Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Most Of Diane D’s Family And Relatives Flee Out Of Third Wax Chamber!

Several of the family members and relatives bend sideways and turn their heads 45

upside down to get a better look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. They get a little spooked by the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure’s expression appearing to be angrily staring at them with its head and face upside down that they scream, bend back up real quick, stand right side up again then turn right and race right towards the small narrow hallway exit that leads back into the hallway of the basement! The other family members and relatives who are remaining inside the third chamber frighteningly watch several their other family members and relatives flee towards the small narrow hallway exit as Christine shouts, “Wait a minute!”

The other family members and relatives stop and turn around towards Christine!

“Where are you all going?!” Christine shouts.

“I’ve seen the way Diane looked at me plenty of times before whenever she’s mad at me Aunt Christine!” Dana’s cousin Judy shouts, “and I’m seeing that same face and expression all over again! I’m out!” Judy and the other family members and relatives turn back forward and continue to race right towards the small narrow hallway exit that leads back into the first chamber, fleeing right out of the third chamber!

The other family members and relatives who remain inside the third chamber frighteningly watch Judy and the other family members and relatives flee out of the third chamber!

Judy and the several family members and relatives that fled out of the third chamber flee out of the exit double doors of the wax chambers and run out into the hallway of the basement screaming! They scream as they frighteningly race through the hallway!

Judy and the other family members and relatives reach the stairs! They then turn and hurry up the stairs leaving most of their family members and relatives behind in the third chamber!

The remaining family and relatives who are left inside the third chamber bend sideways and turn their heads upside down to get a better look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face also. They also get a little spooked by the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s expression appearing to be angrily staring at them with its head and face upside down that several more of them, including Dana’s sister Linda, scream, bend back up real quick, stand right side up again then turn right and race right towards the small narrow hallway exit that leads back into the hallway of the basement, fleeing right out of the third chamber also!

The other family members and relatives who remain inside the third chamber frighteningly watch more of their family members and relatives flee out of the third chamber! They suddenly hear a double loud BANG coming from behind the wall on the left side of the third chamber where the second chamber is and scream, “Aaaahh!”

They freak out! They frighteningly turn towards the wall where the bang sound came from. They then turn to Mr. Yim.

“What was that noise Mr. Yim?!” Margarita nervously shouts. “It sounded like it was coming from behind the wall where the second chamber is, the chamber where all 46

the identical Diane entity or Diane clone wax figures are! I think someone is back there!”

“I think so too,” Tonio nervously says. “I think those wax figures ARE ALIVE, which are Diane look-alikes or Diane clones!” Everyone stands there and frighteningly look at each other, then listen. They suddenly hear two faint male voices coming from behind the wall where the second chamber is. The voices get closer. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives nervously turn their heads to their left. They suddenly see Don and Dave coming from the small narrow dim lit hallway that leads from the second chamber carrying one of the large trees through the third chamber. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives frighteningly look at Don and Dave. They then give a sigh of relief.

“Oh!” Gracy says to Don and Dave. “So it was you two that we heard inside the next chamber!”

“Yes,” Don says, “it was us. One of the trees fell again so we’re getting rid of it now.”

“The tree fell again Don?” Mr. Yim asks.

“Yes, this time it fell on one of the wax figures and knocked it down.”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives frighteningly shout.

“Knocked one of the wax figures down?!” Gracy nervously shouts. “You mean the wax figures of Diane?!”

“Yes,” Don says.

“Oh nooo!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives shout! They are about to rush right towards the small narrow hallway that leads right into the second chamber! They suddenly realize that they are about to head right into the wax chamber where the entity and demon wax figures are, then stop and catch themselves! They frighteningly turn towards Don.

“Is Diane?” Mary says, “I mean, is the wax figure of Diane okay?”

“Yes the wax figure is okay,” Don says, “don’t worry, we’ll pick the wax figure back up after we come back and sweep that area. Right now we’re going to put the tree out in the back yard and keep it there for the time being. Sorry if we scared anybody.” Don and Dave then walk right alongside the front of the third chamber in front of Diane D

and Dana’s family and relatives carrying the large tree. Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives nervously look to their right at Don and Dave carrying the tree away.

