Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Will The Real Diane D, Please Stand Up!

Diane D and Dana’s remaining family and relatives race into the lobby of the wax museum! They practically fall and are about to have a stampede as security and the other half of the family members and relatives who had fled out of the chambers earlier come to their rescue! “Is everything alright?!” a stocky Hispanic male security guard shouts. “What happened down there?!”

“You don't want to know!” Margarita shouts.

“I don't want to know?”

“No, you don’t!”

“That’s what your other family members said when they ran up here and had a stampede earlier! Well, where's Mr. Yim?! Is he okay?!”

“Yeah, he's okay!” Mary shouts, “but we're not!”

“Yeah, I see!”

The family and relatives catch their balance and stand! They are out of breath!

They are all shocked as they stand in a circle frighteningly looking at each other! “Did you all see that?!” Tonio shockingly shouts. “All those supposed wax figures look exactly like Diane!”

“They sure did!” Michael shouts. “They all had Diane’s face and body type! Did you all see the way those wax figures were looking and staring at us?!”

“I know!” David shouts. “It looked like they wanted to set US on fire and watch US

burn alive!”

“I know!” Christine shouts. “Were those wax figures we saw down there, or were they actually real people dressed like Diane pretending to be wax figures to fool us, because they all look too real to be wax figures!”


“They certainly did!” Gracy shouts, “the only thing is, they all look exactly like Diane, every single one of them! If Diane was actually here, she would be able to blend right in with those wax figures and we couldn’t tell the difference which is the real Diane or the wax figures!”

“That’s true!” Eduardo shouts. “Maybe Mr. Yim hired a bunch of Diane look-alikes to pose as wax figures!”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“Hired a bunch of Diane look-alikes to pose as wax figures?!” Barry shouts.

“Yes!” Eduardo shouts.

“Oh noooo!” the family and relatives shout.

“Either that,” Nicolas shouts, “or he hired a bunch of people and had their faces painted to make their faces look exactly like Diane’s face!”

“Oh noooo!”

“He could have used those people’s faces as canvases and painted Diane’s face right over their faces!”

“Or hired a bunch of people and had them wear masks of Diane’s face!” Michael shouts.

“Oh noooo!” the family and relatives shout.

“Maybe those were Diane masks that those people were wearing down there! It was like Diane’s face was molded and masks were made right out of her face!”

“Oh no!”

“Or maybe they could have been a bunch of robots down there!” Sammy shouts.

“A bunch of robots?!”

“Yeah, robots do move, so do their eyes! They do have actual mechanical robots that look so real in those Asian countries like Japan and China where Mr. Yim is most likely from! The only difference between wax figures and robots, is that robots move, wax figures don’t!”

“Or maybe those WERE clones we saw down there!” Uncle Willie shouts.

“Clones?!” everyone else frighteningly shouts.

“Yes! Maybe those were clones we were looking at! I think Mr. Yim had Diane cloned and we just didn’t know about it!”

“What! Oh no!”

“Why would he do something like that?!” Barry shouts, “especially to OUR family member?!”

“So he can re-create that goddamn sketch that’s why!” Mary shouts and cries.

“Or maybe they could actually be wax figures down there!” Grandpa Mike shouts,

“because if Mr. Yim can create a whole group or a whole army of realistic looking wax figures that appear so alive and look like robots or clones of a real person, I believe he could be some type of mad scientist or something!”

“Mad scientist?!” everyone else shouts.

“Yes! He could be a Dr. Frankenstein or something!”

“Dr. Frankenstein?!”

“Could be!”

“And the way those wax figures or real people were looking and staring at us was very frightening!” Marilyn shouts.

“It was!” David shouts. “It was very creepy!”

“It was! It felt like we were actually in some type of ‘Village Of The Damned’



“It sure did feel that way!” Margarita shouts. “I knew we shouldn’t have looked at those wax figures, I just knew it! Now we’re all spooked! Nicolas, do the live video chat again! We got to make sure that Diane is still laying in the hospital! We have to make sure she’s not here at the wax museum secretly blending in with those wax figures of herself!”

“Secretly blending in with those wax figures?” Nicolas asks. “You think Diane would really pull a trick like that on us Grandma?”

“That’s not the point Nicolas! The point is those wax figures look too real not to be her! I could have sworn it looked like some of those wax figures were breathing!”



