back of the chamber behind the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures with a dust brush in his hand.

He then walks to the left side of the chamber walking right beside the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures on the left side of the chamber as the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures continue to angrily stare towards Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives!

Don then stops right behind the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures on the left side of the chamber. He is the exact same height as the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures. He looks towards the front of the chamber at Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and shouts to them, “Hey! Relax everyone!”

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives slowly turn their heads and frighteningly look towards the left side of the chamber. They see Don standing right behind the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures on the left side of the chamber! They frighteningly look at Don as they continue to hide their eyes from the wax figures!

“It’s just me!” Don shouts to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives. “I didn’t mean to startle you all! One of the trees in the back fell and caused some dust to blow everywhere, so I had to hurry and lift the tree back up then wipe the dust away!”

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives frighteningly stare at Don as they keep 29

their eyes hidden from the wax figures!

Don then turns to the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figure right next to himself. He dusts the wax figure’s right shoulder off with the dust brush. He then dusts some of the long black hair on the right side of that same wax figure, then places some of the hair in front of that same wax figure’s right shoulder as the hair slightly blows from the artificial wind.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives continue to frighteningly stare at Don seeing how brave he is being right beside the realistic looking wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons dusting one of them off!

Don quickly looks at that same wax figure next to himself inspecting it. He then bends sideways a little to take a quick look over that same wax figure’s shoulder. He then looks his eyes around at all the rest of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures inspecting all of them. He then nods his head okay towards them. He then turns his head and looks back towards Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives as they nervously and frighteningly stare at him. He smiles at them with his mouth closed and gives them a thumbs up, then turns to his right and walks away disappearing into the left side of the chamber.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives frighteningly and angrily stare at the left side of the chamber where Don disappeared into. Then they frighteningly look back at the identical Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures as the identical Diane D

entity or Diane D demon wax figures seem to still be angrily staring at them. “Aaaahh!”

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout as they frighteningly turn their heads away again and cover their eyes again to avoid eye contact with the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures!

Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “Hey everyone!

Look! Here’s how the wax figures look if you lighten the chamber from the back and darken the chamber from the front.” He turns on a switch. The chamber from the front goes dark.

The chamber from the back gets brighter with more light coming from the night sky in the back of the chamber and the large hazy moon and clouds behind and above the fifteen identical Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures causing them to appear in silhouette with their front and faces hidden in the shadow.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives turn their heads back forward to look.

“Aaaaaahhh!” they scream as they see the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures in silhouette with their front and faces hidden standing there firmly staring towards them!

“And here’s how the wax figures look if you lighten the chamber from the ceiling,”

Mr. Yim says as he turns on another switch.

The ceiling of the chamber gets brighter with more light coming from the night sky and clouds right above the fifteen identical Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures causing them to appear in less silhouette with their faces less hidden and more shown.

“Aaaaaahhh!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives scream as they see the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures in less silhouette with their faces a little less hidden and more shown standing there firmly staring towards them!

“And here’s how the wax figures look if you lighten the chamber from the front,”

Mr. Yim says as he turns on a different switch. The chamber from the front gets bright 30

again with extra light coming from the front of the chamber hitting the fifteen identical Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures right in their faces and front of their bodies causing their faces and front of their bodies to appear in bright light making their faces and front of their bodies more visible and more shown.

Diane D and Dana’s remaining family and relatives see the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures’ faces and front of their bodies in much bright light standing there angrily staring at them and freak out more! “Aaaaaahhh!” they all scream! They suddenly see a few of the wax figures slightly sway!

“Oh shit!” Uncle Willie frighteningly shouts, “I just saw a few of those wax figures move!”

“I saw them move too!” Tonio frighteningly shouts.

“So did I!” David frighteningly shouts, “I saw their eyeballs move!”

“So did I!” Eduardo frighteningly shouts. “Those are not wax figures, they’re ALIIIVE! They’re real people, a bunch of hired Diane look-alikes!”

“Aaaaaahhh!” the family and relatives scream as they frighteningly turn their heads away again and cover their eyes to avoid eye contact with the Diane D entity or Diane D

demon wax figures.

“No they’re not Diane look-alikes!” Nicolas frighteningly shouts, “they got their faces painted to look exactly like Diane’s face!”


“No they didn’t get their faces painted to look exactly like Diane’s face!” Michael frighteningly shouts, “they’re wearing masks of Diane’s face!”


“No those are not people wearing masks of Diane’s face!” Sammy frighteningly shouts, “they’re a bunch of robots!”


“No they’re not a bunch of robots!” Uncle Willie frighteningly shouts, “they’re clones!”

“Clones?!” the family and relatives shout as they frighteningly turn their heads back around towards the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures! Mary, Margarita, Tomas and Barry suddenly see the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure and the wax figure directly behind it angrily staring at them, giving them all death stares!

“Aaaaaahhh!” Mary, Margarita, Tomas and Barry and the rest of the family and relatives scream then point at the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure and the wax figure directly behind it as they all turn left and race right towards the small narrow hallway exit that leads back into the first chamber!

“Wait!” Mr. Yim shouts as he holds his hand up running behind Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives as they continue to race towards the small narrow hallway exit!

Mr. Yim stops at the front of the chamber and puzzledly looks at Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives as they race towards the small narrow hallway exit, fleeing right out of the second chamber! He puzzledly stares towards the small narrow hallway exit!

He then turns his head and puzzledly looks at the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures!

The Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures all seem to be angrily staring at HIM now!

Mr. Yim worriedly looks at the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures. He 31

then becomes disappointed as he continues to look at the Diane D entity or Diane D

demon wax figures. He then turns his head back towards the small narrow hallway exit that Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives fled into. He sadly stares at the small narrow hallway exit where Diane D and Dana's family and relatives fled into.

Diane D and Dana’s remaining family and relatives flee out of the exit double doors of the wax chambers and run out into the hallway of the basement screaming! They scream as they frighteningly race through the hallway!

The family and relatives reach the stairs! They then turn and hurry up the stairs leaving Mr. Yim behind in the chambers!