Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

The Diane D Entities And Their Wax Figures Become Halloween Costumes!

It is Halloween evening. Kids and parents are going through the neighborhoods going door to door trick-or-treating. A lot of kids are wearing costumes. Around thirteen girls ages 7 to 12, of all different races, ethnic groups and backgrounds are dressed in identical all-black, high collar, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes or sneakers and all wearing long black waist length wigs with bangs. One of the girls has plastic handcuffs, shackles and chains wrapped around fake plastic arms, hands, legs and feet making the body part of the costume appear trapped in a contortionist position. Another girl holds a large fake tree branch. They are wearing the Diane D entities and their wax figures’ costumes. They go up to a house and ring the doorbell. The door opens. A middle-age stocky white woman with light brown hair opens the door. She looks at the kids and smiles, “Wow, what nice costumes!”

“Thank you!” the kids shout.

“You all look nice! A lot of you girls are kind of dressed alike,” the woman says to 112

the thirteen girls. “Who are you all supposed to be?”

“We’re supposed to be the Diane D entities and their wax figures!” the little girls shout.

“What! The Diane D entities and their wax figures?! You mean the Diane D entities that were shown in that sketch at the wax museum?!”


“The sketches that were drawn from someone’s dreams and nightmares then wax figures were created out of them?!”


“The wax figures that were shown in the photos at the wax museum?!”


“The wax figures that were shown in the videos at the wax museum?!”


“And there are costumes made of them?!”

“Well not official costumes Miss,” one of the mothers says. “There are no official costumes made out of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”

“There’s not?”

“No, we created the costumes ourselves!”

“You did?”

“Yeah. We put some items together and made costumes out of them.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Wow, how did you do that?”

“Well anybody can purchase an all-black one-piece bodysuit from any store or purchase it online. Once you have the all-black one-piece bodysuit, you can always alter it. You can make or have a high collar sewed onto it, then you can cut the opening of the collar and shape it into a V-neck. Once you put the one-piece bodysuit on, you pull the sleeves up to the elbows, throw on a pair of thick black shoes and wear a long black wig that has bangs and there you go! The costume is very easy to create and wear with those three things together.”

“Oh wow, that is awesome! But why were the Diane D entities and their wax figures chosen to wear as costumes?”

“Well, ever since we all tried to get a glimpse of the Diane D entity wax figures in person at the wax museum, but couldn’t because the museum didn’t allow anybody to go downstairs to the chambers to see them, we decided why don’t we create costumes out of the Diane D entities and their wax figures for Halloween!”

“Oh really?”


“Wow, that is good thinking! But how does Diane D’s family feel about this? Will they approve of costumes modeled after the Diane D entities and their wax figures?”

“I don’t know how they feel about it.”

“You don’t?”

“No. I don’t know if they even know about it. I don’t even know if there’s anything they can say or do about it, after all, Diane D’s face is not on these costumes, her face is nowhere around, the girls are wearing their own faces out here.”

“Yeah that’s true! Nice costumes though!”

“Thank you!”


“You’re welcome! Let me give you all some candy!”

“Yaaayy!” the kids shout.

The woman reaches in her house and pulls out a bowl of candy.

Fifteen minutes later, the kids and their parents continue to go through the neighborhoods trick-or-treating. They pass by an empty field that has grass and weeds on it. One of the fathers then shouts, “Okay everybody! I want all the girls who are dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures to line up on the grass right there in the field and pose for a picture!”

“Yaaaay!” the girls dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures shout as they become excited. They give their trick or treat bags to their parents to hold. They then turn and run to the field.

The girls step on the grass and weeds. “Okay girls,” one of the other mothers shouts, “get into formation!” The girls start to line up across the field as their parents and guardians get ready to take pictures and videos of them. “Now line up in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures in that sketch, the large mural and in that video that were shown at the wax museum!” The girl dressed as the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity gets down on her knees. The other girls start to form a part-circle partially surrounding the girl dressed as the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity putting her in the front and center. One of the other girls stands directly behind the girl dressed as the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity. A third girl stands directly behind the second girl as they all face towards their parents and the cameras. A bigger crowd starts to gather and watch.

“Wow those are nice costumes,” a woman in the crowd says to the other mother.

“They’re all dressed alike. Who are they supposed to be?”

“They’re supposed to be the Diane D entities or their wax figures.”

“What! The Diane D entities or their wax figures?! You mean the sketches, photos and video that were shown at the wax museum, the wax figures Diane D’s own family fled from?”

