Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Kurt Goes Crazy As He Tries To Destroy The Diane D Demon Wax Figures!

Kurt nervously steps back inside the second wax chamber. He stands at the front of the chamber on the side near the short narrow dim lit hallway and sees the large group of the bunched-up Diane D entities and the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figures still standing there appearing to be angrily staring towards the center of the front of the chamber. Kurt frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures again. He then moves away from the short narrow dim lit hallway and heads right back towards the center of the front of the chamber!

Kurt stands at the center of the front of the chamber putting himself right back in view of all the Diane D entity wax figures! He looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures again. He sees all fifteen Diane D entity wax figures seeming to be angrily staring at him again! Kurt frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures again!

He then gets bold and shouts to the wax figures, “Okay you Diane D entities or Diane D

demons, or should I say the entities or demons that look like Diane D?! Now that I have all your attention, I want to get something straight! I’ve had it with all of you constantly coming into my dreams and nightmares, pulling my soul or spirit right out of my physical body, then pulling my soul or spirit into your spiritual underworld terrorizing me, chasing after me, bumping into me, kung fu kicking me knocking me down, beating me with that large tree branch you got over there, tying me up, slamming a karate chop right at my throat, then setting me on fire and were about to 94

watch me burn alive!”

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They all appear to still be angrily staring at Kurt.

“If I didn’t wake up in time, I would have died in my sleep! Well I’ve had it, I’ve had enough of you all! I’ve had it with all you witches destroying my life, causing me to lose a lot of sleep, causing me to be afraid to fall asleep, because I didn’t want you all pulling my soul or spirit out of my physical body again, then pulling my soul or spirit back into your spiritual underworld anymore! I’ve had lots of sleepless nights because of you all!”

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

“Well, I’m not in your spiritual underworld anymore, because this time the tables are turned, you’re all in MY WORLD now! You all followed me here! After you all set me on fire and were about to enjoy watching my pain and suffering by having me burned alive, it’s payback time, it’s time to collect! It’s time for me to return the favor to you all! Now I want you all to listen to me and listen to me good! I want you all to get out of here right now and go right back to that spiritual underworld where you all came from, you got that?! And once you all arrive back to your spiritual underworld, I want you all to stay there and don’t ever step foot back into this physical world ever again, you got it?! Now get out of here right now why you all got the chance, leave!”

Kurt points his left arm and finger towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back into the first chamber.

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

“Well, what are you all waiting for?! Are you all hard of hearing?! Now I know most of you don’t talk, none of you talk at all but the chained-up one, but the chained-up one, you’re not talking now! What's the matter chained-up one, the cat's got your tongue?! Why you’re not talking?! You were doing all that talking before when you were in your spiritual underworld! Now that you’re in MY world the physical world, you're not talking?! You don’t talk while you’re in MY world?! You have my permission to talk while you’re in MY world chained-up one! So go ahead, start talking, say something! Say something now chained-up one, say something, say anything!”

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

“Well, since none of you are talking or can’t seem to talk right now, I’m sure you all can hear! Now leave!” Kurt points his left arm and finger towards the short narrow dim lit hallway again.

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

“Okay you Diane D entities, enough of the mannequin challenge, alright?! The game is over! Do I have to call the police on you all, in order to get you all out of here?! I couldn’t call the police on you all before, because I was trapped in your spiritual underworld! There are no police in your spiritual underworld, so I was completely on my own there! I had no one there to help me, no one there to help me escape at all!

Yeah there might have been that evil Being that you claim have you handcuffed, shackled and chained, chained-up one! The evil Being might have had his men try to stone you to death! But where was that Being when I needed it, huh?! What good is 95

having you handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that contortionist position or having you stoned if it doesn’t stop you and the rest of your gang from your evil brutal tactics?! Now I want you all to leave and get out of here before I regret what I’m about to do to you all! Leave!” Kurt points his left arm and finger towards the short narrow dim lit hallway again.

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move or respond. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

“Okay! I see that you Diane D entities want to play hard ball! Don’t worry, I won’t call the police on you all! Since you’re all in MY world now, I don’t think I need to call the police on you! I think I’ll handle you all, myself!” Kurt angrily stares at the Diane D

entity wax figures. He then looks around the front of the chamber. Then he turns around and looks down on the floor behind himself facing away from the Diane D entity wax figures having his back towards them. He sees a couple of 5-pound weights on the floor. He bends down and is about to grab one of the weights. He suddenly hears slight whisperings several yards behind himself! He stops right in his tracks! The whisperings sound to be coming right from where the Diane D entity wax figures are!

