Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

Kurt Dares To Enter The Wax Chambers Of The Diane D Demons!

Kurt steps inside the second wax chamber. He stands at the front of the chamber on the side near the short narrow dim lit hallway. It is still dark, dim and creepy inside the second wax chamber. It is cool inside the chamber. Kurt nervously looks around 90

the chamber. He hears the slight eerie sounds of the wind. He then looks towards the back of the chamber. He sees a video of the large hazy moon from the projector shining above and behind the chamber as eerie clouds move slowly in front of and around it.

He suddenly sees multiple silhouettes standing still in the distance below the moon.

“Aaaahhh!” he screams as he sees the multiple silhouettes standing completely still in the distance, not moving. Kurt shines the flashlight from his smartphone towards the silhouettes and sees faint figures of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures standing completely still in the distance appearing to be staring towards the center of the front of the chamber. “Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams again. He becomes frightened by how realistic the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures appear in the dark. He keeps his flashlight shined on the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures and frighteningly stares at them! He then shouts to the entity wax figures, “Diane D?! Is that you in here too?! Are you over there?! Is that you pretending to be your own wax figure, trying to blend in with these multiple clone wax figures of yourself?!”

The Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures do not move or respond.

Kurt keeps his flashlight shined on the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures and puzzledly stares at them. He then points his flashlight lower, below the Diane D

entity or Diane D demon wax figures. He suddenly sees a faint figure of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure upright, down on its knees trapped in a contortionist position. “Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams again. He sees the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure in front of all the other Diane D entity wax figures in the center halfway surrounded by all the other Diane D entity wax figures. Kurt keeps his flashlight shined on the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure as the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure appears to be angrily staring towards the center of the front of the chamber also.

Kurt becomes frightened by how realistic the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure appears in the dark. He frighteningly stares at the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. He then says to it, “Is that you chained-up one, huh? or should I say the puppet master? Is that you over there? You’re in here too?”

The chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure does not move or respond.

Kurt keeps his flashlight shined on the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure and puzzledly stares at it. He then points his flashlight around the chamber. He suddenly sees a light switch on the wall at the front of the chamber on the side close to himself.

He goes to the light switch.

Kurt approaches the light switch. He turns on the switch. The light inside the second chamber comes on. Kurt turns and looks back at the chained-up Diane D

entity’s wax figure and all the other Diane D entity wax figures. “Aaaaahh!” he jerks and screams. He is startled to see a large group of so many Diane D entity or Diane D

demon wax figures! He sees all the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures standing there angrily staring towards the center of the front of the chamber as their hairs slightly blow in the artificial wind! He becomes more startled to see how realistic the Diane D entity wax figures appear in the light as they all appear to be angrily staring towards the center of the front of the chamber! Kurt nervously stares at the Diane D entity wax figures as he shakes with fear! He then shouts to the wax figures,

“Oh my God! You’re all here! You all made it in THIS world, the physical world! Oh my goodness!”

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They continue to angrily stare towards the center of the front of the chamber.


Kurt continues to frighteningly stare at the Diane D entity wax figures. He then shouts to himself, “Oh my God! This is just like in my dreams and nightmares! Oh my goodness!” Kurt frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures as he slowly moves away from the light switch. He slowly heads towards the center of the front of the chamber!

Kurt stands at the center of the front of the chamber putting himself right in view of the angry looking Diane D entity wax figures! He looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures. “Aaaaahh!” he jerks and screams again. He frighteningly and shockingly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures who are standing eight yards away from him. He sees all fifteen Diane D entity wax figures as they all seem to be angrily staring at him now!

He frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures! He is shocked to see the Diane D entity wax figures standing in slight zigzag positions unlike in his sketch and unlike in the photos and video! The fourteen Diane D entity wax figures seem to be standing more bunched together and more close to the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure partially surrounding the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure! Kurt is startled to see the Diane D entity wax figures in slight zigzag positions bunched together standing closer to the chained-up Diane D entity wax figure! He then shouts to the wax figures, “Oh my God, I can’t believe this! You’re all here! You all made it to this world, MY world, the physical world! How did you all get here?! Oh my goodness!

You’re all looking and staring at me just like you all did in my dreams and nightmares!

