Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

The Diane D Entities And Their Wax Figures Get Strange Cult Following

Two days later, crowds of people are pack outside wax museum waiting to get inside.

A crowd of people are packed inside the museum lobby! They are close to the back of the lobby where the stairs that lead to the basement are, but they are blocked by the two male security guards, a tight rope and the iron gate. A white male in the crowd shouts to the security guards, “They said a tour guide is going to lead us downstairs to the basement and give us a tour of the wax chambers downstairs!”

“I know,” the Hispanic male security guard says, “but why? Why do you people want to see the chambers downstairs?”

“Isn’t that where the Diane D entity wax figures were?”

“They WERE down there, but they’re not down there anymore, they’re gone! The museum owner got rid of them!”

“Yeah, we heard the museum owner got rid of them, but we still want to go down and see the chambers where the Diane D entity wax figures were!”

“Why?! It’s nothing to see down there but empty chambers!”

“We know!” a white woman shouts, “but we still want to see the environment where the Diane D entity wax figures were!”

“Why do you want to see where they were?”

“Well, being that we all heard how realistic the Diane D entity wax figures appeared that they even scared Diane D’s own family and relatives out of the chambers, and seeing how realistic they looked in that photo and in that video that were shown here in the lobby, we just want to go down to the basement since we never got a chance to see the Diane D entity wax figures in person while they were down there!”

“Oh yeah?”


“Okay, wait for the tour guide. He’ll lead you all down there.”

“Thank you.”


Thirty minutes later, Mr. Lu, a short stocky Asian male around his late 40’s who is bald on top and wears glasses and a business suit leads the crowd of people downstairs to the basement of the wax museum. “Please watch your step everyone!” Mr. Lu shouts to the crowd.

Mr. Lu and the crowd reach the bottom of the stairs. They all stop and look around the dim lit hallway of the basement. Some of the people in the crowd are wearing black T-shirts that have images of the Diane D entity wax figures on them. A couple of the museum visitors are wearing black T-shirts that have an image of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s face on them with the eerie clouds and moon above and behind its head. A couple of other visitors are wearing black T-shirts that have a sideview image of the Diane D entity wax figure that was standing directly behind the chained-up Diane D entity’s face on them with the eerie clouds and moon above and behind its head. A couple of other visitors are wearing black T-shirts that have images of several Diane D entity wax figures that were lined up on the side with the eerie clouds and moon above and behind their heads. Mr. Lu looks at all the images of the Diane D

entity wax figures on the visitors’ T-shirts and says, “Wow, nice shirts!”

“Thank you!” the visitors say.

“Where did you get them?”

“We created these shirts ourselves from the video clip of the Diane D entity wax figures we have on our camera phones from the video that was shown upstairs in the lobby before,” another white male in the crowd says.

“You created the shirts from the video clip of the Diane D entity wax figures you have on your camera phones?”


“But those entity wax figures had Diane D’s face! That means you guys are actually wearing Diane D’s face on your shirts! Will Diane D or her family approve of these shirts that has her face or image on them?”

“We’re only wearing these shirts temporarily. We’re only wearing these images for now.”

“Just for now?”

“Yeah, we don’t plan to keep these shirts on. We’re going to take these shirts off as soon as we leave out of here.”

“You are?”

“Yeah, Diane D or her family will never know that we had these shirts on.”

“They won’t?”


“You’re not selling those shirts or images, are you?”

“No, we’re not selling them.”

“You’re not?”


“Good, make sure you don’t, because we don’t need any more lawsuits with Diane D’s family. They’re already threatening a lawsuit about the wax figures’ images leaking out on social media!”

“They are?!”



“Oh boy! Don’t worry, Diane D or her family will never know that these shirts existed!”

“They won’t?”


“Thanks. Come. Let’s go this way.” Mr. Lu turns and leads the crowd down the end of the long dim hallway where the first chamber is.

Mr. Lu and the crowd reach the end of the hallway where the double door of the first chamber is. Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says, “This way please.” Mr. Lu turns back towards the door, turns the knob and opens the door. He goes inside the short narrow dim lit hallway as the crowd nervously follows him in.

Mr. Lu and the crowd walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the first chamber.

Mr. Lu steps inside the first chamber where Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures were as the crowd follows him in. The chamber is dim and very cool. The crowd nervously looks around the dim lit chamber. It is still empty of wax figures. There are no Diane D

or Dana wax figures in there. There are no more trees, grass or weeds left inside the chamber. There is nothing left inside the chamber. Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says,

“This is the chamber where Diane D’s and her cousin Dana’s wax figures were!”

“Oh they were inside here?” a third man in the crowd asks.

“Yes. They were in that spot right there standing on a rock platform,” Mr. Lu says as he points to a spot where Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures were.