Kurt quickly stands straight, turns back around and looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures! The whisperings suddenly stop! Kurt frighteningly stares at the Diane D

entity wax figures. He then shouts to them, “Did I just hear whisperings?! Are any of you whispering over there?!”

The Diane D entity wax figures do not move or respond. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

“Are any of you whispering?!” Kurt shouts as he frighteningly stares at the Diane D

entity wax figures again. “The real Diane D, are you over there?! Are you over there blending in with your look-alike wax figures?! Come out, come out wherever you are!

Are you over there?!” Kurt continues to frighteningly stare at the Diane D entity wax figures. Then he frighteningly looks his eyes around the chamber. He does not see anything else suspicious inside the chamber. He frighteningly looks back at the Diane D

entity wax figures and stares at them again as they seem to be angrily staring back at him! Kurt slowly turns back around and looks back down on the floor behind himself at the 5-pound weights on the floor facing away from the Diane D entity wax figures having his back towards them again! He bends down and is about to grab one of the weights again. He suddenly hears slight whisperings several yards behind himself again! He stops right in his tracks again! The whisperings sound to be coming right from where the Diane D entity wax figures are again! Kurt doesn’t move this time. He continues to stand there secretly listening! He still hears the slight whisperings. He quickly stands straight, turns back around and looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures! The whispering sounds suddenly stop again as Kurt catches the Diane D entity wax figures quickly look away from the chained-up entity’s wax figure as the chained-up entity’s wax figure look away from them and they all quickly look back at Kurt!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly looks at the Diane D entity wax figures as he just caught them all move! He frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures!

The Diane D entity wax figures angrily stare back at Kurt not moving.

Kurt continues to frighteningly stare at the Diane D entity wax figures! He quickly shakes his head and shuts his eyes tight! He quickly opens his eyes wide and blinks several times as he frighteningly looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures. He then says, “Did I just see you all move? Did you all just move?”


The Diane D entity wax figures do not move or respond. They all appear to be still angrily staring at Kurt!

Kurt quickly shakes his head and closes his eyes tight again! He quickly opens his eyes wide and blinks several more times as he looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures again! He frighteningly stares at the Diane D entity wax figures again.

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

Kurt continues to frighteningly stare at the Diane D entity wax figures. He then frighteningly looks his eyes around the chamber again. He does not see anything else suspicious inside the chamber. He frighteningly looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures. “Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me or something,” he puzzledly says to himself. “I could have sworn I saw you all move!” Kurt puzzledly stares at the Diane D

entity wax figures again.

The Diane D entity wax figures still do not move. They all still appear to be angrily staring at Kurt!

Kurt continues to frighteningly stare at the Diane D entity wax figures. He then frighteningly looks his eyes around the chamber again. He still does not see anything else suspicious inside the chamber. He frighteningly looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures. Then he slowly turns back around and looks back down on the floor behind himself. He quickly turns his head back around to look back at the Diane D

entity wax figures hoping to catch them move again. He does not see the Diane D entity wax figures moving. Kurt slowly turns back around and looks back down at the 5-pound weights on the floor. He bends down and grabs one of the weights. He picks the 5-pound weight up off the floor. He suddenly hears slight whisperings several yards behind himself again! He stops right in his tracks again! The whisperings sound to be coming right from where the Diane D entity wax figures are again! Kurt doesn’t move again. He continues to stand there secretly listening! He still hears the slight whisperings. He quickly stands straight, turns back around and looks back at the Diane D entity wax figures! The whispering sounds suddenly stop again! Kurt then shouts to the Diane D entity wax figures, “Okay you Diane D entities! Since you all seem to be whispering behind my back, and you all seem to be moving behind my back while I’m not looking, and refuse to leave and won’t get out of here, how would you all like to be stoned, huh? especially you chained-up one?! You had me stoned! You held me down and used me as a human shield while that evil Being had his men trying to throw more stones at you! You held me down so tight that I wasn’t able to escape, then I wind up being the one stoned instead of you, after I tried to come to your rescue and defense!

Well, I’m not going to be played or betrayed by you anymore chained-up one, the shoe is on the other foot now, because you're about to be stoned again!” Kurt then laughs with tears in his eyes as he shouts, “I'm about to stone you chained-up one! So get ready chained-up one! This stone, is for you!” Kurt takes all his might and throws the five-pound weight right across the chamber towards the Diane D entity wax figures!