“Yeah, those are the wax figures.”


All the girls look at the cameras and pose just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures as some of the girls smile while looking at the cameras.

“Now you all can’t be smiling!” one of the other fathers shouts to the girls. “The Diane D entities and their wax figures didn’t smile! They were not smiling at all!”

“No they sure weren’t!” another mother shouts, “so you all can’t be smiling if you’re going to pose like the Diane D entities and their wax figures! You got to have the same exact expression they had in that sketch and in the photos and in that video at the wax museum!” The girls turn their heads and puzzledly look at each other. They then turn their heads back towards their parents and the cameras and do mean and angry expressions as they look at the cameras. Everyone laughs and claps as the girls look at the cameras with mean and angry expressions. “Yeah that’s good!” the mother shouts,

“stay just like that!” The parents are about to take pictures of the girls.

“Wait!” another father shouts, “hold up! There’s one thing missing!”

“One thing missing? What’s that?”

“The large tree branch!” the father says as he goes and gives the large fake tree 114

branch to one of the girls on his right. The girl on his right happily takes the large fake tree branch. She is supposed to represent the Diane D entity who kung fu kicked Kurt, chased after him, beat him with the large tree branch then slammed a karate chop right at his throat! She excitingly swings the fake tree branch in a martial arts style. She then slams a karate chop at the air then jumps with joy as the other little girls laugh and enjoy her little performance. “Oh, you really like playing that entity, don’t you?!”

“Yeah!” the girl smiles and shouts.

“Alright, we’ll put you in a play, then you can play that entity!”


“Ooh I want to be in the play!” another little girl shouts with joy.

“I want to be in the play too!” a third girl shouts with joy.

“We want to be in the play!” the rest of the girl shout.

“Alright!” the father shouts, “we’ll see what happens! Alright everyone, let’s get these photos taken!” The parents are about to take pictures of the girls.

“Hey wait a minute!” one of the girls shouts to the parents, “Hold up!” The parents look at the girl as the girl says, “Once you see us like this, you’re supposed to flee and run from us just like Diane D’s family and relatives did when they saw the wax figures of her!”

“Oh you want us to play Diane D’s family and relatives?!”


“Okay! After we snap the pictures!” The parents snap the pictures.

Ten minutes later, the parents finish snapping the pictures of the girls. They then look at the girls. “Aaaaahhh!” they scream, turn left and playfully flee to the corner of the field doing a parody of Diane D’s family and relatives as they have a good laugh.

Ten minutes later, the kids and their parents continue to go trick-or-treating around the neighborhoods. As they walk through the neighborhoods, other kids and their parents rush to them as one of the boys shouts to them, “Hey! That empty lot down the street have mannequins inside there dressed just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“What!” the parents and children shout.

“That empty lot have mannequins in there dressed like the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!” another mother asks.

“Yeah!” the boy shouts.

“Oh no!” a third mother shouts. “Do those mannequins have Diane D’s face or image on them?”

“No! They have blank faces on them just like the mannequins you see in department stores, but they’re dressed just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures in those sketches, photos and video at the wax museum!”

“They’re dressed like them? How?”

“The same way these girls right here are dressed, in all-black one-piece bodysuits with V-necks, thick black shoes and long black wigs with bangs!”




“What poses or positions are those mannequins in?” another mother asks.

“They’re posed just like the Diane D entities in those sketches and the Diane D

entity wax figures in those photos and in that video that were seen at the wax museum!”

“What!” all the parents shout.

“They’re posing just like that too?!” the first mother asks.

“Yeah!” the boy shouts.

“Oh my God! Which direction are the mannequins facing?”

“They’re facing the curb and the street!”

“They’re facing the curb and the street?!”


“Oh no!” a fourth mother shouts. “I usually park my car right there at the curb where that empty lot is, but I can’t park my car there tonight if those mannequins are going to be there! That would be too creepy!”

“Some of the neighbors told the man to remove those mannequins from that empty lot because those mannequins are scaring people, but he refuse to move them!”

“He refuse to move them?” one of the fathers asks.


“Why is he refusing to move them?”

“Because he says that’s the point of Halloween, to scare people!”

“What!” another father shouts. “Nobody wants to be scared that way! Did anybody call the cops on this guy?”

“Yeah, the cops are on their way to have him remove those mannequins off that empty lot!”

“The cops are on their way?”