The crowd looks at the spot where Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures were. “So where are their wax figures now?”

“Gone! Mr. Yim the museum owner got rid of them!”

“He got rid of them?”

“Yes he did.”


“He destroyed them.”

“He destroyed them?”


“Wow,” the crowd says as they sadly look at the spot where Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures were. They sadly look around the chamber. Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says, “And right here is where Mr. Yim and two of his staff members found that young man Kurt lying unconscious right here,” as he points to the floor area at the front of the chamber.

“Oh this is where the museum owner and his staff found that guy Kurt lying, right here?” a woman in the crowd asks.

“Yes. Kurt is the young man whose father was one of the authority figures killed by the real Diane D.”

“We heard,” the crowd shockingly says.

“He’s the one who kept having dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities, then he drew sketches of what he saw in his dreams and nightmares, which inspired Mr. Yim to create wax figures out of the sketches.”


“Wow.” The crowd continues to look around the chamber.

“Ready to go into the next chamber?”

“You mean the chamber where the Diane D entity wax figures were?” another woman in the crowd asks.


“I’m not sure if I want to go in there.”

“Me neither,” a fourth man says.

“Why not?” Mr. Lu asks. “Those entity wax figures aren’t there anymore, they’re all gone.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure. Come.” Mr. Lu turns and walks towards the other short narrow dim lit hallway on the opposite side of the chamber as the crowd turns and follow him.

Mr. Lu and the crowd walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the second chamber.

Mr. Lu and the crowd step inside the second chamber. The second chamber is still dim and very cool. The crowd nervously look around the dim lit chamber. It is still empty of wax figures. There are no Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures in there anymore. There are no more trees, grass nor weeds left in there. There is nothing left inside the chamber. Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says, “And here’s where the Diane D entity wax figures were.”

“What!” the crowd shouts.

“They were right here, in this chamber?” a fifth man in the crowd asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Lu says, “they were all standing in that spot in the back right over there.”

“All of them?”

“Yes all fifteen of them.”

“Wooow,” the crowd says as they nervously look towards the back of the chamber at the spot where the Diane D entity wax figures were standing. They sadly stare at the spot where the Diane D entity wax figures were.

“Why did one of the entities had a large tree branch?” another man asks.

“Because that entity beat up that guy Kurt with the large tree branch in his dreams and nightmares,” Mr. Lu says.

“Yeah that’s what I heard.” The crowd continues to nervously look towards the back of the chamber. They sadly look towards the back of the chamber then sadly look around the chamber.

The third man turns to Mr. Lu and asks, “Did you actually see the Diane D entity wax figures in person?”

“I saw a glimpse of them in person,” Mr. Lu says.

“What!” the crowd shouts. “You did?!”


“Did they look real to you?” another woman in the crowd asks.

“Yeah from the little bit I saw when I peeked in here.”

“You peeked in here?”


“Yeah. I didn’t want to peek all the way in here, because I was starting to get the creeps.”

“You were?”

“Yeah, then I turned and left out of here really quick.”

“Oh no,” the crowd says.

Mr. Lu looks towards the crowd and says, “Let’s go into the last chamber.” Mr. Lu turns and walks towards the other small narrow hallway on the opposite side of the chamber as the crowd turns and follow him.

Mr. Lu and the crowd walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading towards the third chamber.

Mr. Lu and the crowd step inside the third chamber. The third chamber is still dim and very cool. The crowd nervously looks around the dim lit chamber. It is still empty of wax figures. There is no other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity or Diane D clone wax figures in there. There are no more trees, grass nor weeds left in there. There is nothing left inside the chamber. Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says, “This chamber is where the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity wax figure was.”

“Oh it was inside this chamber?” the fifth man asks.

“Yes. It was in that spot in the back right over there.” The crowd look towards the back of the chamber at the spot where the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity wax figure was. They sadly stare at the spot where the other version of the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure was. They then sadly look around the dim lit chamber.

Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says, “Let’s get ready to head back now.” Mr. Lu turns and walks back towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back to the second chamber as the crowd turns and follow him. The crowd sadly look back at the third chamber as they head back towards the short narrow dim lit hallway.

Mr. Lu and the crowd walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading back towards the second chamber.

Mr. Lu and the crowd step back inside the second chamber. The crowd sadly looks around the second chamber again. Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says, “So there you go. You all finally got to see where the Diane D entity wax figures actually were.”

“Wow,” the crowd says.

Another man turns to Mr. Lu and asks, “Can we go to the back of the chamber and pose over there like the Diane D entities and their wax figures?”

“You want to go to the back of the chamber and pose like the Diane D entities and their wax figures?” Mr. Lu asks.



“So we can take pictures of the poses.”

