Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Mr. Yim Shows Diane D’s Family The Now Empty Wax Chambers

A few days later, Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Celeste, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Christine and David are in the lobby of the wax museum with Mr.

Yim during closing hours as they sadly look at the walls of the lobby. The large mural of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures taken from their front and right-side angle and the large movie screen that showed the larger-than-life video of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures are now gone. Barry turns to Mr. Yim and asks, “Where is that large mural of the wax figures that was on the wall and that large movie screen that showed the wax figures?”

“My staff and I took them down,” Mr. Yim says.

“Why did the sketches, photos and video of the wax figures got posted outside the museum and inside the museum lobby when we strictly told you that we did not want those wax figures publicly displayed?!” Margarita angrily shouts.

“I’m sorry Miss Margarita, I don’t know why the sketches, photos and video of the Diane D entity wax figures got posted outside the museum and inside the museum 105


“You don’t know?! Because those images got posted all over social media!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Mary shouts. “It had to be one of your staff members who posted the images outside and inside the museum lobby!”

“Of course it had to be one of his staff members!” Grandpa Mike shouts. “It was probably Don or Dave who did it!”

“I already asked Don and Dave,” Mr. Yim says. “They said they didn’t do it. They told me it was Mark who did it.”

“Mark?!” Mary shouts. “Who’s Mark?!”

“One of my other staff members. I already spoke to him about that. I’m sorry that Diane D is gonna wind up seeing the multiple images of herself in wax on social media.”

“If she ever sees the multiple images of herself in wax on social media, she’s going to worry that it’s going to cause people to be afraid of her even more, that’s why we keep Diane away from social media a lot.”

“What? You keep Diane D away from social media?”

“Believe me, we try to.”

“So are you going to let her see the multiple images of herself in wax on social media?”

“We might let her see that.”

“I think you should! The multiple images of Diane D in wax don’t look bad! They don’t look bad at all! As a matter of fact, I heard that a lot of people liked the sketches, photos and video of the multiple images of Diane D in wax!”

“They do?” Gracy asks.

“Yes! People said even though the multiple wax figures of Diane D was scary and creepy and they didn’t want to see the actual wax figures in person, especially after they heard that you all fled from out of the wax chambers, they admitted that the multiple wax figures of Diane D did look good. They said even though the multiple wax figures of Diane D did look like a bunch of clones of her just like you all said, they said the multiple wax figures of her looked great! I heard that some women were saying that they wish they can look like Diane D.”

“Some women said that?” Barry asks.

“That’s what I heard.”

“Where’re the wax figures now?”

“After what happened with Kurt, the wax figures of Diane D, Dana and the Diane D

entities have already been destroyed.”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family shouts.

“They are already destroyed?” Christine asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“How?!” David asks. “How did you destroy them?!”

“Don, Dave and I loaded them onto the trucks, brought them to the site and set them on fire.”

“What!” Diane D and Dana’s family shouts.

“You set Diane and Dana’s online wax figures on fire too?!” Tomas shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“And the Diane entity wax figures?!”


“All of them?!”


“Yes all of them! I didn’t want to destroy the all-black one-piece bodysuits, the thick black shoes or the wigs that were on the wax figures.”

“You didn’t want to destroy the bodysuits, the shoes or the wigs?” Barry asks.


“Why not?”

“Because there are sixteen of those all-black one-piece bodysuits, sixteen pairs of those thick black shoes and sixteen wigs! I thought that the one-piece bodysuits were too good to destroy. I thought that the thick black shoes were too good to destroy also and I thought the wigs were too good to destroy, that’s why we removed all of them from off the wax figures because I want to give all the one-piece bodysuits and all the thick black shoes to you guys to give to Diane D.”

“What?” Diane D and Dana’s family says.

“You want to give all the one-piece bodysuits and all the shoes to us to give to Diane?” Gracy asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“Why all of them?”