“It looked that way to me too!” Aunt Laura shouts.

“Yeah to me too!” Uncle Willie shouts, “that’s why I screamed when it looked like I saw some of them move or sway because it did look like they were trying to hold their breath for a long time, but couldn’t!”

“But couldn’t?!” everyone else shouts.

“No! It was like they were trying to do some type of ‘mannequin challenge’ or something!”

“Mannequin challenge?!”

“Yep, that’s what it looked like to me!”

“Are you sure it wasn’t the artificial wind inside the chamber blowing on those wax figures that made it appear like those wax figures were moving, breathing or swaying?!” Gracy asks.

“It could be!”

“Wait a minute now everyone!” Margarita shouts. “I think all of our imaginations are starting to get carried away, that’s why we still have to double check to make sure Diane is still inside the hospital just like we did when we saw her and Dana’s wax figures inside the first chamber! Go ahead Nicolas, do the live video chat again!”

“Okay Grandma,” Nicolas says as he gets on the cell phone. He shows Margarita the live video chat on the cell phone again. Margarita takes the cell phone and anxiously looks at the live video chat as her family and relatives anxiously look on behind her again.

Nancy and Mickey appear on the live video again. “Hi Grandma,” Nancy and Mickey say.

“Hi babies!” Margarita shouts. “Is Diane still in the bed?!”

“Is Diane still in the bed?” Mickey says. “Yeah, she’s still in the bed Grandma.”

“She is?”


“Okay good! Can you point the camera on her again? We just want to see her real quick!”

“You want to see her real quick? Why? What happened this time?”

“Oh nothing, we just want to check on her. Point the camera on Diane for us.”

“Okay.” The video turns and points on Diane D. Diane D appears on video again still sleeping in the hospital bed with her face turned towards the side.

“You see her Grandma?” Nancy’s voice asks.

“Yes we see her,” Margarita says.


“Do you want us to try and wake her up again?”

“No that’s okay Nancy, not this time. Just let her sleep.”

“You sure Grandma?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”


“Hey,” Mr. Yim says as he suddenly appears behind Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives become startled then jump and quickly turn around! They frighteningly look at Mr. Yim. They all back up away from him and hold each other tightly as they frighteningly stare at him.

“Well well well!” Grandpa Mike shouts as he comes from behind the family and angrily walks right up to Mr. Yim, “if it isn’t the mad scientist himself!”

“Mad scientist?” Mr. Yim puzzledly asks. “What are you talking about Mr. Brown?

I’m no mad scientist. I came up here to find out why did you all leave. Why did you all run out of the chamber so fast?”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“Why did we all run out the chamber so fast?!” Margarita shouts. “Well what the hell do you think Mr. Yim?!”

“I was hoping that you all would like and approve of what I did,” Mr. Yim says.

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“Like and approve of what you did?!” Mary shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim puzzledly says.

“No we didn’t like and approve of what you did Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts. “Those entity wax figures you got downstairs inside that chamber look so real! They looked like a whole group of real people who are Diane look-alikes standing inside that chamber angrily looking and staring at us, watching us!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Mary shouts. “Were those actually real people who are Diane look-alikes down there inside that chamber posing as Diane entity wax figures?!”

“What?” Mr. Yim says. “Real people who are Diane look-alikes posing as Diane D

entity wax figures?”

“Yeah Mr. Yim!” Barry shouts, “because they all look exactly like Diane, every single one of them! Did you hire a bunch of Diane look-alikes to pose as wax figures?!”

“Hire a bunch of Diane D look-alikes to pose as wax figures?!”

“Yeah!” Grandpa Mike shouts. “Did you create your own ‘Village Of The Damned’

using a bunch of hired Diane look-alikes?!”

“What! Create my own ‘Village Of The Damned’ using a bunch of hired Diane D



“No! Of course not!”

“Yes you did Mr. Yim! Those Diane look-alikes you hired to pose as wax figures really spooked us! They are all probably down there inside that chamber laughing at us right now!”

“Is that right?!”

“Yes that’s right!”