You all pulled my soul and spirit out of my physical body and brought my soul and spirit into your spiritual underworld! You all set me on fire and were about to watch me burn alive, and that’s the exact same way you’re all looking and staring at me right now! It’s like I’m reliving my nightmares all over again! My God, it’s like Mr. Yim went right inside my head and pulled you all right out of it and brought you all here into THIS world, the physical world!” Kurt continues to frighteningly stare at the Diane D

entity wax figures as they all seem to be angrily looking and staring at him! He then shouts to the wax figures, “But this isn’t how you all were standing in my dreams and nightmares, you all weren’t standing in this position! You all weren’t standing in this position in my sketch either which is the sketch Mr. Yim copied you all from! And this isn’t how you all were standing in those photos and in that video either! You all were standing in a wide part-circle, but now you’re all standing in different positions more bunched together and closer to the chained-up one! How did you all stand in different positions closer to each other and closer to the chained-up one?! The real Diane D, are you over there?! Are you secretly blending in here posing as one of your entity wax figures, moving yourself and them around?! If you’re over there, come out wherever you are! You don’t have to pretend anymore! I know you’re over there somewhere!

One of those wax figures over there has got to be the real you! I know you’re over there blending in posing as your own wax figure!”

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They all still appear to be angrily looking and staring towards the front of the chamber at Kurt!

Kurt frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures. He then says, “Okay, moving right along.” Kurt eases away towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads to the third chamber as he frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity or Diane D

demon wax figures.

Kurt nervously steps inside the short narrow dim lit hallway between the second 92

and third chambers. He slowly goes through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the third chamber.

Kurt steps inside the third wax chamber. He stands at the front of the chamber on the side near the short narrow dim lit hallway. It is still dark, dim and creepy inside the third wax chamber. It is cool inside the chamber. Kurt nervously looks around the chamber. He hears the slight eerie sounds of the wind. He then looks towards the back of the chamber. He sees another video of the large hazy moon from the projector shining above and behind the chamber as eerie clouds move slowly in front of and around it. He suddenly sees a silhouette completely still in the distance below the moonlight standing on all fours with its head and face upside down. “Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams as he sees the silhouette in the distance. He shines the flashlight from his smartphone towards the silhouette and sees a faint figure of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure standing in the distance on all fours with its head and face upside down appearing to be staring towards the center of the front of the chamber. “Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams again. He becomes frightened by how realistic the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure appears in the dark. He keeps his flashlight shined on the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure and frighteningly stares at it. He then shouts to it, “Diane D! You’re in here too?! My God, how many different spots can you be in at once?!”

The other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure does not move or respond.

Kurt keeps his flashlight shined on the other version of the chained-up Diane D

entity’s wax figure and puzzledly stares at it. He then points his phone flashlight around the chamber. He suddenly sees a light switch on the wall at the front of the chamber on the side close to himself. He goes to the light switch.

Kurt approaches the light switch. He turns on the switch. The light inside the third wax chamber comes on. Kurt turns and looks back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. “Aaaaahh!” he screams again. He is startled to see how realistic the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure appears in the light as it stands on all fours trapped in a contortionist position with its head and face upside down appearing to be angrily staring towards the center of the front of the chamber! Kurt frighteningly stares at the other version of the chained-up Diane D

entity’s wax figure. He then shouts, “Wow! This is just like in my dreams and nightmares too! My God!” Kurt continues to frighteningly stare at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. He slowly moves away from the light switch. He heads right towards the center of the front of the chamber!

Kurt stands at the center of the front of the chamber putting himself right in view of the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure! He then turns and looks back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure.

“Aaaaahh!” he screams again. He frighteningly and shockingly stares at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. He sees the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure appearing to be angrily staring at him while it’s standing on all fours trapped in a contortionist position with its head and face upside down! Kurt then bends sideways and turns his head upside down to get a slight look at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s upside-down head and face. “Aaaaahh!” he screams again as he gets spooked by the chained-up Diane D


entity’s wax figure’s expression appearing to be angrily staring at him with its head and face upside down! Kurt quickly bends back up and stands right side up again! He frighteningly stares at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure!

He then shouts to it, “Okay Diane D! If you’re not inside the other two chambers, then you’re definitely in here inside this chamber! I know that’s you over there! That chained-up wax figure over there has got to be you!”

The other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure still does not move or respond as it appears to be angrily staring at Kurt.

Kurt frighteningly stares at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure. He then eases away back towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back to the second chamber as he frighteningly stares back at the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure.

Kurt nervously steps back inside the short narrow dim lit hallway between the third and second chambers. He slowly goes through the hallway heading back towards the second chamber.