Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 32

Fans And Reporters Finally Want To See And Meet, The Real Diane D!

The following day, Diane D’s family is talking at the organization as Barry shouts to Aunt Celeste, “I don’t get it! People were afraid of Diane before, now they want to see her, the REAL her?!”

“That’s what they said,” Aunt Celeste says.

“You mean it took someone’s dreams and nightmares of those entities or demons that look like Diane in order for people not to be afraid of her anymore and want to see her again?!” Margarita shouts.

“That’s what they claim.”

“No!” Mary angrily shouts. “We shouldn’t allow anybody to see Diane unless they apologize to her after the way they all treated her! Diane was very hurt by people being afraid of her when she’s not thinking about harming anybody! So if people are so desperate to see those entities or demons that made themselves look like her, tell them all they have to do, is go to sleep, then have a dream or nightmare about those entities or demons that look like her, pulling their souls or spirits right out of their physical bodies like those entities or demons did to that guy Kurt, then they’ll get to see and meet those entities or demons in person like that guy Kurt did, but these people just better hope and pray that those entities or demons that look like Diane don’t terrorize them, don’t beat them with a large tree branch, don’t slam a karate chop at their throats, don’t set them on fire, then try to watch them burn alive like they did to that guy Kurt! If these people are ready to apologize to Diane, then maybe they can see her!” Mary turns and walks away as the family worriedly looks at her.

A few hours later, Aunt Celeste is inside the lobby of a physical therapy gym talking with Amanda one of the nurse interns who was inside the examining room with Diane D, Suzie the other nurse intern, four reporters and several fans of the Diane D entities and their wax figures. “Now are you all sure you want to see and meet Diane?” Aunt Celeste asks Amanda, Suzie, the reporters and the fans of the Diane D entities and their wax figures.

“Yes,” Amanda nervously says, “Suzie and I would like to meet Diane D again even though we’re still afraid of her, but Suzie and I decided to give Diane D a try because we 182

know she doesn’t remember what she did inside that examining room.”

“Yeah,” Suzie says, “as long as we don’t get too close to her, in case she kicks at us again.”

“Yeah,” the white female reporter with the short brunette haircut who was one of the reporters who interviewed Mr. Yim inside his office says, “as long as we don’t get too close to her either.”

“You don’t have to get close to Diane if you don’t want to,” Aunt Celeste says. “I’m sure Diane will be happy to know that at least some people are finally not afraid of her and is willing to be in the same room with her besides just her family and the doctors.”

“By the way Miss Celeste,” the white male reporter with the short light brown hair who was one of the reporters who interviewed Mr. Yim inside his office says, “us reporters saw those sketches of the Diane D entities, the sketches that were created from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares, the sketches that were hung outside the wax museum. We also saw photos of the Diane D entity wax figures taken from two different angles, the wax figures that were created from the sketches! Then we saw an amazing video clip of the wax figures taken from all angles that was shown on a TV

monitor outside the wax museum! Then when we got inside the lobby of the wax museum, we saw a large mural version of that same photo we saw hanging outside the wax museum. Then we all saw the same amazing video clip of the wax figures on a giant movie screen inside the lobby of the wax museum! Is it true, that the Diane D

entity wax figures caused your entire family to turn and flee out of the wax chambers?”

“Yes it’s true.”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“It’s true?” the reporter asks.

“Yes!” Aunt Celeste shouts.

“Oh no!” everyone else shouts.

“Those entity wax figures did make me and my family flee out of those wax chambers!”

“Oh no!”

“They look very creepy and they look too real! They made my entire family feel very uncomfortable!”

“Oh no!”

“Miss Celeste?” an Asian female reporter says, “how did those Diane D entity wax figures make you and your family feel uncomfortable?”

“They looked like they were alive which made my entire family feel that we were looking at a bunch of Diane clones!” Aunt Celeste shouts.

“A bunch of Diane D clones?!” everyone else shouts. “Oh no!”

“Wow!” the Asian female reporter shouts. “That sounds scary Miss Celeste!”

“It was very scary!” Aunt Celeste shouts, “and the way those wax figures were looking and staring at me and my family, didn’t help at all!”

“Oh wow!” everyone else shouts.