“Good!” the third mother shouts, “because I park my car there sometimes too! And I don’t want to come out of my car and have those Diane D entity or Diane D clone mannequins staring at me giving me hard stares while I’m coming out of my car, especially at night!”

“Me neither!” the fourth mother shouts. “Not only will Diane D’s family and relatives be the only ones who feel like they were in some type of ‘Village Of The Damned’ atmosphere, but we’ll feel like we’re in one too!”

“I know! Come on. Let’s go see those Diane D entity or Diane D clone mannequins!” All the parents and children turn and hurry down the street.

Five minutes later, the children and their parents reach down the end of the street.

They look to the right and see the empty lot on the isolated street corner that has grass, trees and weeds with creepy woods in the back. They then see around fifteen identical adult size female mannequins inside of the lot standing all the way in the back in front of the woods dressed just like the Diane D entities or Diane D demons and their wax figures wearing identical all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes! They have long black waist length wigs with bangs with all their wigs slightly blowing in the wind. They are all posed just like the Diane D entities or Diane D demons and their wax figures standing in a part-circle partially surrounding a handcuffed, shackled and chained-up mannequin 116

that’s in the front and center that’s down on its knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the other mannequins standing directly behind it and a third mannequin standing directly behind the second one. One of the mannequins on the right is holding a large tree branch as they all angrily stare towards the curb and the street. They are halfway surrounded by the woods with a large white balloon way up behind them in the back that’s supposed to represent the large hazy moon that was behind the Diane D entities or Diane D demons and their wax figures. The children and their parents frighteningly stare at the mannequins. “Oh wooow,” they all say.

A little male toddler around 2-years old looks at the mannequins. He quickly turns his head away from the mannequins and starts to scream! He then starts to cry. His mother picks him up and tries to comfort him on her shoulders saying, “Don’t be scared, don’t be scared.” The little boy turns his head back around and looks at the mannequins again. He quickly turns his head away from the mannequins again and starts to scream again, then starts to cry. His mother then takes him away. Other parents start to take pictures of the mannequins.

It is now 10:00pm. There is a Halloween party going on at the wax museum. There is a crowd of people inside the wax museum ballroom. Everyone is dressed in costumes.

On one side of the ballroom, there are around fifteen identical four feet human female shaped balloon dolls painted in identical all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black balloon shoes!

They have long black waist length balloon hair with bangs with all their hair shaped as if blowing in the wind. They all have mean looking eyebrows drawn or painted on their faces. They have dashes drawn or painted underneath each eyebrow to represent eyes.

They have L-shaped noses drawn or painted on their faces. They have mouths drawn or painted on their faces that are curved down at the corners making their facial expressions appear to be frowning or angry. They are the Diane D entity balloon dolls representing the Diane D entities and their wax figures! Fourteen of the Diane D entity balloon dolls are standing in a part-circle partially surrounding a handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll who’s in the front and center down on its knees trapped in a contortionist position with balloon chains and balloon shackles around its wrists and ankles. One of the other entity balloon dolls is standing directly behind it and a third entity balloon doll is standing directly behind the second one. One of the entity balloon dolls on the right is holding a large balloon tree branch. The Diane D entity balloon dolls are surrounded by fake grass, trees and the weeds with a large white moon-shaped balloon way up behind them in the back that’s supposed to represent the large hazy moon behind the Diane D entities and their wax figures as the Diane D entity balloon dolls angrily stare towards the crowd.

The people stare at the Diane D entity balloon dolls. “Wow,” one of the women in the crowd says. “What are those balloon dolls supposed to be?”

“They’re supposed to be the Diane D entities and their wax figures,” a man in the crowd says.

“What? They’re supposed to be the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yeah! Remember the sketch of the Diane D entities and the photos and video of the Diane D entity wax figures that were shown at the wax museum?”


“Yeah I remember!”

“Well since Diane D’s family didn’t allow the museum to publicly display the Diane D entity wax figures in person, the museum owner decided to make balloon doll versions of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”

“What? The museum owner decided to make balloon doll versions of the Diane D

entities and their wax figures?”

“Yeah without having Diane D’s face on them.”

“Without having Diane D’s face on them?”

“Yeah. He claim it’s the best he can do for the public is to have balloon doll versions of the Diane D entities and their wax figures since Diane D’s family refuse to have the wax figures of the Diane D entities displayed in person.”

“Wooow.” The people stare at the Diane D entity balloon doll versions of the Diane D entities and their wax figures. They start to take pictures of them.