The five-pound weight flies hard across the chamber! It smashes right into the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s head and face hitting the chained-up Diane D

entity’s wax figure smack dab in the head and face, breaking and folding its head and face in two! The chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure falls backwards with its body remaining hard and stiff!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s head 97

and face breaking and folding in two as it falls backwards!

The chained-up entity’s wax figure falls backward against the second Diane D

entity’s wax figure right behind it!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remaining hard and stiff as it falls backwards against the second Diane D entity’s wax figure!

The second Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remain hard and stiff as it falls backwards against the third Diane D entity’s wax figure right behind it!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the third Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remaining hard and stiff as it falls sideways to its left against the fourth Diane D

entity’s wax figure right beside it!

The fourth Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remains hard and stiff as it falls sideways to its left against the fifth Diane D entity’s wax figure right beside it! The fifth Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remains hard and stiff as it falls sideways to its left against the sixth Diane D entity’s wax figure right beside it! The sixth Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remains hard and stiff as it falls sideways to its left against the seventh Diane D entity’s wax figure right beside it! The seventh Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remains hard and stiff as it falls sideways to its left against the eighth Diane D entity’s wax figure right beside it! The eighth Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remains hard and stiff as it falls sideways to its left against the ninth Diane D

entity’s wax figure right beside it! The ninth Diane D entity’s wax figure’s body remains hard and stiff as it falls sideways to its left!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing all nine Diane D entity wax figures fall against each other like dominos then crash hard down on the grass making thud sounds!

“Aaaaaahhh!” Kurt screams again as the Diane D entity wax figures’ bodies rock and vibrate a little as they remain stiff on the grass!

The chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure, the two entity wax figures directly behind it and all the entity wax figures on the right side of the chamber are knocked down on the grass!

Kurt frighteningly stares at the nine Diane D entity wax figures that fell as they lay stiff on the grass staring up towards the dome-shaped ceiling! He then frighteningly looks back at the six other Diane D entity wax figures on the left side of the chamber that remain standing as they all still seem to be angrily staring at him! He then shouts to them, “Wow! I got about most of you down and now I got the other half of you to go, because I’m about to light you all up and watch you burn just like you all were about to watch ME burn! So say bye-bye to THIS WORLD, say bye-bye to this wax museum and say bye-bye to your creator Mr. Yim or should I call him your doctor, Dr. Frankenstein for pulling you all from right out of my dreams and nightmares then creating you, then bringing you monsters into this physical world! Mr. Yim created you, and now I’m going to destroy you all just like you all tried to destroy me!” Kurt looks down and lights a match. He suddenly hears a thud sound coming from the back of the chamber!

“Aaaahh!” he screams as he frighteningly looks up and the match goes out. “Who’s there?!” Kurt shouts as he frighteningly looks towards the back of the chamber. He frighteningly looks his eyes around the chamber again. He still sees the six Diane D

entity wax figures that are left standing still angrily staring at him while the other nine Diane D entity wax figures that were knocked down remain stiff on the grass. He does not see anyone or anything else suspicious inside the chamber. He nervously stares 98

around the chamber. He then looks down and lights another match. He suddenly hears a loud sound of chains breaking coming from the third chamber! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams again as he frighteningly looks up again and the match goes out. “Who’s there?!” Kurt frighteningly shouts as he looks to his right towards the right side of the chamber that has the third chamber wall on the other side of it. He frighteningly stares around the chamber again.

The six Diane D entity wax figures that are left standing still seem to be angrily staring at Kurt while the other nine Diane D entity wax figures remain stiff on the grass!

Kurt still does not see anyone or anything else suspicious inside the chamber. He frighteningly stares around the chamber again. He suddenly hears the sounds of chains coming from the third chamber as if someone is slowly walking around in chains.

“Who’s there?!” Kurt shouts again. He quickly goes into his pocket then pulls out a gun!

He holds the gun out with both hands, points the gun around the chamber and shouts,

“Is anyone alive inside this wax museum besides me?! Huh?! Is anyone alive in the next two chambers?! Come out, come out wherever you are! I got a gun and I’m going to use it, so you better show yourself! Show yourself now!” Kurt does not see anyone or anything else suspicious inside the chamber. He then shouts, “The real Diane D, are you in here somewhere!” Kurt continues to point the gun around the chamber. He does still not see anyone or anything else suspicious. He puts his gun back inside his pocket putting it away. Kurt looks back down and starts to light another match. The match is lighted. Kurt looks back up at the six remaining Diane D entity wax figures that are left standing and shouts to them, “Now that I already destroyed some of you witches with that 5-pound weight, it’s time for me to destroy the rest of you witches!