“Let me get this straight! First, you all assumed that the real Diane D and the real Dana were here at the museum posing as their own wax figures! Now you all assume 35

that real people who are Diane D look-alikes are here at the museum posing as Diane D

entity wax figures! Tell me something, where in the world would I find a whole bunch of people who look exactly like Diane D and put them all in the same room, all at the same time, huh?! That’s impossible! There are not too many people who look exactly like Diane D! If there were, I wouldn’t have a clue how or where to find them or have a clue how to get them all here and be here at the same time!”

“Ooohh so you decided to invent people who look exactly like her!”

“No, I invented wax figures that look exactly like her! Those ARE actually wax figures down there!”

“We’re not sure if we believe you Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts. “Anybody’s face can be painted up to look exactly like someone else’s face!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Mary shouts. “Did you hire a whole bunch of people and had their faces painted to look exactly like Diane’s face?!”

“What!” Mr. Yim shouts. “Hired people and had their faces painted to look like Diane D’s face?!”


“No I didn’t! I did not hire anybody and had their faces painted to look like Diane D’s face!”

“You didn’t?!”


“Well if you didn’t hire people and had their faces painted to look like Diane’s face, did you hire a bunch of people and had them wear masks of Diane’s face!” Michael shouts.

“What! Hired a bunch of people and had them wear masks of Diane D’s face?!”


“No, I did not hire a bunch of people and had them wear masks of Diane D’s face!”

“You didn’t?!”

“No! There’s no mask of Diane D’s face!”

“There isn’t?!”

“No, not that I know of!”

“Well if those were not real people we saw down there inside that chamber, were they robots?!” Sammy shouts.


“Yes! Were those robots you got down there?!”

“Now why in the world would I create robots of Diane D?!”

“To re-create that sketch to bring that sketch to life into the physical world!”

“But I don’t need robots to do that!”

“Well if those weren’t real people or robots down there, were they clones Mr.

Yim?!” Barry shouts.

“What! Clones?!”

“Yes! Were those clones of Diane we were actually looking at?!”

“Were those clones of Diane D you were looking at?! Are you serious Mr. Barry?!”

“We’re dead serious Mr. Yim!” Mary shouts. “Did you have our daughter cloned?!”

“No I did not have your daughter cloned Miss Mary! Why in the world would I have Diane D cloned?!”

“For your personal gain to re-create that guy Kurt’s sketch, so you can bring his sketch and nightmare into the physical world, because those supposed wax figures you 36

got down there inside that chamber look exactly like Diane from head to toe! They have her face, her facial structure, her hair structure, her body structure, her body type and everything, they just got to be clones of her!”

“Well of course the wax figures have Diane D’s face, her facial structure, her hair structure, her body structure and her body type, because I digitally copied and modeled their faces, their facial structure, their hair structure, their body structure and their body type from Diane D’s face, her facial structure, her hair structure, her body structure and her body type! Wax figures usually do have the face, facial structure, hair structure, body structure and body type of the people that they represent you know!”

“But other people’s wax figures don’t be looking so alive Mr. Yim!” Barry shouts.

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Tomas shouts, “you certainly modeled those wax figures exactly like Diane and you modeled those wax figures like her to a tee! If Diane was standing right next to those wax figures, we wouldn’t be able to tell which one is really her!”

“We sure wouldn’t!” Gracy shouts.

“My God Mr. Yim!” Mary cries, “I can’t believe you created clones of our child just so you can physically re-create that goddamn sketch and bring that guy Kurt’s nightmares to life into the physical world!”

“I can’t believe it either!” Margarita cries.

“Those are not clones everybody!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“They certainly look like clones to us Mr. Yim!”

“They might look like clones Miss Margarita, but they’re not!”

“Easy for YOU to say! From now on, every time we look at or see Diane, we’re going to think she’s one of those wax figures! We’re going to mistake her for being one of those wax figures because those wax figures look just as alive as she do! We’ve seen wax figures before, but they never looked so alive like that!”

“But they’re not alive Miss Margarita!”

“Well they certainly look alive to us Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts. “If they didn’t look so alive, we would have never fled out of that chamber in the first place!”

“That’s true Mr. Yim!” Barry shouts.