Two men come into the area as one of them shouts, “Hey everyone! I thought the museum owner got rid of those Diane D entity wax figures!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“What are you talking about?” another man shouts, “he did get rid of them!”

“I don’t think he got rid of all of them!” the first man shouts. “I think he secretly kept a few of them hidden here!”

“At the museum?!”


“What makes you think so?” a woman asks.

“Because we saw several pairs of legs and feet wearing black pants or leggings and thick black shoes underneath and behind a curtain in the closet!”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“Several pairs of legs and feet wearing black pants or leggings and thick black shoes underneath and behind a curtain?” the woman asks.

“Yeah!” the first man shouts. “I think the museum owner is secretly storing the wax figures there!”

“What!” the crowd shouts. “Oh no!”

“Follow me!”

Everyone turns and goes down the hallway following the first man.

The first man and the crowd reach the end of the hallway where a curtain is. They look on the bottom and see several pairs of legs and feet standing completely still wearing black pants or leggings and thick black shoes underneath and behind a curtain in the closet. “Are those the Diane D entity wax figures?!” the woman asks.

“Well what else can it be?” the first man says.

“So why don’t you open the curtain and find out if those are the Diane D entity wax figures!” a third man says.

“I’m not opening that curtain!”

“You’re not?”


“You don’t want to open it?”

“Hell no!”

“Why not?”


“Because I’m scared, that’s why! Why don’t one of you open it!”

“One of us?”


“Okay,” a fourth man says, “I’ll give it a try.”

“You will?”

“Yeah, but I’m gonna need a long stick to pull that curtain open, because I’m not stepping foot near that curtain!

“You’re not?”


“Okay. There’s a long stick right over there!”

“Oh yeah? Okay!” The man goes to a corner and grabs the long stick. He then grabs the curtain with the long stick. He looks down beneath the curtain at the several pairs of legs and shouts to them, “Okay, whoever you are in there, come out come out!”

He suddenly pulls the curtain back with the long stick.

Suddenly around thirteen or fourteen young women jump from behind the curtain and shout, “Boo!”

“Aaaahhh!” the crowd jumps and screams! Everyone is shocked and stunned to see thirteen to fourteen young women of all different races, ethnic groups and backgrounds dressed in identical all-black, high collar, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes or sneakers and all wearing long black waist length wigs with bangs. One of the women has plastic handcuffs, shackles and chains wrapped around fake plastic arms, hands, legs and feet making the body part of the costume appear trapped in a contortionist position. Another woman holds a large fake tree branch. They are wearing the Diane D entities and their wax figures’ costumes.

“Wow!” the crowd shouts. “The Diane D entities!”

“Why don’t we take pictures of you all!” one of the men in the crowd shouts to the women as the crowd start to pull out their camera phones. “Wow, you all look wonderful! You all have to line up! Line up across!”

“Okay!” the women shout as they move away from the curtain.

The women then go into the ballroom and start to back up and line up across the floor. The crowd gets ready to take pictures and videos of the women. The woman dressed as the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity gets down on her knees. The other women start to form a part-circle partially surrounding her putting her in the front and center. A second woman stands directly behind the woman dressed as the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity. A third woman stands directly behind the second woman. One of the women on the right holds a large fake tree branch as they all face towards the crowd and the cameras. A bigger crowd starts to gather and watch. All the women look at the cameras and pose just like the Diane D

entities and their wax figures. Some of the women smile while looking at the cameras.

“No smiling!” the man in the crowd shouts to the women as he is about to snap his camera.

“That’s right!” a woman in the crowd shouts, “no smiling! Those Diane D entities in that sketch and the Diane D entity wax figures in the photos and video were not smiling!”

“They sure weren’t!” another woman in the crowd shouts. “You got to have the same mean angry expressions they had!” The women turn their heads and look at each 119

other. They nod their heads to each other. They then turn their heads back towards the crowd and the cameras and do mean angry expressions as they look back at the cameras. Everyone laughs and claps as the women look at the cameras with mean angry expressions.

“That’s perfect!” another man in the crowd shouts. The crowd start to take pictures and videos of the women.

Another woman in the crowd turns to her boyfriend and asks, “Those Diane D entity wax figures aren’t in the museum anymore?”

“No,” the boyfriend says. “I heard the owner of the museum got rid of them.”

“I heard that too. Why did he have to get rid of them?”