“I can imagine!” the Asian female reporter says, “but Miss Celeste, why did the Diane D entity wax figures’ expressions look so mean and unfriendly anyway?”

“Because that’s what that guy Kurt saw in his dreams and nightmares!” Aunt Celeste shouts, “and according to that guy Kurt, that’s the way those entities or demons’

expressions looked in his dreams and nightmares when they were looking at him after they set him on fire and were about to watch him burn alive!”.


“About to watch him burn alive?!” everyone else frighteningly shouts. “Oh no!”

“So that guy Kurt drew exactly what he saw in his dreams and nightmares right onto sketches. Then Mr. Yim the museum owner took those sketches and copied exactly what he saw on Kurt’s sketches and created the sketches into actual life-size wax figures!”

“Oh wooow!”

“That sounds like 3D printing of a sketch Miss Celeste,” the Asian female reporter says.

“It WAS like 3D printing of a sketch!” Aunt Celeste shouts. “It was amazing how Mr. Yim copied those sketches exactly to a tee, copying the sketches into actual life-size wax figures that appeared so alive with the exact same poses like the sketches, the exact same facial expressions like the sketches, the exact same body type like Diane’s, the exact same bodysuit and thick black shoes she wears, the exact same type of hair, the exact same hair blowing in the wind, the exact same spooky looking woods, the exact same spooky looking moon, wind and everything else!”

“Wooow!” everyone else shouts.

“He must be that good!” a stocky black male reporter who’s bald with a mustache shouts.

“He’s too good if you ask me!” Aunt Celeste shouts.

“Woooow,” everyone else says.

“All I know, is that my family and I never want to come across those entity wax figures ever again! We’re glad that they are all gone and destroyed now, and we hope they stay gone and destroyed and we hope they never be created again!”


“Even though Diane D is your own family member, you and your family still fear the wax figures of herself?” the Asian female reporter asks.

“Of course we do!” Aunt Celeste shouts. “Yes, Diane is our family member, but you all have to realize, that we only have one Diane in our family, not fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen copies of her!”

“Woooow,” everyone else frighteningly says.

“Has Diane D or Dana ever met their own wax figures at the wax museum like you and the rest of your family did?” the black male reporter asks.

“No they never met their own wax figures,” Aunt Celeste says.

“They never?”

“No, how could they? They were lying unconscious in the mental institution the whole entire time! By the time they finally woke back up, their wax figures were already gone and destroyed.”

“Already gone and destroyed?”


“Wooow,” the crowd says.

“Do they know that there were wax figures of themselves at the wax museum?” the black male reporter asks.

“Well they know now,” Aunt Celeste says, “they didn’t know at the moment their wax figures were there. We told them about the wax figures of themselves and showed them the pictures and videos of their wax figures after the day they both finally woke up.”

“After the day they both finally woke up?”



“How did they feel when they saw the pictures and videos of their own wax figures?”


“They were shocked?”

“Of course they were! They had no idea that there were wax figures made of themselves!”

“They had no idea at all?”

“Nope, no idea at all!”

“Wow,” everyone else sadly says.

“Wow,” a young Hispanic female fan says. “It’s a shame that Diane D and her cousin Dana never got to see and meet their own wax figures in person like the rest of their family did. It's so sad.”

“It is,” the black male reporter says.

Suddenly a music video of Diane D and the Dianettes appear on a TV monitor that’s hanging on the wall. Aunt Celeste and the crowd turn their heads and see a music video of Diane D and the Dianettes. They stare at the screen. “Oh shoot!” a young white male fan with light brown hair shouts, “that’s the real Diane D in that music video, with the Dianettes!”

“Wow!” a young white female fan shouts. “I can’t tell the difference between the real Diane D and those entity wax figures of herself!”

“I can’t tell the difference either! Wow, it’s so uncanny!”

“It is!”

Aunt Celeste and the crowd continue to stare at the screen. Suddenly the music video of Diane D and the Dianettes disappear off the screen. The crowd stares at the screen.

“Wow,” the young white female fan says, “that’s so unbelievable.”

“It is,” a second young white male fan says.