“Take pictures of the poses?”



“Sorry, you can’t take pictures of the poses.”

“We can’t?”


“Why not?”

“Because the poses are a copyright of that guy Kurt’s sketches.”

“Oh, I see.”

“So you can pose over there, but you cannot take pictures of the poses.”

“Oh okay. We’ll just go over there and pose like the Diane D entities and their wax figures to get a feel of them.”

“To get a feel of them?”


“Okay, but no pictures.”

“You got it.” The man and the rest of the people go towards the back of the second chamber.

The man and the rest of the people enter the back of the chamber. They nervously look around the back of the chamber. They start to line up across the back of the chamber in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures. One of the men wearing the black T-shirt that have the image of the chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure’s face on it gets down on his knees. The rest of the crowd start to form a part-circle partially surrounding the man who is down on his knees putting him in the front and center. Another man wearing the black T-shirt that have the sideview image of the second Diane D entity wax figure that was directly behind the chained-up Diane D entity on it stands directly behind the man who’s down on his knees. A third man wearing the black T-shirt that have images of several Diane D entity wax figures lined up on the side stands directly behind the second man. The man who is down on his knees has his arms spread out as the rest of the crowd gets ready to pose like the Diane D entities and their wax figures. The man who is down on his knees suddenly brings his hands behind his head and holds his hands behind his head as if handcuffs on his wrists are chained to shackles on his ankles. He and the rest of the crowd look towards the front of the chamber and pose just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures with mean angry expressions on their faces.

Mr. Lu looks at the crowd and jokingly says, “What, am I supposed to be that guy Kurt now?”

“Yes you are,” the fifth man says. Everyone laughs and claps.

After a few minutes, the crowd finish posing. They then leave from the back of the chamber and head back towards Mr. Lu.

The crowd approaches Mr. Lu as one of the women sadly asks him, “Will the museum owner ever bring the Diane D entity wax figures back? Will he ever create them again?”

“No,” Mr. Lu says, “the owner doesn’t plan on ever creating the Diane D entity wax figures again.”

“No?” the fifth man asks. “Why not?”


“Because Diane D’s family won’t allow him to.”

“They won’t?”


“Why not?”

“Because those wax figures got Diane D’s family and relatives too creeped out!

They got Diane D’s family and relatives too emotional to handle, and they don’t want to go through that anymore, so if the museum owner ever creates entity wax figures again in the future, he just can’t put Diane D’s name, face, image, likeness or body type on them.”

“He can’t put Diane D’s face, image, likeness or body type on them at all?”

“No, and he can’t even use the poses from Kurt’s sketches either.”

“He can’t use the poses either?” another man in the crowd asks.


“Why not?”

“Because Kurt owns the copyright to those poses. He drew the sketches and the sketches were created from his dreams and nightmares. Without his permission, Diane D’s or her family’s permission, nothing can be done about getting those Diane D entity wax figures created again.”

“Aaaaauuuhhh,” the crowd sadly says.

“I’m sorry about that. I think we should all go back now.” Mr. Lu turns and walks back towards the short narrow dim lit hallway that leads back into the first chamber.

The crowd turns and follow him as they sadly look back at the second chamber.

Mr. Lu and the crowd walk through the short narrow dim lit hallway heading back towards the first chamber.

Mr. Lu and the crowd step back inside the first chamber. The crowd sadly looks around the first chamber again. Mr. Lu turns to the crowd and says, “So I hope you all are finally happy to see the spot where Diane D’s and her cousin Dana’s wax figures were and the spots where the Diane D entity wax figures were. The crowd continues to sadly look around the chamber. Mr. Lu then says, “Let’s go back now.” Mr. Lu turns and heads back forward towards the short narrow dim lit hallway leading back to the outdoor hallway. The crowd turns and follow him as they sadly look back at the first chamber.

The next day, around ten to fifteen young men and women of all ethnic groups are in a gym dressed in all-black one-piece bodysuits. They are all on the floor laying on their bellies in slight contortionist positions with their right wrists handcuffed and chained to the shackles on their left ankles while their left wrists are handcuffed and chained to the shackles on their right ankles causing both chains to be crisscrossed right over their backs. They are doing the Chained-Up Diane D Entity Challenge as a large crowd surrounds them! It is a dangerous challenge as two of the contestants a young man and a young woman become very uncomfortable and scream,


“Okay!” the young woman shouts, “I can’t take this anymore! I give up! Get me out of this!”


“Yeah!” the young man shouts, “get me out of this too!”

“Okay!” a white male host around his late 40’s shouts through a microphone, “that means you two lost the challenge and won’t win the money!”

“I don’t care, just get me out of this! I want to get out of this trapped contortionist position!”