It’s time for ALL of you to be destroyed with fire, just like you all tried to do to me!”

Kurt is about to throw the lighted match right towards the six remaining Diane D entity wax figures that are left standing.

As the six remaining Diane D entity wax figures that are left standing appear to still be angrily staring at Kurt, suddenly, one of the wax figures the third one that has a leg up on a platform comes to life and move! The Diane D entity wax figure slowly leaves from its position and walks behind the other Diane D entity wax figures as it slowly starts to head right towards Kurt!

“Aaaaahhh!” Kurt screams seeing the Diane D entity wax figure come to life slowly leaving from the other Diane D entity wax figures and slowly heads towards him! He then shouts to it, “So it IS you Diane D! You were here all along tricking me, blending right in with your own wax figures just like I thought! Oh my God I knew it! I knew it had to be you in here, I just knew it!”

The Diane D entity wax figure continues to slowly head towards Kurt.

Kurt shouts to the wax figure, “Boy you’re good Diane D! You’re good at keeping completely still making yourself appear stiff for a long time blending right in with these wax figures of yourself! Boy you’re good! You’re too good!”

Suddenly another Diane D entity wax figure that is left standing comes to life and move!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the other Diane D entity wax figure come to life and slowly leaves from the other Diane D entity wax figures and slowly starts to head towards him also. “What is this?!” Kurt shouts. “It’s two of you again, just like in my nightmares!”


Suddenly two more Diane D entity wax figures that are left standing come to life and move!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the other Diane D entity wax figures come to life and slowly leaves from the other Diane D entity wax figures and slowly head towards him.

Suddenly two more Diane D entity wax figures come to life and move!

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the other Diane D entity wax figures come to life and slowly start to head towards him also!

Suddenly two Diane D entity wax figures that are laying stiff on the grass come to life and move also!

“Aaaaahhh!” Kurt screams seeing the two Diane D entity wax figures slowly get up off the grass! “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the two Diane D entity wax figures slowly start to head towards him also!

Suddenly three Diane D entity wax figures that are laying on the grass come to life and move! “Aaaaahhh!” Kurt screams seeing the three Diane D entity wax figures slowly get up off the grass! “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams seeing the three Diane D entity wax figures slowly start to head towards him also! He does not know what to do! He doesn’t know which way to run! Kurt turns and starts to run towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back into the third chamber! He suddenly hears someone inside that short narrow dim lit hallway slowly walking around in chains! “Oh no!” he shouts! He suddenly sees the other version of the chained-up Diane D entity wax figure walking on all fours with its head and face upside down slowly coming from out of the short narrow dim lit hallway leading from the third chamber heading right towards him! “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams! He doesn’t know which way to run! He turns and starts to run towards the opposite short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back into the first chamber!

Kurt runs through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the first chamber!

Kurt nervously runs inside the first chamber! He looks up and sees Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures still standing there on the 12-inch rock platform! Suddenly Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures come to life and start to move also as they turn their heads and angrily look down towards Kurt! “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams as he sees Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures angrily looking down at him as they toss the Dominican and Jamaican flags aside, then jump down from the platform and start to slowly head right towards him! “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams as Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures slowly head towards him! He does not know what to do or where to run! He turns and tries to run towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back to the exit into the long basement hallway, but Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures hurry and block his path!

“Noooo!” Kurt shouts as he frighteningly looks at Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures. He then turns from Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures and starts to run back to the other short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back towards the second chamber, but all the Diane D entity wax figures from the second chamber and the other version of the chained-up entity’s wax figure from the third chamber slowly walk through that small narrow hallway heading right towards the first chamber! “Oh noooo!” Kurt shouts.

All the Diane D entity wax figures from the second chamber and the other version of 100

the chained-up entity’s wax figure from the third chamber enter into the first chamber and head towards Kurt also! All the wax figures have Kurt cornered! He has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide as he shouts, “No! Please leave me alone!” Kurt suddenly grabs his chest in pain! He then shouts, “Somebody help meee! Please leave me alone!

PLEASE! LEAVE ME ALOOONE!” Kurt then falls out on the floor and passes out.