Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 25

Producer Wants To Create Play Of Kurt’s Nightmares Of Diane D


Later on that day, Josh Kerwin, a white male around his mid 40’s with short brown hair, is at Dr. Ramsey’s office as he, Mrs. Reid and Kyle stand around Dr. Ramsey’s desk. Josh Kerwin then says, “My God Mrs. Reid! That sounded like some crazy dreams and nightmares your son Kurt had of the entities or demons that made themselves look exactly like Diane D when I first heard about it, then to know that your son Kurt drew sketches of the entities or demons he saw in his dreams and nightmares, then life-size wax figures were created from right out of his sketches! Wow, it’s like having someone’s dreams and nightmares come to life! I thought that sounded so amazing when I first heard about it, then to hear that the wax figures wind up scaring the hell out of Diane D’s own family because Diane D’s family thought they were looking at a bunch of Diane D clones?! That sounded so scary that I had to come here to talk to you so that I can meet your son!”

“But since you already heard about my son’s dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that made themselves look like Diane D and you already know of the wax figures that were created in their likeness,” Mrs. Reid says, “why do you still want to meet him?”

“So that I can talk to him about his dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons from that spiritual underworld that made themselves look like Diane D because I’m a stage play producer .”

A stage play producer?”

“You’re a stage play producer?” Kyle asks.

“Yes,” Josh Kerwin says, “and I have a producer partner Alan. Alan and I would like to know, if we can have you, your son Kurt’s, Diane D’s and her family’s permission to create a stage play about your son Kurt’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D


entities and their wax figures.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“You want ours, Kurt’s, Diane D’s and her family’s permission to create a stage play about Kurt’s dreams and nightmares about the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!”

“Yes!” Josh Kerwin shouts. “My co-producer Alan and I want to know if we can have images of the Diane D entities and their wax figures perform on stage.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout. “Perform on stage?!”

“Have images of the Diane D entities and their wax figures perform on stage?!” Mrs.

Reid shouts. “You want to have images of the Diane D entities and their wax figures perform on stage?!”

“Yes!” Josh Kerwin says.

“Now how the hell are you going to do that?!”

“Me and my co-producer were thinking about maybe hiring the original one!”

“Hiring the original one?!” Kyle shouts. “What do you mean ‘the original one’?”

“We were thinking about maybe hiring Diane D herself to star in the stage play.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Hiring Diane D herself?!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “You want to hire Diane D to star in the stage play?!”

“Yes!” Josh Kerwin shouts. He pulls out a large photo of Diane D. He holds the photo up to Mrs. Reid and Kyle showing Diane D laying up on the grass looking up smiling in an outdoors mountainous area holding a rifle upwards towards the sky with her hand and finger on the trigger as her long black hair blows in the wind.

“Oh my God!!” Mrs. Reid frighteningly shouts, “who’s that?! Is that the chained-up Diane D entity holding a rifle?! She’s not trapped in a contortionist position anymore?!

What happened to her chains?!”

“Yeah!” Kyle shouts. “Who the hell freed her from the chains?!”

“This is not the chained-up Diane D entity!” Josh Kerwin shouts.

“It’s not?”


“So who is it then?”

“This is the real Diane D!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“The real Diane D?!” Kyle shouts.

“That’s the real Diane D?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!” Josh Kerwin shouts.

“You mean the one who killed my husband, the father of my children with that psychiatrist couch?!”

“Yes, this is the real deal!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout. Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shockingly stare at the photo of Diane D. “My God! I can’t tell the difference between the real Diane D and those entity wax figures of herself!”

“I can’t tell the difference either!” Kyle shouts.


“Wow,” Dr. Ramsey says, “it’s so uncanny!”

“It is!”

“See?!” Josh Kerwin shouts, “the real Diane D is now being mistaken as one of her own wax figures! I think from now on whenever people see the real Diane D, she might always be mistaken as one of those entity wax figures of herself! People might start asking her, ‘where are those chains, how did she get released from her trapped contortionist position’ and she’s going to have no idea what the heck they’re talking about! This is exactly why I say no one else on this planet can play the role of the entities and their wax figures but the original one, the one the entities from your son’s dreams and nightmares made themselves look like!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle frighteningly shout.

