Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Kurt Is Found Lying Unconscious Inside One Of The Wax Chambers!

The next morning, Kurt is found lying unconscious on the floor inside the first chamber of the wax museum as Mr. Yim, Don, Dave, the paramedics and several police officers surround him! The paramedics then lift Kurt and put him on a stretcher. A short white male police officer with light brown hair turns to Mr. Yim and asks, “You don’t know what happened to him?”

“No Officer!” Mr. Yim hysterically shouts. “My staff and I came in here this morning and found him laying like this! Most likely, he snuck inside the museum after closing hours!”

“He snuck inside this museum after closing hours?!”

“Most likely!”

“Why would he want to be inside a wax museum after closing hours?!”

“Because he was talking about getting revenge against the wax figures!”

“What? He was talking about getting revenge against wax figures?”

“Yes! I think he snuck in here after closing hours to accomplish that mission!”

“You think so?”


“But why would he want to get revenge against wax figures?”

“Because he was talking about getting revenge against the Diane D entities or Diane D demons he kept having dreams and nightmares about!”

“What? He was talking about getting revenge against the Diane D entities or Diane D demons he kept having dreams and nightmares about?”

“Yes! Since the wax figures were modeled from the Diane D entities in his dreams and nightmares, he wanted to get revenge against their wax figures!”

“Oh yeah?”


“Wow.” The officer looks down at Kurt. He then turns his head and looks around the first chamber. He sees Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures standing on a rock platform and asks, “Who’s that standing up there?”

Mr. Yim turns his head to look, then says, “Oh, those are Diane D and her cousin Dana’s wax figures.”

“Wax figures?! Those are wax figures over there?!”



“Oh my God! I thought those were real people standing up there!”

“No, those are wax figures.”

“Are you sure they’re wax figures?!”

“I should know! My staff and I created them and put them up there!”

“You created them?!”


“And put them up there?!”


“Oh my God, because I was about to ask those wax figures did they witness anything in here when I thought they were real people! Is that Diane D and her cousin Dana’s image from that sword fighting online commercial?”

“Yes it is.”

“And you made wax figures out of them?”

“Yes I did!”

“Wow! It’s unbelievable! They look so real! In the online commercial, they were holding and fighting with swords, but in here, their wax figures are holding flags instead. How come?”

“I thought it would look nice if their wax figures held flags that represent their countries of origin!”

“Held flags that represent their countries of origin?”


“I see. What made you want to create wax figures out of Diane D and her cousin Dana doing the online commercial in the first place?”

“I thought it would be nice to have their wax figures in the adventure exhibit of the museum.”

“Have their wax figures in the adventure exhibit?”


“I see. How do Diane D and her cousin Dana feel that wax figures were made out of them doing the online commercial?”

“So far, they don’t know about it yet.”

“They don’t know about it?”


“Why not?”

“They’re still lying unconscious in the hospital after what happened to them!”

“They’re still lying unconscious in the hospital?”


“I see.” The officer looks at Diane D’s wax figure again and asks, “Is that the same wax figure I heard Diane D’s family and relatives fled from?”

“No, it was the multiple wax figures of the Diane D entities in the next chamber.”

“What? The multiple wax figures of the Diane D entities in the next chamber?”

“Yes, the wax figures of the Diane D entities this young man Kurt kept having dreams and nightmares about!”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes! My staff and I were about to remove all the Diane D entity wax figures this morning until we came across this! When we went inside the next chamber, we found most of the Diane D entity wax figures knocked down!”


“What! Most of the Diane D entity wax figures are knocked down?”


“How did they fall?”

“We found one of the five-pound weights that was laying on the floor in the front of the chamber, several yards away right next to the wax figures that fell!”

“What? You found a five-pound weight that was at the front of the chamber next to the wax figures that fell?”


“Oh my God, what do you think happened?!”

“I think Kurt most likely picked up the five-pound weight, then threw the five pound weight right across the chamber hitting the wax figures as part of his revenge against them!”

“You think so?”

“Yes because one of the wax figures’ heads and face is bashed in from when the weight was thrown at it!”

“What! One of the Diane D entity wax figures’ head and face is bashed in from when the weight was thrown at it?”


“Oh no! Sorry to hear about that! How many wax figures were knocked down?”

“We found nine of them lying on the grass!”

“Nine of the Diane D entity wax figures are laying on the grass?!”


“My goodness! Are any of the other wax figures damaged?”