“Look!” Mr. Yim shouts, “I do not need clones of Diane D to re-create Kurt’s sketch to bring his sketch into the physical world, I do not need Diane D robots to re-create Kurt’s sketch to bring his sketch into the physical world, I do not need to hire real people who are Diane D look-alikes to re-create Kurt’s sketch to bring his sketch into the physical world, I do not need real people who had their faces painted to look exactly like Diane D’s face to re-create Kurt’s sketch to bring his sketch into the physical world, and last but not least, I do not need a bunch of real people to wear masks of Diane D’s face to re-create Kurt’s sketch to bring his sketch into the physical world, wax figures would do just fine!”

“Oh yeah?!” Uncle Willie shouts. “Well if those were not real people, robots or clones down there inside that chamber, then why did it look like a few of those wax figures were moving?!”

“Moving? What do you mean ‘moving’?”

“We saw them move!”

“You saw the wax figures move?”


“We sure did! We saw them sway!”

“You saw the wax figures sway?”

“Yes we did! They were swaying!”



“But that’s impossible! Wax figures can’t move or sway.”

“Yours can!” Eduardo shouts. “They were moving and swaying slowly like this!”

Eduardo slowly sways from side to side as he demonstrates to Mr. Yim how the wax figures were swaying. “Why did it look like a couple or few of those wax figures were slightly swaying Mr. Yim?”

“I don’t know why it would look like the wax figures were swaying. Maybe it could be the weight of the wax figures.”

“The weight of the wax figures?!” the family and relatives shout.

“Yeah, maybe the weight of the wax figures shifted from one side to the other and made it appear that the wax figures were moving or swaying.”

“Really!” Eduardo shouts.

“Yes! Wax figures do carry weight you know!”

“It’s still hard to believe that those are wax figures Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts.

“It’s hard to believe that those are not real people down there!”

“It’s still hard to believe?”

“Yes it certainly is! Why does it look like those wax figures were breathing?!”

“They weren’t breathing. Wax figures cannot breathe.”

“We still think that you hired a whole bunch of Diane look-alikes to pose as wax figures Mr. Yim!” Gracy shouts, “either that, or you hired a bunch of people and had all their faces painted to look exactly like Diane’s face!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes it’s so!”

“Believe me, those are not real people down there!”

“Are you sure they’re not real people Mr. Yim?!” Uncle Willie shouts, “because the wax figures look like they were sort of sweating!”



“That’s because they were probably almost melting!”

“Melting?!” the family and relatives shout.

“Yes, that’s why I have to keep the temperature inside the chamber cool!”

“Is that so?” Gracy shouts.

“Yes it’s so!”

“We still don’t believe you Mr. Yim!”

“You still don’t?! Why not?! I’m telling you, those are not real people, robots or clones down there, they really are wax figures! I can prove it to you!”

“What!” the family and relatives shout. “Prove it to us?!”


“How?!” Barry asks.


“If any of you come back downstairs with me, I can have the head and shoulders removed off one of the wax figures!”

“What!” the family and relatives shout.

“Have the head and shoulders removed?!” Barry shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says. “You can take your pick and choose which wax figure's head and shoulders you want to see removed, then I'll have the head and shoulders removed then put right back on the wax figure to show and prove to you all that those are not real people down there!”

“We don't want to see that!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts, “we don’t want to see Diane's head and shoulders removed, then it would look like she’s gotten beheaded, with her eyes opened!”

“Oh no!” the family and relatives shout.

“But a beheaded person's head and shoulders cannot be put back on them,” Mr. Yim says, “but a wax figure's head and shoulders can!”

“Just like a robot's head and shoulders can be put back on it!” Sammy shouts.

“Those are not robots down there! Look, I just want to show and prove to you all that those are not real people down there! They’re not robots or clones either, they really are wax figures!”

“Where did you have those wax figures created anyway Mr. Yim?!” Margarita shouts, “where are they from?!”

“They were created in Asia!”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “In Asia?!”

“See?!” Sammy shouts, “see what I mean?! I told you all!”

“You had those wax figures of my child created in Asia?!” Mary shouts.

“Yes I did,” Mr. Yim says.

“Then you had those wax figures shipped here?!”

“Yes, in pieces.”

“In pieces?! Oh my God, I don’t believe this!”

“I don’t believe this either!” Gracy shouts. “It’s still hard to believe that those are wax figures Mr. Yim!”

“It’s still hard to believe?!” Mr. Yim asks.


“Okay! Would you like to come back down to the chamber and inspect the wax figures for yourself? You’re more than welcome to!”