“By the way Miss Celeste,” the white female reporter says, “when my colleague and I were inside the museum owner Mr. Yim’s office speaking with him, we asked him where was that large photo or mural of the Diane D entity wax figures that was hung on the wall inside the lobby of the wax museum. He said he had that mural shipped to your family’s organization because he wanted to give the mural to your family as a gift.

Did Mr. Yim ship the mural to your family’s organization?”

“Yep,” Aunt Celeste says, “he sure did.”

“Oh yeah? We heard that your family stored the mural of those images of the Diane D entity wax figures down in the basement of your family’s organization or down in the basement of the mental institution.”

“We stored the mural down in the basement of the organization.”

“You did?”

“Yes we did.”

“We heard that when your family was gonna store the mural of those images of the Diane D entity wax figures, you all were gonna have the mural of the wax figures facing the wall away from yourselves. Does your family have the mural of the wax figures facing the other way away from yourselves?”


“Yes, we sure do.”

“You do?”


“How come?”

“Well what do you think? To keep ourselves from seeing the images of those wax figures.”

“To keep yourselves from seeing the images of the wax figures?”

“Yes, to keep ourselves from looking at them.”

“Oh yeah?” the white male reporter asks. “Why? Is your family still afraid of those images of the Diane D entity wax figures?”

“Yes we’re still afraid of the images of those wax figures! We’re still spooked by them! We still feel that we’re looking at a bunch of Diane clones or whatever they are or whatever they were!”

“Wow,” everyone else says.

“Now that’s scary!” the white male reporter says.

“It is,” the black male reporter says. “Has Diane D ever seen the mural of the wax figures of herself yet Miss Celeste?”

“Yes,” Aunt Celeste says, “she saw the mural when we brought her downstairs to the basement of the organization.”

“She saw the mural of all those wax figures of herself?!”

“Yes she saw it.”

“Well what does she think of it?!”

“She says the mural looks like multiple photoshop images of herself!”

“What?” the crowd says.

“She says the mural looks like multiple photoshop images of herself?” the black male reporter asks.

“Yes,” Aunt Celeste says, “she says that those images of herself don’t look like wax figures.”

“What!” the crowd says.

“Even SHE doesn’t think the images of herself look like wax figures?” the black male reporter asks.

“No,” Aunt Celeste says.

“But you and your family told Diane D the truth that those were actually wax figures of herself, because you all actually saw and witnessed the wax figures in person!”

“Of course we told Diane the truth that those were really wax figures of herself, we wouldn’t lie to her! She knows we wouldn’t lie to her, but she still claims it’s hard to believe that those images of herself are wax figures and not photoshop images of herself.”

“Wow,” the crowd says.

“Too bad Diane D never got a chance to see or meet the wax figures of herself in person like you and the rest of your family did,” the white female reporter says,

“because if she did, she would have had no choice but to see and know that those were actually wax figures of herself, not photoshop images of herself.”

“Wow,” the crowd says as they nervously look at the reporter.

“We also heard that other people or other museum owners would like to purchase that actual large photo or actual large mural of the Diane D entity wax figures that was 186

on the wall of the museum lobby and purchase the actual video of them from your family. Is that true?”

“Yes it’s true,” Aunt Celeste says.

“It is?”


“What did your family say to that?”

“My family refuse to sell that large mural of those wax figures and refuse to sell the video of them.”

“Oh yeah? How come?”

“Because we don’t want the mural or video of those wax figures out there. It was bad enough that my family and I actually saw those wax figures in person with our very own eyes.”

“Oh no!” the crowd shouts.

“It was bad enough that we were actually in the same room with them!”

“Oh no!”

“We were almost face to face with them!”

“Oh no!”

“They looked like a whole bunch of Diane clones!”

“Oh no!”

“That’s something that my family and I will never forget!”

“Oh no!”

“We would like to believe that those wax figures or whatever they were, never existed! We would like to put them out of our sight and out of our minds, but we can’t if that mural or video of them pops up everywhere!”

“I see,” the white female reporter says.

“Come, let’s go this way.” Aunt Celeste turns and leads the reporters, Amanda, Suzie and the fans of the Diane D entities and their wax figures down the lobby.

Aunt Celeste, Amanda, Suzie, the reporters and the fans of the Diane D entities and their wax figures approach Michael, Nicolas and Mickey who are standing at the corner of the lobby drinking coffee as Aunt Celeste says, “Hi guys.”

