Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Mr. Yim Convinces Diane D’s Family To See Wax Figure In Last Chamber!

Mr. Yim says to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives, “but before we destroy or dismantle the wax figures, I would like you all to get a chance to see the last wax figure in the third chamber.”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “The last wax figure?!”

“Yes, you haven’t seen the last wax figure in the third chamber yet.”

“What wax figure in the third chamber Mr. Yim?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“This other sketch that Kurt drew.” Mr. Yim shows Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives Kurt’s sketch of the Diane D entity alone in the grass and weeds wearing the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows and thick black shoes handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position standing on all fours with her head and face upside down surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon and clouds behind and above it.

“Hey!” Barry shouts. “That’s the other sketch that guy Kurt drew, the same sketch that police officer showed us at the organization!”

“Yeah, I borrowed this sketch too.”


“Don’t tell us that there’s another wax figure of Diane!” Gracy shouts. “Don’t tell us that you used this sketch to model the chained-up Diane entity wax figure again!”

“I’m afraid I did.”

“You did?! You mean you copied that sketch to a tee also?!”

“Yes, just like I copied the picture of Diane D and Dana’s online commercial and Kurt’s other sketch of the fifteen identical Diane D entities or demons to a tee!”

“My God Mr. Yim!” Tonio shouts. “How many wax figures of Diane do you have altogether?!”

“The online commercial version that’s with Dana’s wax figure, the fifteen identical wax figures you all just saw in the second chamber and the one in the third chamber that you didn’t see yet.”

“How many wax figures do you have in the third chamber?”

“Just this other version of the chained-up entity alone in the grass standing on all fours trapped in a contortionist position with her head and face upside down.”

“Just that version of the chained-up entity?”


“So that’s the seventeen Diane wax figures altogether!”

“That’s right, seventeen. I want you all to see the last wax figure of the chained-up entity before it gets dismantled or destroyed! You didn’t see that one yet.”

“We already saw the chained-up entity’s wax figure inside the second chamber with the rest of the Diane entity or Diane clone wax figures standing behind it partially surrounding it!” Margarita shouts.

“But you didn’t see this version of the chained-up Diane D entity wax figure yet.”

“It doesn’t matter! Seeing just one version of that chained-up entity’s wax figure is bad enough!”

“I understand, but can I bring you all back downstairs to see the other version of the chained-up entity before it gets destroyed?”

“I don’t know Mr. Yim! We don’t want to go back down there and see those multiple Diane entity, Diane demon, Diane robots or Diane clone wax figures again!

They look too real!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Aunt Jean shouts. “They look like a group of real people who happened to all look exactly like Diane! It was like they were their own ‘Village Of The Damned’!”

“You don’t have to see the multiple entity wax figures again in order to get into the third chamber,” Mr. Yim says.

“No?” Grandpa Mike says. “So how would we get to the third chamber without going through the second chamber?”

“The third chamber has another entrance on the opposite side which is down the other end of the hallway. We can go down the other end of the hallway then go through the double doors over there to get inside the third chamber without going through the second chamber.”

“We can?”

“Sure! I don’t want to get rid of that last wax figure yet without you all seeing it.

Can you all come back downstairs to the third chamber to see the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure before it’s gone?”

“As long as we don’t have to go through the second chamber where those multiple clone wax figures are,” Aunt Laura says.


“You got it. Let’s go back downstairs.” Mr. Yim turns and heads towards the stairs.

Diane D’s family and relatives turn their heads and nervously stare towards him.

Margarita and most of Diane D’s family and relatives turn and slowly follow Mr. Yim towards the stairs.

Margarita and most of Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives stop at the stairs.

They turn around towards several of the other family members and relatives who are staying behind in the lobby as Margarita asks, “Aren’t you all coming?”

“No that’s okay Grandma Margarita!” Missy Dana’s sister shouts. “I’ve seen the way Diane looked at me before whenever she’s mad at me, and that’s the same exact expression I saw on all those wax figures of her! I don’t care to see that look or expression again! I’m better off staying right up here!”

“Yeah me too!” another female relative shouts.

“I don’t blame you. We’ll be right back.” Margarita and most of the family and relatives turn and continue to follow Mr. Yim to the stairs.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives reach back to the bottom of the stairs. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives see the long dim lit hallway again and nervously look around it. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “The other direction to the third chamber is this way, all the way at the end of the hallway.” Mr. Yim turns back around and leads Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives down the opposite direction of the hallway going down the other end.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives reach the other end of the hallway where there is another double door and stop. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “This is the other entrance into the third chamber.

You can get inside the third chamber this way without going through the second chamber.”

“Is the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure inside there?” Tonio asks.

“Yes, the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure is inside this chamber.

You won’t see the wax figure right away when you first walk into the chamber because the wax figure is behind a large curtain like in the other chambers. Once Don and Dave open the curtain, the wax figure of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity will be revealed. Ready to go inside the third and last chamber? Come on in.” Mr. Yim turns towards the door and turns the knob. He then stops and turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “Remember, it’s cool inside the chamber. Come.”