“I figure Diane D might want to wear them in her future performances! She’ll have plenty of those one-piece bodysuits to wear during her future performances. She’ll never have to worry about running out of them or buying another one or she can just give some away if she’d like to.”

“Sure Mr. Yim, we’ll take the sixteen one-piece bodysuits and the sixteen pairs of the black shoes and give them to Diane. I don’t know what we can do with the sixteen wigs. Where are the one-piece bodysuits and the thick black shoes?”

“The one-piece bodysuits and the thick black shoes are down in the basement.”

“They’re down in the basement?”

“Yes, they never left the basement even though the wax figures of Diane D, Dana and the Diane D entities are not there anymore.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“Those one-piece bodysuits, thick black shoes and the wigs never left the basement?” Barry asks.

“No,” Mr. Yim says, “they didn’t.”

“So how the hell did you have all the wax figures of Diane and wax figure of Dana leave from out of here Mr. Yim?!”

“That’s right!” Mary shouts. “I hope you didn’t have the wax figures of our child and the wax figure of our niece leaving out of here without any clothes on, did you?!”

“No!” Mr. Yim shouts, “of course not! I wouldn’t do that to any wax figure, all the wax figures were completely covered up with sheets!”

“They didn’t leave out of here naked?!”

“No, of course not! They were covered from head to toe with sheets, then Don, Dave and I took the wax figures out through the back door then loaded the wax figures onto the trucks where no one could see them! Even if anyone else saw us removing the wax figures from out of the museum then loading them onto the trucks, the wax figures were completely covered up so no one could be able to see them at all!”

“Are you sure about that Mr. Yim?” Grandpa Mike asks.

“Yes I’m sure.”

“Okay good. We’re just trying to make sure you didn’t have the wax figures of Diane’s and Dana’s bodies exposed.”


“No relax, the wax figures of their bodies were not exposed, trust me, I wouldn’t disrespect Diane D or Dana like that, I’m not that type of person who would have somebody’s wax figure’s body exposed!”

“You’re not?”


“Thank you Mr. Yim,” Barry says.

“No problem, no problem at all! Come down to the basement and see the chambers.”

“Are you sure those entity wax figures are gone Mr. Yim?” Christine asks.

“Yes they’re gone. I wouldn’t trick you and say that they’re gone if they were really here. Trust me, they’re gone.”

“All of them?”

“Yes, all of them.”

“Okay, we just want to make sure we’re not entering that ‘Village Of The Damned’

atmosphere again.”

“Trust me, you’re not.” Mr. Yim turns around and walks towards the stairs to the basement as Diane D and Dana’s family turn and follow him.

Mr. Yim leads Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Aunt Celeste, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Christine and David down the stairs. “Watch your step everyone!” Mr.

Yim shouts to them.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family reach the bottom of the stairs. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and says, “Come.” Mr. Yim turns and leads Diane D

and Dana’s family down the end of the long hallway where the first chamber is.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family reach the end of the hallway where the double door of the first chamber is. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and says, “Come on in.” Mr. Yim turns back towards the door, turns the knob and opens the door. He goes inside the short narrow dim lit hallway as Diane D and Dana’s family nervously follow him in.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the first chamber.

Mr. Yim steps inside the first chamber where Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures were as Diane D and Dana’s family follow him in. The chamber is dim and very cool. It is now empty of wax figures. There are no Diane D or Dana wax figures inside the first chamber anymore. “Wow,” Aunt Celeste says. “Diane’s and Dana’s wax figures are gone!”

“Yes they’re gone,” Mr. Yim says. Diane D and Dana’s family sadly look around the first chamber. There are a couple of the trees, grass and weeds still left inside the chamber. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and says, “Here’s where we 108

found Kurt lying unconscious,” as he points to the floor area at the front of the chamber.

“What?” Diane D and Dana’s family say.

“You found that guy Kurt lying unconscious right here?” Barry asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“What happened to him?” Christine asks. “How did he wind up in here?”