“No, just the chained-up one!”

“The chained-up one?”

“Yes! It took a lot of work for me and my staff to create and model those wax figures to a tee, they were a work of art, then Kurt right here comes along and destroys one of them and knock some of the others down!”

“My God! Sorry to hear about that! So far, you still have all the multiple wax figures of the Diane D entities still inside the next chamber?”

“Yes I do!”

“How many wax figures of the Diane D entities did you create altogether?”

“Around sixteen of them!”

“What! Sixteen of them?! You created around sixteen wax figures of the Diane D



“Wow, that is so many Diane D entity wax figures! My God Mr. Yim, why did you create so many?!”

“Because that’s the same amount of Diane D entities that were on Kurt’s sketches, I copied the wax figures right from his sketches! The same amount of Diane D entities that were in Kurt’s nightmares, were the same amount of Diane D entities Kurt drew on his sketches! The same amount of Diane D entities that were in Kurt’s sketches, became the same amount of life-size Diane D entity wax figures that my staff and I created and built then put into the next chambers!”

“Oh yeah?”


“My God! What happened to the Diane D entity wax figures that weren’t knocked 103


“They were left standing!”

“They were left standing?”


“Are they still standing now?”


“How many of them are still left standing?”

“Around six of them are still left standing.”

“Six of the Diane D entity wax figures are still left standing in the next chamber?!”


“And they’re the same exact wax figures that Diane D’s own family and relatives fled from?”

“Yes they are. Would you like to go into the next chamber and take a look at the wax figures that are still left standing and see the damage to the chained-up wax figure and see the other wax figures that were knocked down?”


“No? Well why not?”

“Because if Diane D’s own family and relatives fled from those wax figures, what makes you think I won’t do it too?! After I heard that Diane D’s own family and relatives had to flee out of that wax chamber and refuse to go back inside there, I’m not sure if I want to step foot inside that chamber either!”


“No! As long as no one is dead or dying in there, I’m not stepping foot inside that chamber until you get rid of those wax figures!”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore Officer, because I’m going to get rid of the wax figures and destroy them!”

“You’re going to destroy them?”


“All of them?”

“Yes, all of them!”

The paramedics quickly pull Kurt and the stretcher towards the small narrow hallway as Mr. Yim, Don, Dave and the police officer follow them.

There is a large crowd of people outside the wax museum. There is also an ambulance outside the wax museum. The paramedics quickly roll Kurt and the stretcher from out of the wax museum building then roll him towards the ambulance.

Everyone in the crowd is anxious and nervous as they watch Kurt and the stretcher be brought into the ambulance. “Is he the one that had the dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities or demons and drew the sketches of them?” a man in the crowd asks.

“Yeah,” a woman in the crowd says, “I heard he’s the one.”

“And he’s the one whose father got killed by the real Diane D?”

“Yeah, that’s what I heard.”

“What was he doing inside the wax museum during closing hours?”

“I don’t know.” The crowd continues to anxiously watch Kurt be pulled into the ambulance.


The following day, Kurt is lying unconscious in the hospital bed as his family and relatives surround him. “I don’t know what he was doing inside that wax museum during closing hours!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “I don’t know what he was doing in there!”

“Remember Mom!” Kyle shouts, “Kurt said he wanted to get revenge against those Diane D entities from his dreams and nightmares!”

“Yeah but look where it’s gotten him! This is the third time he’s been brought into the hospital because of Diane D, this is the third time! First, he was brought into the hospital when he got shot in the stairwell at her family’s organization and he claim Diane D was right there in the stairwell when he got shot there, second, he was brought into the hospital when he got kicked in the head and face in the stairwell of his apartment building and claim Diane D was right there in the stairwell when he got kicked in the head and face there, third, he is brought into the hospital when he was found unconscious inside the wax chamber at the wax museum, and the wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from his dreams and nightmares were right there inside the wax museum when he was found unconscious in there! So altogether, he’s been in the hospital three times, all because of Diane D! If he would have just stayed out of that wax museum, he wouldn’t be here right now, he would be home with us! I told him, ‘do not go after Diane D! Do not go after her whether it’s the real Diane D or the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like her, do not go after Diane D

period!’ But he didn’t listen! If he does not wake back up and winds up dying, then he will be the second casualty in our family lost to Diane D after your father!” Kyle and the rest of the relatives frighteningly look at Mrs. Reid.