Don and Dave then head towards the small narrow hallway exit of the third chamber carrying the large tree as Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives continue to look towards them.

Don and Dave then go through the exit doorway carrying the large tree and leave the third chamber.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives continue to look to their right where Don and Dave disappeared to. They then turn their heads and nervously look towards the small narrow hallway that leads into the second chamber. They then look back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure in the back of the chamber alone in the grass and weeds.

Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives and says, “Okay everyone!

Here’s how the wax figure look if you lighten the chamber from the back.” He turns on a switch. The chamber from the front goes dark.

The chamber from the back gets brighter with more light coming from the night sky in the back and the large hazy moon and clouds behind and above the other version of 47

the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure causing it to appear in silhouette with its face hidden.

“Aaaaaahhh!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives scream as they see the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure in silhouette with its face hidden standing on all fours firmly staring towards them. Some of the family members and relatives bend sideways again and turn their heads upside down to get a slight look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. They get a little spooked by the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s expression appearing to be angrily staring at them in silhouette with its head and face upside down that they bend back up real quick and stand right side up again! Other family members and relatives bend sideways again and turn their heads upside down also to get a slight look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D

entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. They also get a little spooked by the wax figure’s expression appearing to be angrily staring at them in silhouette with its head and face upside down that they bend back up real quick and stand right side up again!

“Now here’s how the wax figure look if you lighten the chamber from the ceiling,”

Mr. Yim says as he turns on another switch.

The ceiling of the chamber gets brighter with more light coming from the night sky and clouds right above the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure causing it to appear in less silhouette with its face less hidden and more shown.

“Aaaaaahhh!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives scream as they see the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure in less silhouette with its face a little less hidden and more shown standing on all fours angrily staring towards them.

Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives frighteningly look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure in less silhouette. Some of the family members and relatives bend sideways again and turn their heads upside down again to get a slight look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. They get spooked again by the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s expression appearing to be staring at them in less silhouette with its head and face upside down that they bend back up real quick and stand right side up again! Other family members and relatives bend sideways again and turn their heads upside down again to get a slight look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. They get spooked again by the wax figure’s expression appearing to be angrily staring at them in less silhouette with its head and face upside down that they bend back up real quick and stand right side up again!

“Last but not least, here’s how the wax figure look if you lighten the chamber from the front,” Mr. Yim says as he turns on a different switch.

The chamber from the front gets bright with extra light coming from the front of the chamber hitting the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure right in the face causing its face and body to appear in bright light making its face more visible!

“Aaaaaahhh!” Diane D and Dana’s family and relatives scream as they see the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s face in much bright light standing on all fours firmly staring at them! Several of the family members and relatives bend sideways again and turn their heads upside down again to get a slight 48

look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. “Aaaaahh!” they scream as they get spooked! They are frightened by how the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s expression appears to be firmly and angrily staring at them in brighter light with its head and face upside down that they bend back up real quick, stand right side up again then turn right and race right towards the small narrow hallway exit that leads back into the hallway of the basement, fleeing right out of the third chamber also!

The other family members and relatives who remain inside the third chamber frighteningly watch more of their family members and relatives flee out of the third chamber!

The family members and relatives that fled out of the third chamber flee out of the exit double doors of the wax chambers and run out into the hallway of the basement screaming! They scream as they frighteningly race through the hallway!

The family members and relatives reach the stairs! They then turn and hurry up the stairs leaving the other family members and relatives behind in the third chamber!

Some of the remaining family members and relatives still left inside the third chamber bend sideways again and turn their heads upside down again to get a slight look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. “Aaaaahh!” they scream as they also get spooked by the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure appearing to be angrily staring right at them also in brighter light with its head and face upside down that several more of them bend back up real quick, turn right and race right towards the small narrow hallway exit that leads back into the hallway of the basement, fleeing right out of the third chamber also!

The other family members and relatives who remain inside the third chamber frighteningly watch even more of their family members and relatives flee out of third wax chamber!

The family members and relatives that fled out of the third chamber flee out of the exit double doors of the wax chambers and run out into the hallway of the basement screaming! They scream as they frighteningly race through the hallway!

The family members and relatives reach the stairs! They then turn and hurry up the stairs leaving what’s left of the other family members and relatives behind in the third chamber!