“Yeah me too!” a second young woman shouts with her right wrist handcuffed, shackled and roped to her left ankle while her left wrist is handcuffed, shackled and roped to her right ankle.

“Okay!” the host shouts, “we got you!” The host and other people go to help the young man and the two young women and unlock the handcuffs, shackles, ropes and chains from off them. The man and two women are free and released from their trapped contortionist positions as the other contestants remain on the floor struggling to withstand their trapped contortionist positions. “Now let’s see who can withstand this chained-up Diane D entity challenge!” the host shouts. “The last person to withstand being handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in this contortionist position will go home with five thousand dollars!” The remaining contestants on the floor continue to withstand their trapped contortionist positions.

“Aaaaahhhh!” three other contestants shout.

“I give up!” one of the other young men shouts. “Get me out of this!”

“Yeah!” another young man shouts. “Get me out of this too!”

“Okay!” the host shouts as he and the other people go to the three contestants and unlock the handcuffs, shackles and ropes off them.

The following day, there is a basketball tournament at a basketball court in a park.

There is a crowd of people sitting in the bleachers. There is a cheerleading squad of fifteen young Latino women dressed in identical all-black, high collar, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes or sneakers and all wearing long dark waist length hair with bangs. They are all dressed like the Diane D

entities and their wax figures! One of the cheerleaders is dressed as the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity and its wax figure with plastic handcuffs wrapped around her wrists, plastic shackles wrapped around her ankles and two plastic chains crisscrossed behind her back.

After the basketball game, music starts to play. The cheerleaders run to the center of the court in front of the crowd! They start to do a dance routine dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures with the cheerleader dressed as the chained-up Diane D

entity in front and center. The cheerleaders then jump, spin their bodies around and do kung fu kicks! They then run to the side!

The cheerleaders bend down and each grab large fake tree branches from off the ground.

The cheerleaders run back to the center of the court in front of the crowd each holding a large tree branch high up in the air! They start to swing the large tree branches around in the air right above their heads! They stop swinging the tree branches around then turn and suddenly run several yards carrying the tree branches!

The cheerleaders suddenly stop running then lower the tree branches and swing the tree branches around like baseball bats appearing to be swinging the tree branches at 129

invisible baseballs! They suddenly raise the tree branches high up in the air and swing the tree branches down hard on the ground hitting the ground hard a few times!

As the cheerleaders are about to finish their performance, the cheerleader dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity starts to back up. The cheerleaders from the right side of the court hurry towards the left side of the court as the cheerleaders from the left side of the court hurry towards the right side of the court going in front of and behind the cheerleader dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity.

The cheerleader dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity stops backing up as the other cheerleaders start to line up across the court and form a part-circle partially surrounding the cheerleader dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity putting her in the front and center. The cheerleader dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity suddenly gets down on her knees while another cheerleader stands directly behind her.

A third cheerleader stands directly behind the second cheerleader as they all face towards the crowd. The cheerleader who’s down on her knees has her arms spread out as she holds her head up high looking towards the sky. The other cheerleaders start to pose just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures as the cheerleader who’s down on her knees brings her hands up behind her head. She holds her hands behind her head as if the handcuffs on her wrists were chained to the shackles on her ankles. She then brings her head back forward as she and the rest of the cheerleaders pose just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures and look towards the crowd with mean angry expressions on their faces. Everyone claps and cheer as the cheerleaders look at the crowd with mean angry expressions on their faces.

Several minutes later, there is a male version of the Diane D entities and their wax figures. Fifteen young Latino male cheerleaders dressed in identical all-black, high collar, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes or sneakers and all wearing short black wigs with bangs. They are all dressed like male versions of the Diane D entities and their wax figures! One of the young men is dressed as the handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Diane D entity and its wax figure with plastic handcuffs wrapped around his wrists, plastic shackles wrapped around his ankles and two plastic chains crisscrossed behind his back. Another young man holds a large fake tree branch. They start to line up across the court in a part-circle just like the Diane D entities and their wax figures. The young man dressed as the chained-up Diane D entity and its wax figure suddenly gets down on his knees. The other young men start to form a part-circle partially surrounding the young man who’s down on his knees putting him in the front and center. One of the other young men stands directly behind the young man who’s down on his knees. A third young man stands directly behind the second young man as they all face towards the crowd. They start to pose like the Diane D entities and their wax figures also. The young man who’s down on his knees holds his arms out. He then brings his hands behind his head. He holds his hands behind his head as if the handcuffs on his wrists were chained to the shackles on his ankles. He and the rest of the young men pose like the Diane D entities and their wax figures and look towards the crowd with mean angry expressions on their faces.

Everyone laughs and claps as the young men look at the crowd with mean angry expressions on their faces.