“I think he snuck in here after closing hours!”

“He snuck in here after closing hours?”

“Most likely.”

“How did he wind up being unconscious?”

“I don’t know. The doctors think he might have saw something that probably frightened him which caused him to have a heart attack!”

“What!” the family shouts. “A heart attack?!”

“He had a heart attack?!” Barry shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“And the doctors think he saw something that caused him to have a heart attack?!”

Gracy asks.

“Yes, either that or he had a dream or nightmare that frightened him.”

“A dream or nightmare that frightened him?!”

“Yes and the dream or nightmare probably caused him to have a heart attack.”

“Oh no!” the family shouts.

“What do the doctors think he saw?” David asks.

“They don’t know yet,” Mr. Yim says. “Kurt is still unconscious and not able to talk right now.”

“He’s not?”


“Well that makes three of them!” Margarita shouts, “Kurt, Diane and Dana are all lying unconscious in the hospital right now not able to talk! Mr. Yim, do you think Kurt saw the wax figures of the entities or demons that look like Diane that made him flee out of the second chamber like we all did, then tried to escape through this chamber, that’s why he wound up being found in this chamber?”

“I think he did because a five-pound weight that was laying at the front of the room inside the second chamber seem to have been thrown at the wax figures in there breaking the chained-up entity’s wax figure’s head and face!”

“What!” the family shouts.

“Breaking the chained-up entity’s wax figure’s head and face?!” Grandpa Mike shouts.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“Oh no!” the family shouts.

“The police and I believe Kurt might have thrown the five-pound weight across the room at the wax figures because he did say that he wanted to get revenge against the Diane D entities from his dreams and nightmares and I think that’s what he tried to do when he snuck into the museum.”

“Oh no!”

“Well,” Margarita says, “I hope he’ll be alright!”

“Well so far he’s still alive.,” Mr. Yim says. “I went to visit him this morning.”

“You did?”



“Hopefully he’ll pull through. Let’s go into the next chamber.” Mr. Yim turns and walks towards the other short narrow dim lit hallway on the opposite side of the chamber as Diane D and Dana’s family turn and follow him.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the second chamber.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family step inside the second wax chamber. The second chamber is still dim and very cool. Diane D and Dana’s family nervously look around the dim lit chamber. They see a couple of the spooky looking trees, grass and weeds left inside the chamber, but the chamber is empty of wax figures. There are no Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures anymore. “Wow,” Tonio says. “Diane’s entity wax figures are gone too!”

“Yes they’re gone too,” Mr. Yim says. Diane D and Dana’s family look towards the back of the chamber at the spot where the Diane D entity or Diane D clone wax figures were. They sadly stare at the spot where the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures were. Then they sadly look around the dim lit chamber. They then look towards the back of the chamber again and see Don in the back of the chamber sweeping the area.

“Where are the one-piece bodysuits and the thick black shoes?” Margarita asks.

“Oh, they’re right over there,” Mr. Yim says as he points to a pile of black clothes neatly piled up on the right side of the chamber. Diane D and Dana’s family look towards the right side of the chamber. They see a large stack of the sixteen identical all-black, one-piece bodysuits. They sadly stare towards the all-black, one-piece bodysuits. Diane D and Dana’s family then see the thick black shoes piled up on the floor right beside the all-black, one-piece bodysuits. They sadly stare towards the thick black shoes. Mr. Yim turns towards Diane D and Dana’s family and says, “Let’s go into the last chamber.” Mr. Yim turns and walks towards the other short narrow dim lit hallway on the opposite side of the chamber as Diane D and Dana’s family turn and follow him.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the third chamber.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family step inside the third chamber. The chamber is still dim and very cool. Diane D and Dana’s family nervously look around the dim lit chamber. They see a couple of the spooky looking trees, grass, weeds and chains left inside the third chamber, but the chamber is empty of wax figures. There is no handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity wax figure anymore. “Wow,”

Marilyn says. “The other version of that handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane entity wax figure is gone too.” Diane D and Dana’s family look towards the back of the chamber at the spot where the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity wax figure was. They sadly stare at the spot where the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity wax figure was, then they sadly look around the dim lit chamber. They then look towards the back of the chamber again and see Dave in the back of the chamber sweeping the area.


