Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Kurt Secretly Stays Locked Inside Wax Museum To Carry Out His Revenge!

It is 1:00 after midnight. It is dark outside. It is after closing time at the wax museum. Mr. Yim, Don and Dave are outside the entrance of the wax museum getting ready to leave and go home. They pull the gate of the wax museum entrance down. As Don locks the gate to the museum, Mr. Yim turns to him and Dave and says, “Now guys, we’re going to come back here first thing in the morning, grab all the Diane D wax figures, load the wax figures onto the trucks and take them out of here.”

“You want ALL the Diane D wax figures loaded onto the trucks?” Don asks.

“Yes all of them.”

“What about the Diane D wax figure inside the first chamber? You want that wax figure gone too?”

“Yes, they ALL have to be gone.”

“Even Dana’s wax figure?” Dave asks.

“Yes including Dana’s! Diane D and Dana’s family do not want Dana’s wax figure on public display either as well as they do not want Diane D’s wax figures on public display, so we have to get rid of ALL the Diane D wax figures including Dana’s.”

“I thought you wanted to probably save the first Diane D wax figure and Dana’s wax figure as a gift for Diane D and Dana’s family,” Don says.

“I did want to save those two wax figures as a gift for Diane D and Dana’s family at first, but they don’t want the wax figures, they want all the wax figures destroyed!


Instead of them being happy and excited about the wax figures, they all got scared and ran out of the chambers! I’m not sure if they want to even be bothered with those two wax figures of Diane D and Dana. I doubt they want anything to do with any of the wax figures! They all got creeped out by the work of art, so it’s best that those two wax figures of Diane D and Dana get destroyed as well as the rest of the wax figures.”

“Wow. Sorry things didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to Yim.”

“I’m sorry too,” Mr. Yim says as he sadly looks down. Don and Dave sadly look at Mr. Yim. Don then turns his head back and finishes locking the gate. He, Mr. Yim and Dave then turn and leave the gate.

Mr. Yim, Don and Dave reach the street corner. An uber pulls up to them. Mr. Yim, Don and Dave open the back door of the uber, they all get inside the backseats. The door of the uber close. The uber then drives away and leaves the area.

A minute later, Kurt is secretly inside the wax museum while it is locked and closed.

He is locked inside the museum. He is all alone inside the lobby of the wax museum.

He is nervous as he looks around the lobby. It is dimly lit inside the museum. Kurt sees the large photo or mural of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures taken from their front and right-side angle. “There they go,” he angrily whispers. He slowly goes towards the rope and the iron gate where the stairs are as he angrily stares at the large photo or mural of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures. He then looks forward and goes past the rope.

Kurt approaches the iron gate. He turns the knob of the iron gate. It is not locked.

Kurt is able to open the iron gate. He goes through the iron gate then slowly goes down the stairs to the basement of the wax museum where the Diane D entity or Diane D

demon wax figures are!

Kurt comes down the stairs. He enters the basement of the wax museum. He sees the long dark dimly lit hallway. He nervously looks around the long dark dimly lit hallway. He slowly walks in the dark, dim hallway looking around. He goes down the end of the hallway on his left.

Kurt reaches the double door of the first chamber. He turns the knob of the double door. It is not locked. Kurt is able to open the door. He is nervous. He is shaken with fear. He digs into his pocket and pulls out a match, a lighter and his smartphone. His hands are shaking. He then goes into the first wax chamber.

Kurt nervously steps inside the short, narrow dim lit hallway of the first wax chamber. He slowly goes through the short, narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the first chamber.

Kurt steps inside the first wax chamber. He stands at the front of the chamber on the side near the short narrow dim lit hallway. It is dark, dim and cool inside the 89

chamber. Kurt nervously looks around. He hears the slight eerie sounds of the wind.

He then looks towards the back of the chamber. He suddenly sees two silhouettes standing still in the distance. “Aaaahhh!” he screams. He turns on the flashlight from his smartphone. He shines the flashlight towards the silhouettes and sees faint figures of Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures standing on the rock platform. Kurt becomes frightened by how realistic Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures appear in the dark. He then shouts, “Diane D! Dana! Is that you two up there! Is that really you two pretending to be your own wax figures?!”

Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures do not move or respond.

Kurt keeps his flashlight shined on Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures and puzzledly stares at them. He then turns his phone flashlight and points it around the chamber.

He suddenly sees a light switch on the wall at the front of the chamber on the side close to himself. He goes to the light switch.

Kurt approaches the light switch. He turns on the switch. The light inside the first chamber comes on. Kurt turns and looks back at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures.

“Aaaaahh!” he screams again. He is startled to see how realistic Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures appear in the light as their hairs slightly blow in the artificial wind. He nervously stares at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures as he shakes with fear. He slowly moves away from the light switch and heads towards the center of the front of the chamber as he frighteningly stares at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures.

Kurt stands at the center of the front of the chamber and puzzledly looks at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures. He frighteningly stares at their wax figures! He then shouts to their wax figures, “Okay Diane D! You and your cousin Dana don’t have to pretend anymore! I know it’s you two up there! I know you two are posing as your own wax figures, so you two might as well quit right now while you’re ahead!”

Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures still do not move or respond.

Kurt frighteningly stares at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures. He then shouts to their wax figures, “So you two have nothing to say?! Huh?! Nothing to say at all?!

Alright then, you two just stay right up there! Have it your way! I’ll just move right along!” Kurt eases away towards the small narrow hallway that leads into the second chamber as he frighteningly stares back at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures.

Kurt nervously steps inside the short narrow dim lit hallway between the first and second chambers. He slowly goes through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the second chamber.