“If the original one takes the role of the entities, at least she’ll be playing herself!

Who is better to play the roles of the entities more than the original herself?”

“That might be true Mr. Kerwin!” Dr. Ramsey says, “but Diane D isn’t available, she’s still in and out of consciousness inside the mental institution!”

“I know! Since Diane D is not available, we were thinking about maybe hiring a bunch of Diane D look-alikes to play the part of the entities and their wax figures.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout.

“Hire a bunch of Diane D look-alikes to play the part of the entities and their wax figures?!” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“Yes!” Josh Kerwin shouts.

“Now where would you find a whole bunch of real people who look exactly like Diane D and put them all in the same room, at the same time?! I don’t think that’s possible!”

“I know it’s impossible! Of course the look-alikes don’t have to look exactly like Diane D, they can look similar to her!”

“Look similar to her?”

“Yes! Since Diane D is Dominican, my co-producer and I were thinking about maybe hiring those Latino cheerleaders who were performing at that basketball tournament dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures to play the part of the entities and their wax figures.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Hiring Latino cheerleaders who were performing at a basketball tournament dressed as the Diane D entities and their wax figures?!” Mrs. Reid asks. “There were Latino cheerleaders performing at a basketball tournament dressed as the Diane D

entities and their wax figures?”

“Yes!” Josh Kerwin says. “My co-producer and I were thinking about hiring them to play the roles of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.”

“Oh yeah?”


“My God! I’m just curious to know, what speaking lines would you producers give those cheerleaders if they play the roles of those Diane D entities, because according to Kurt, those Diane D entities or Diane D demons in his dreams and nightmares did not talk, they didn’t speak at all! Kurt claimed he never once heard any of them talk, only 153

one of those entities spoke and did all the talking, and that was the chained-up Diane D


“I know! My co-producer and I say whichever cheerleader gets to play the role of the chained-up Diane D entity, that cheerleader will do all the talking, while the roles of the other cheerleaders will remain silent!”

“The roles of the other cheerleaders will remain silent?”


“Wow. But whichever cheerleader gets to play the role of the chained-up Diane D

entity and does all the talking, who would that cheerleader be talking to?!”

“Well, we were hoping to find an actor to play the role of your son!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“The role of my son?!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “You were hoping to find an actor to play Kurt?!”

“Yes,” Josh Kerwin says, “an actor who resembles him.”

“An actor who resembles him?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes, that’s who the cheerleader who’ll play the role of the chained-up Diane D

entity would be encountering with!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “Would this actor who plays my son have to be tied up to a tree and set on fire by those cheerleaders who’ll be playing those evil Diane D


“No, of course not! The actor who’ll play your son will only act like he’s tied up and set on fire.”

“Only act like it?”


“I’m sorry Mister, but my son has gone through enough dealing with those entities or demons that made themselves look like Diane D! He does not need to be bothered with the likes of them anymore whether it’s through a dream or nightmare about them, wax figures of them or through a stage play about them!”

“But your son, your family, Diane D and her family can make a huge profit out of this stage play!”

“So all you producers and promoters want to make a profit out of my son’s tragedy of these entities or demons that made themselves look like Diane D like Mr. Yim tried to do in his wax museum? Everything is not about money! My son’s wellbeing and state of mind is much more important and precious to me than money! So no, you may not create any stage plays about my son’s dreams and nightmares of those Diane D entities and their wax figures Mr. Kerwin!”


“No! You are denied permission to create a stage play about my son’s dreams and nightmares of those Diane D entities and their wax figures!”

“But Mrs. Reid, think about it!”

“I have thought about it, and my answer is ‘no’! Have a good day sir!”

“Okay Mrs. Reid, have it your way! But I’ll be back.” Josh Kerwin turns and angrily heads towards the office door.