“No! I don’t want to go anywhere near those things, or whatever they are! The whole entire thing is just creepy that I don’t want to get close to those wax figures, robots, clones or real people who happen to be a bunch of Diane look-alikes or real people who have their faces painted to look exactly like Diane’s face or real people who happen to be wearing masks of Diane’s face! I don’t want to be in the same room with those things or people again no matter WHO they look like!”

“Me neither!” Aunt Laura shouts.


“But I need to show and prove to you all that those are not robots, clones or real people down there!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“Mr. Yim, you don’t have to show and prove anything to us! All we know, is that we do not want to go back down to that ‘Village Of The Damned’ atmosphere!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Barry shouts. “Why do you have those clone wax figures of Diane looking at us like that?!”

“Yeah Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts. “I don’t like the way you have those clone wax figures of Diane looking and staring at us like that! It’s weird, because that’s the exact same way Diane was looking and staring at us right inside that hypnosis room last year when that evil entity was inside her body! She had that same exact expression on her face at that time! When we saw all those wax figures looking and staring at us like that, it brought back memories! It was like history repeating itself! It was like we were looking at that evil vicious entity all over again!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Tomas shouts, “the only difference is this time, instead of just one Diane looking and staring at us like that, it was fifteen of her looking and staring at us like that!”

“But that’s the way the Diane D entities’ or Diane D demons’ expressions looked like in Kurt’s sketch!” Mr. Yim shouts, “I copied Kurt’s sketch exactly to a tee, so I had to put the same exact expressions on the wax figures’ faces that I saw on Kurt’s sketch! If the Diane D entities or Diane D demons in Kurt’s sketch were smiling instead, then I would have put smiles on the wax figures’ faces instead of frowns!”

“But the way that chained-up entity’s wax figure and the one behind it were looking and staring at us, it looked like they wanted to send the other clone wax figures to wring OUR necks! It looked like they wanted to send the rest of the clone wax figures right after us and have them tie us up and have US burned alive, like what happened in that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmare!”

“Why would it seem that way to you Mr. Tomas? You're Diane D's family!”

“Yes we're Diane's family, not those demons that look like her's family!”

“Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts, “that's because those entities or demons in that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares made themselves look exactly like Diane, does not automatically make them part of our family! It does not mean we should accept them or their wax figures as part of OUR family! Evil entities or demons are not welcomed in our family! They will never be a part of our family! We want nothing to do with those entities or demons or their wax figures no matter who in our family they make themselves look like!”

“But Miss Margarita!” Mr. Yim says, “the wax figures were only looking at you all like that because you all were standing right in Kurt’s spot, the same exact spot he was standing in his dreams and nightmares when the Diane D entities or Diane D demons set him on fire and were about to watch him burn alive, that’s why their wax figures appeared to be looking and staring at you all like that instead of him!”

“Well that guy Kurt can come right here to the museum, go right down to that chamber and have his spot back because we sure don’t want it!” Gracy shouts, “because if those wax figures can scare the hell out of us, Diane’s own family, then they can scare the hell out of anybody! Now we know what that guy Kurt went through in his dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look like Diane because it feels like WE’RE going through the exact same nightmare HE went through! It seems like we’re actually living in HIS nightmares, the only difference is, it’s not his nightmares this 40

time, it’s our reality!”

“That’s exactly why the entity wax figures would be perfect for the horror section!”

“Oh Mr. Yim!” Margarita shouts, “could you forget about that damn horror section for a change?! I think you should get rid of those entity or demon wax figures pronto!”

“Get rid of them?”


“So you decide you don’t want the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like Diane D publicly displayed?”

“No we do not want wax figures that has Diane’s face or Diane’s image on them publicly displayed! Diane is already hurt and upset by people being afraid of her! If the public sees these entity or demon wax figures of her, especially a whole group, a whole army or a whole gang of identical wax figures of her that look like clones that are supposed to be the entities or demons from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and see these wax figures giving them death stares like that, people will be afraid of HER

even more!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Mary shouts. “We don’t want Diane hurt any more than she already is! So dismantle and destroy those wax figures!”

“Okay no problem,” Mr. Yim says, “if that’s what you all want.”

“Yes that’s what we all want!”

“Okay, you got it then. Don, Dave and I will dismantle and destroy the wax figures as soon as possible!”