“Hi Auntie,” Nicolas says.

“Hi. This is Amanda and Suzie, the nurse interns who were inside the examining room with Diane. You remember them, right?”

“Yes we remember them,” Michael says. “Hello.”

“Hi,” Amanda and Suzie say.

“And these are some reporters who were at the wax museum that tried to see or get a glimpse of the wax figures of the entities that look like Diane,” Aunt Celeste says.

“Oh yeah?” Nicolas says.


“Hello,” Nicolas, Michael and Mickey say to the reporters.

“Hi,” the reporters say.

“And these are some of the museum visitors who tried to see or get a glimpse of the wax figures of Diane also,” Aunt Celeste says.

“Oh yeah?” Nicolas says.



“Hello,” the fans say.

“Hi,” Nicolas, Michael and Mickey say to the fans.

“Where’s Diane?” Aunt Celeste asks Michael, Nicolas and Mickey.

“Oh she and Dana are getting ready to start their physical therapy,” Michael says.

“They are?”


“Did Grandma give Diane all the black bodysuits that were on the wax figures?”

“Yeah, Diane took the bodysuits.”

“She did?”


“How many did she take?”

“She took all of them.”

“She took all sixteen of them?”


“What’s she planning on doing with them?”

“She’s planning to change into one of them and put it on for her physical therapy, then for her martial arts training,” Nicolas says.

“She’s planning to wear one of those bodysuits that were on the wax figures?”

“Yeah, and she’s planning on giving some of the bodysuits to the girls.”

“She is?”

“Yeah, and she’s planning to give one of the bodysuits to Dana also.”

“Oh really?”


“What about the thick black shoes that were on the wax figures? Did Grandma give Diane the thick black shoes too?”

“Yeah,” Mickey says, “Diane took the thick black shoes too.”

“She did?”


“How many pairs did she take?”

“She took all the pairs.”

“All sixteen pairs of the thick black shoes?”


“What’s she planning on doing with the shoes?”

“She’s planning to change into one of the pairs of shoes and wear them too.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Oh no!” the young Hispanic female fan nervously shouts. “You mean to tell us, that Diane D is going to dress exactly like those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares and their wax figures?”

“I sure hope not!” Amanda nervously shouts, “because if she dresses like those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares and their wax figures, I’m not sure if I want to see or meet her again right now!”

“Me neither!” Suzie nervously shouts.

“Dress like those entities or demons and their wax figures?” Michael puzzledly asks.

“Wait a minute now, it’s not the first time Diane wore that black bodysuit and thick black shoes, she wore that type of outfit a few times before in the past during her martial arts performances.”


“Yeah we saw her!”

“Well it’s bad enough that Diane D looks exactly like those entities or demons from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and their wax figures!” the young Hispanic female fan shouts, “now she might dress exactly like them too?!”

“Look like them and dress like them?” Michael puzzledly asks. “Wait a minute now, just hold up! Diane does not look like those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares, nor does she look like their wax figures, nor is she going to dress like them either!”

“She’s not going to dress like them?”

“No, she’s going to dress like herself!”

“She’s going to dress like herself?”


“Thank goodness!”

“So therefore, Diane does not look like those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares or their wax figures, if anything, those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares and their wax figures look like HER!”

“Oh no!” Suzie, Amanda, the reporters and the fans shout as they frighteningly look at Michael.

“Wow,” Amanda nervously says. “I guess we never thought of it that way, that those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares and their wax figures are actually the ones who look like Diane D, not the other way around.”

“Yeah,” Nicolas says, “Diane never made herself look like anybody! She never once tried to make herself look like anybody else, that’s her natural look, she was born that way! Those entities or demons from that guy Kurt’s dreams and nightmares are the ones who made themselves look like HER!”

“Oh no!” the crowd nervously shouts.

“They even made themselves dress like Diane!”

“Oh no!”

“Wow,” the white female reporter frighteningly says, “it sounds like those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's dreams and nightmares have a strong spiritual attachment to Diane D.”

“Unfortunately,” Nicolas says, “it seems that way.”

“Wow,” the crowd says. Nicolas drinks his cup of coffee as the crowd frighteningly looks at him.