Mr. Yim turns back towards the door, turns the knob and opens the door. He goes inside the third wax chamber as Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives slowly follow him inside.

Mr. Yim steps inside another small dark narrow hallway. He goes through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the third wax chamber as Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives follow him inside.

Mr. Yim steps inside the third wax chamber which is on the right and a solid wall on the left. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives step inside the third wax chamber 43

behind Mr. Yim and follow him inside.

The family and relatives stand at the front of the third chamber facing the third wax chamber as Mr. Yim stands on their right again. They turn their heads and nervously look around the third chamber. The third chamber is another very large room with a 20-feet high dome-shaped ceiling and dome-shaped walls. It also has an outdoor nighttime setting with slow-motion video images from a projector shined on the dome-shaped ceiling and dome-shaped walls showing the nighttime sky that’s partly cloudy with a large hazy moon and clouds at the back of the chamber near the top.

It is also dark, dim and creepy inside the third chamber. There are a lot of spooky looking trees, spooky looking bushes and spooky looking grass and weeds inside the chamber. There is also slight wind inside the chamber that is causing the leaves on the trees and bushes to slightly blow. The sound of an eerie wind is being heard throughout the chamber. “Wow,” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives say.

“This chamber is just as creepy as the other one,” Michael nervously says.

“It sure is,” Marilyn nervously says. “Maybe we shouldn’t have come back down here.”

“I know,” Eduardo nervously says. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives continue to nervously look around the large dark, dim, creepy third chamber as they hear the slight eerie sounds of the wind. They then see another seven-feet tall large dark gray curtain eight yards away, five yards wide in the middle of the chamber that is slightly blowing.

“What’s behind the curtain Mr. Yim?” Nicolas asks as he points towards the curtain.

“Is that the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure behind there?”

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “it’s the version that’s alone in the grass standing on all fours trapped in a contortionist position with its head and face upside down. That’s the version that’s behind the curtain.”

“Ooooohhh,” the family and relatives nervously say. “That version.”

“Ready to see it?” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives nervously look at Mr.

Yim, but do not answer. They then look back at the large curtain. “Are you all ready to see this version of the chained-up Diane D entity from that guy Kurt’s sketch and nightmares?” Mr. Yim asks. The family and relatives nervously look at the curtain again, but still do not answer. “It’s okay everyone, it’s just one wax figure this time.”

“Just one wax figure?” Christine asks.

“That’s it, just one.”

“Are you sure it’s only one entity wax figure behind the curtain Mr. Yim?” David asks.

“Trust me, it’s just one this time and no more after that, this is the last one. Are you all ready to see the last wax figure, the other version of the chained-up entity?”

“I guess we can take a look.”

“Are you sure now?”

“Yes, we’re sure.”

“Okay.” Mr. Yim holds Kurt’s hand-drawn 2D sketch of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity alone in the grass standing on all fours trapped in a contortionist position with its head and face upside down high up in the air and shouts,

“Ladies and gentlemen, in the blink of an eye, this other image you are about to see and witness will go from this hand-drawn 2D sketch of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity that came out of someone’s dreams and nightmares in the spiritual 44

underworld, copied into an actual life-size Diane D entity wax figure in the physical world behind that curtain!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives nervously stare at the curtain as Mr. Yim shouts to them, “Ready to see the life-size wax figure of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity?!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives nervously continue to stare at the curtain. Mr. Yim then shouts, “Going once, going twice! Enter, into Kurt’s nightmare!” Mr. Yim looks towards the curtain and shouts, “Don! Dave! Open the curtain please!”

The curtain opens from the middle. It is then pulled to the sides of the chamber out of sight. The wax figure of the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity from Kurt’s nightmares is revealed.

“Aaaaahh!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives scream as they back away!

They are startled and shocked to see a wax figure of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity eight yards away at the back of the chamber, all alone in the grass and weeds handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position standing on all fours with its head and face upside down surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon and clouds behind and above it just like in Kurt’s sketch!

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives are startled by how realistic the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure look! They are frightened by how the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure appears to be angrily staring towards them with its head and face upside down! They see long thick yellow chains attached to each of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity wax figure’s shackles while the other ends of the yellow chains are attached to the bottom of different tree trunks several yards away. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives frighteningly stare at the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure! They stand far away from it! “Wow,” Margarita says. “It feels like we’re actually looking at Diane being handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that contortionist position while her shackles are chained to trees!”

“Wow,” the rest of the family members and relatives say.

“Why do you have those yellow chains attached from the shackles to those trees Mr.

Yim?” Mary asks.

“That’s to keep the wax figure steady to keep it from toppling over,” Mr. Yim says.

“To keep it from toppling over?”


Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives continue to frighteningly stare at the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure!