Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 26

Toy Maker Wants To Create Barbie-Sized Dolls Of The Diane D


Around an hour later, Mrs. Reid and Kyle come inside Dr. Ramsey’s office. They walk towards Dr. Ramsey’s desk as Mrs. Reid says, “Hey Dr. Ramsey.”

“Hi Mrs. Reid, Kyle,” Dr. Ramsey says as he stands behind his desk. “Someone from a toy maker company wants to talk to you two.”

“Someone from a toy maker company wants to talk to us?”

“Yes. This is Calvin Simmons,” Dr. Ramsey says as he points his hand towards a middle age white male inside the room.

“Hello Mrs. Reid, Kyle,” Calvin Simmons says.

“Hello,” Mrs. Reid and Kyle say.

“What can we do for you?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Well first of all, I would just like to say, I’m so sorry for what happened to your son and brother Kurt,” Calvin Simmons says.

“Thank you,” Mrs. Reid and Kyle say.

“I saw the sketches of the Diane D entities that your son and brother Kurt drew that were shown at the wax museum, and photos and videos of the life-size Diane D entity wax figures that were modeled right from Kurt’s sketches! I thought that was so amazing, I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t believe that life-size wax figures were modeled right from a small hand drawn 2D sketch! Wow! Well since Kurt drew the sketches of the Diane D entities and the sketches of the Diane D entities were created from right out of his dreams and nightmares, I would like to know from you two, will it be alright if the toy company create Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities.”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities?!” Kyle shouts.

“Your toy company wants to create Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities?!” Mrs.

Reid shouts.

“Yes,” Calvin Simmons says.

“Now why would your toy company want to create Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D

entities?! Don’t you think you might scare little kids with dolls of those Diane D


“I know the life-sized wax figures scared the kids and adults also, but this will be a Barbie-sized version of the Diane D entities which will be much smaller than the wax figures! The toy company figures that kids will be less scared of the Barbie-sized version of the Diane D entities compared to the life-size wax figure version of them!”

“Oh really!”

“Yes! I even brought samples of the Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“You brought samples of the Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes,” Calvin Simmons says, “they’re right over there in the back! Come!” Calvin 155

Simmons turns and heads towards the back of Dr. Ramsey’s office as Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey turn and follow him.

Calvin Simmons reaches the back of Dr. Ramsey’s office as Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr.

Ramsey come beside him. He approaches a scale model of the Diane D entities and shows Mrs. Reid and Kyle fifteen identical Barbie-size dolls of the Diane D entities all dressed in all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes with long black waist length hair and bangs.

Fourteen of the Barbie-size Diane D entity dolls are all standing in a part-circle partially surrounding a handcuffed, shackled and chained-up Barbie-size Diane D entity doll who’s in the front and center who’s standing upright on its knees trapped in a contortionist position with a second Barbie-size Diane D entity doll standing directly behind it as a third Barbie-size Diane D entity doll stands directly behind the second one. One of the Barbie-size Diane D entity dolls on the right holds a large tree branch as they all angrily look and stare forward. They are surrounded by a cardboard with pictures of an eerie forest or woods with a large hazy moon and clouds behind and above them! Mrs. Reid and Kyle frighteningly look at the Barbie-size Diane D entity doll scale model. They slowly start to walk around the scale model looking at the dolls.

Mrs. Reid and Kyle finish circling the scale model and stop. They then back away from the scale model.

“So what do you two think of this scale model of the Diane D entities?” Calvin Simmons asks.

“Oh my goodness!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “it’s amazing! It looks exactly like Kurt’s sketches and the life-size wax figure version of them!”

“It sure does!” Kyle shouts. “My God, it’s unbelievable! Does Diane D’s family know about this yet?”

“Yes they do,” Calvin Simmons says. “I told them about this.”

“You did?”

“Yes I did.”

“Have they seen this?”

“Yes they did. I submitted a photo of this scale model to them and asked their permission if the toy company can create this and market it.”

“You did?”

“Yes I did.”

“What did they say?”

“They say the toy company can create any dolls they want, as long as the dolls do not have Diane D’s name, face, image or body type on them! As you can see, the dolls do not have Diane D’s name, face, image or body type on them!”

“Yeah we can see!”

“All the dolls have are the poses and facial expressions from Kurt’s sketches.”

“Yeah we see that too!”

“So what do you two say? Will it be alright if the toy company creates Barbie-sized dolls of the Diane D entities?”

“No it won’t be alright!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“It won’t?”



“Why not?”

“Because Kurt has been through a lot dealing with those Diane D entities or Diane D

demons constantly coming into his dreams and nightmares terrorizing him! Those Diane D entities or Diane D demons terrorized Kurt in the spiritual underworld, then they terrorized him again in the physical world when they became wax figures! Seeing those Diane D entities or Diane D demons’ wax figures in person caused Kurt to have a heart attack! He’s laying up in the hospital right now because of those wax figures, he doesn’t need those Diane D entities or Diane D demons turned into Barbie-sized dolls!

The museum owner already got rid of those life-sized Diane D entity wax figures! The last thing Kurt needs, is to see Barbie-sized versions of them!”

“But Mrs. Reid, you, Kurt and the rest of your family can make a huge profit out of this scale model of your son Kurt’s dreams and nightmares!”

“And so can you and your toy company, right?! My God, Kurt will never get over his dreams and nightmares about those Diane D entities or Diane D demons if their images keep popping up everywhere! My family and I don’t want to make a profit out of something that terrorizes Kurt! I’m sorry Mister, but my son does not need his dreams and nightmares turned into dolls, scale models or anything else!”



“Please think about it Mrs. Reid!”

“I already have thought about it! My answer is still no! Have a nice day sir!”

“But Mrs. Reid!”

“And take these entity dolls and this entire scale model with you, the sight of them really frightens me! I feel that I’m looking right at their wax figure versions again!”

“Me too!” Kyle shouts.

Calvin Simmons sadly looks at Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey, then he sadly packs up the Diane D entity Barbie-size dolls and the entire scale model. He then turns and walks towards the office door with the dolls and scale model.