“Because I heard Diane D’s family told the owner of the museum no images of Diane D are allowed on public display or displayed in person and wanted the owner of the museum to get rid of the wax figures.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Damn, I wish I could have caught a glimpse of those Diane D entity wax figures before the owner got rid of them.”

“Yeah me too.”

Thirty minutes later, the people are sitting at a bar inside the wax museum. “Come get your Entity drinks here everybody!” a stocky middle-aged white male bartender shouts as he pours drinks into all-black drinking glasses sitting at the front of the bar,

“come get your Entity drinks here!” The people crowd around the bar.

There are fifteen identical all-black drinking glasses sitting at the back of the bar.

Fourteen of the all-black drinking glasses are lined in a part-circle partially surrounding another all-black drinking glass that’s in the front and center of all the other all-black drinking glasses with little handcuffs, little shackles and little chains around it. One of the other all-black drinking glasses is lined directly behind it and a third all-black drinking glass is lined directly behind the second all-black drinking glass. They are representing the Diane D entities and their wax figures! One of the all-black drinking glasses on the right has a little stick right in front of it representing the large tree branch! The all-black drinking glasses are surrounded by little plants representing the woods with a large white round bowl way up behind them in the back that’s supposed to represent the large hazy moon behind the Diane D entities and their wax figures.

The people at the bar admire the all-black drinking glasses at the back of the bar smiling at them. They then take out their camera phones and snap pictures of the all-black drinking glasses at the back of the bar. They then take the all-black drinking glasses sitting at the front of the bar and drink out of them. “Come on come on everyone!” the bartender shouts again as he pours drinks into the all-black drinking glasses sitting at the bar, “get your Entity drinks here everybody, get your Entity drinks here!” More people approach the bar. They take the all-black drinking glasses and drink out of them.

Thirty minutes later, the crowd starts to dance in the ballroom of the wax museum.

A white woman sitting at the bar turns to her white male friend and says, “Hey, I bet you’re scared of that chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll over there.”


“What?” the male friend says. “Scared of that chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll? Why would I be scared of it?”

“Because it might come into your dreams and nightmares and get you.”

“What? Come into my dreams and nightmares and get me?”

“Yeah, then get the other entity balloon dolls to tie you up and set you on fire.”

“Get the other entity balloon dolls to tie me up and set me on fire?”


“Really? Oh nooo, we can’t have that! I’ll tell you what. I’ll kiss up to that chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll so it won’t come into my dreams and nightmares and get the other entity balloon dolls to tie me up and set me on fire.”

“You’ll kiss up to it? How?”

“By dancing with it.”

“By dancing with it?”

“Yeah. Watch!” The male friend leaves from the bar and walks over towards the Diane D entity balloon dolls.

The male friend approaches the Diane D entity balloon dolls. He bends down and grabs the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll. He gently picks up the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll and looks at it as balloon chains crisscross down the back of it. He then turns and heads back to the bar bringing the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll towards the woman.

The male friend approaches the woman with the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll and starts to twirl dance with it. Everyone looks at the male friend as he playfully twirl dances with the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll. He jokingly says to the crowd, “Hey, I’m just kissing up to this chained-up entity balloon doll, so it won’t come into my dreams and nightmares and have the other entity balloon dolls tie me up then set me on fire.”

“So it won’t come into your dreams and nightmares and have the other entity balloon dolls tie you up then set you on fire?” another guy asks.


“Wow! I guess I better kiss up to it also, so it won’t come into my dreams and nightmares and have the other entity balloon dolls tie me up and set ME on fire either!”

“Me too!” a third guy shouts as the second guy takes the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll from the first guy and gently starts to twirl dance with it also. Everyone smiles as the second guy twirl dances with the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll.

Then the third guy takes the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll from the second guy and gently starts to twirl dance with it also. Then a fourth guy takes the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll from the third guy and gently starts to twirl dance with it. Everyone else start to take turns gently twirl dancing with the chained-up Diane D

entity balloon doll.

The crowd then stops twirl dancing with the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll and looks at it. They start to hold and admire the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll patting on it. “Does that look like Diane D to you?” a woman in the crowd asks.

“Sort of,” a man in the crowd says. “Diane D's eyes look like this anyway.”

“It does.”

“Hey Diane D,” the man says to the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll, “why are 121

you frowning? Put a smile on your face.” Everyone else laughs as they continue to admire the chained-up Diane D entity balloon doll.

Later on, the people in the crowd are holding all fifteen identical Diane D entity balloon dolls admiring them.