Mr. Yim turns towards Diane D and Dana’s family. He then says to them, “Ready to go?” Mr. Yim turns and walks back towards the short narrow dim lit hallway leading back into the second chamber. Diane D and Dana’s family turn and follow him as they sadly look back at the third chamber.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading back towards the second chamber.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family step back inside the second chamber. Diane D and Dana’s family sadly look around the dim lit second chamber again. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and says, “So there you go, all the chambers are empty of Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures. So how would you like to take the sixteen one-piece bodysuits and sixteen pairs of the thick black shoes? You can take and carry them out now or I can have them sent to you.”

“You can send the bodysuits and shoes to us Mr. Yim,” Margarita says.

“I can send them to you?”

“Yes, then we’ll give the bodysuits and shoes to Diane, then we’ll let her decide what she wants to do with them.”

“You’ll let her decide what she wants to do with them?”


“Okay, that sounds good enough. Ready to go back?”

“Yes, we’re ready.”

“Okay.” Mr. Yim turns and walks back towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back into the first chamber. Diane D and Dana’s family turn and follow him as they sadly look back at the second chamber.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading back towards the first chamber.

Mr. Yim and Diane D and Dana’s family step back inside the first chamber. Diane D

and Dana’s family sadly look around the dim lit first chamber again. Mr. Yim turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and says, “So how do you all feel that the wax figures aren’t here anymore and that they all have been destroyed?”

“It’s sad,” Margarita says, “especially after we heard what happened to that fellow Kurt, but I’m happy the wax figures are gone.”

“So am I,” Mary says.

“You’re happy the wax figures are gone?” Mr. Yim asks. “You didn’t like them?”

“It’s not that we didn’t like the wax figures Mr. Yim,” Margarita says, “you and your staff did a very great job at creating them! It’s just that the wax figures look too real for us!”

“They did,” Barry says. “It felt like we were actually looking at Diane and Dana, then it felt like we were actually looking at a bunch of Diane clones in the second chamber or real people who were Diane look-alikes, then in the third chamber, it felt like we were actually looking at Diane being handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that contortionist position with her head and face stuck upside down with the shackles around her ankles attached to trees! It really bothered us seeing that Mr.



“It sure did,” Mary says, “it bothered all of our spirits! It’s not easy seeing your loved one, especially your own child trapped in a condition like that and can’t get out!”

“Yeah,” Margarita says, “even though we all know that wasn’t really Diane, the fact that it was still HER image bothered us because it looked so real that we felt it was really Diane, that’s why we had to make sure we saw her on live video at all times just to make sure it was her on live video in that hospital bed and not here handcuffed, shackled and chained up like that!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim,” Tomas says. “You’re good at making and creating wax figures, but the problem is, you’re too good that your creativity got us all scared and emotional!”

“I’m sorry,” Mr. Yim says, “I didn’t mean to get you all scared and emotional. Like I said, I was never told before that any of my wax figures looked real, until you guys got scared and thought that the wax figures of Diane D and Dana and the Diane D entities were real. But the good thing is, that wasn’t really Diane D handcuffed, shackled and chained like that, it was a wax figure of her or wax figure of the entity or demon that looked like her.”

“Yeah thank God.”

“Are we ready to go back?”

“Yes we’re ready.”

“Okay.” Mr. Yim turns and heads back towards the short narrow dim lit hallway leading back to the outdoor hallway. Diane D and Dana’s family then turn and follow him as they sadly look back at the first chamber.