Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 33

The Fans And Reporters Finally Get To See, The Real Diane D!

As the crowd continues to frighteningly look at Nicolas, Mickey suddenly says, “Oh there’s Diane now,” as he looks towards the middle of the lobby. Nicolas, Michael, Amanda, Suzie, Aunt Celeste, the reporters and the fans turn their heads towards the 189

middle of the lobby. They suddenly see Diane D walking way in the distance behind a four-feet metal fence dressed in a short dark green blazer with matching dark green pants with her left side facing them looking down at several all-black garments she’s holding around one arm and several other all-black garments she’s holding around the other arm. They then see Diane D turn to her right walking with her back towards them. They then see Diane D look to her right calling and pointing out to someone, then see her turn back forward then see her turn left disappearing around the corner out of sight.

“Hey!” the first white male fan shouts, “where are her chains?! She’s not handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that contortionist position anymore?!”

“I guess not!” the young Hispanic female fan shouts.

“Wow!” Suzie, Amanda, the reporters and the other fans shout.

“That’s not one of the entities or their wax figure!” Aunt Celeste shouts.

“It’s not?!” the first white male fan asks.

“No, that’s the real Diane!”

“That’s the real Diane D?!” the second white male fan asks.


“Oh shoot!” The second white male fan turns to the other fans and shouts, “that’s the real Diane D over there!”

“Of course that’s the real Diane!”

The second white male fan turns back to Aunt Celeste and shouts, “Really?!”


“Oh wow!” another young white female fan shouts. “I would like to take a picture with her, so that I can show people that I actually met one of those entity wax figures in person and took a picture with it!”

“What! So that you can show people that you actually met one of those entity wax figures in person, and took a picture with it?”

“Yes! Isn’t that exciting?! I find it so exciting to actually take a picture with one of those entity wax figures, then show the picture to people!”

“Diane is not a wax figure! She is not going to want you to see her as one of those wax figures of herself! She’s not going to want you to see her that way, especially since she’s the REAL DEAL! If you try to get a picture with Diane because you think she’s one of those wax figures of herself, the first thing she would do, is tell you that she is not one of those wax figures, the next thing she’s going to do, is tell you to get lost!”

“Tell me to get lost?”

“Yes, that’s right! So would you rather take a picture with Diane because you want to take a picture with thee Diane herself, or would you rather take a picture with her because you think she’s one of those wax figures of herself?”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to mistake her as one of those wax figures of herself.”

“Me neither,” the second male fan says. “I guess we got carried away when we saw her. Sorry about that.”

“Yeah me too.”

Aunt Celeste turns to Michael, Nicolas and Mickey and says, “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay Auntie,” Nicolas says.

Aunt Celeste turns to Amanda, Suzie, the reporters and the fans and says, “Come everyone, let’s take you all to meet Diane.” Aunt Celeste turns and starts to head 190

towards the middle of the lobby as Amanda, Suzie, the reporters and the entity wax figure fans nervously follow her.

Aunt Celeste, Amanda, Suzie, the reporters and the entity wax figure fans approach the middle of the lobby several yards away from the four-feet metal fence then stop.

Suddenly Diane D appears in the lobby again several yards away behind the four-feet metal fence surrounded by the Dianettes. Diane D and the Dianettes stop and talk with each other as Aunt Celeste, Amanda, Suzie and the reporters stand several yards away from the four-feet metal fence looking on at Diane D.

Diane D continues to talk with the Dianettes as she hands the Dianettes a few of the black garments that are wrapped around her arms.

Amanda, Suzie, the reporters and the entity wax figure fans nervously look on at Diane D. “Oh my God!” a young Hispanic male fan shouts. “She’s beautiful!”

“She sure is!” Amanda says.

“So are the Dianettes!”

“My God!” another Hispanic female fan says, “Diane D looks exactly like those wax figures of herself!”

“She sure does!”

Aunt Celeste puzzledly looks at the fans and says, “Excuse you, correction! Diane does not look like those wax figures! Those wax figures look like HER! Remember, Diane’s looks were not copied or modeled from those entities or demons from that guy Kurt's sketches nor their wax figures, those entities or demons and their wax figures’

looks were copied and modeled from HERS.”

“Wow!” everyone says.

“We keep forgetting!” the Hispanic male fan says.

“Yeah!” the young Hispanic female fan says, “it’s just so amazing from when we saw the photos and short video clip of the entity wax figures at the wax museum, we can’t tell the difference between the entity wax figures and the real Diane D!”

“I know! That’s something, isn’t it?”

“It sure is! So Miss Celeste, that’s the real Diane D over there, right?”

“Of course that’s the real Diane,” Aunt Celeste says. “If that wasn’t the real Diane, she wouldn’t be moving or talking, would she?”

“Well robots move or talk, don’t they?” the first young white male fan says.

“What! Are you mistaking Diane for being a robot now?! First you were all mistaking her for being one of those entity wax figures of herself, now you’re mistaking her for being a robot! She is not a robot or a wax figure, okay?! So look, if you meet Diane and get to talk to her, please don’t bring up any of that crazy robot stuff to her or bring up any of that crazy wax figure stuff to her because if you do, she might just go crazy and go off on you, you hear that?”

“Oh we wouldn’t want that!”

“We sure wouldn’t!” Amanda shouts. “I’ve seen the way the real Diane D glared at me and the other nurse interns after we accidentally woke her up inside that examining room! That look she had on her face when she glared at us is unforgettable!””

“I’m sure it is!” Aunt Celeste shouts. “She’s the real deal over there.”

“Wow!” the young Hispanic female fan says, “that is incredible!”

“It sure is!” the second Hispanic female fan says.


“Stay right here,” Aunt Celeste tells the fans, “I’ll be back.” Aunt Celeste turns and starts to head towards the four-feet metal fence as the fans, the reporters, Amanda and Suzie stay behind nervously looking on.

“Wow,” the first young white female fan says, “I’m scared to even be near the real Diane D, because I hear she got spirits around her!”

“Spirits around her?” the Hispanic male fan asks.

“Yeah! I hear she got those evil entities or evil spirits from that spiritual underworld always around her watching her and protecting her!”

“Watching her and protecting her?”

“Yeah! If you go after the real Diane D and try to harm her, those evil entities or evil spirits from that spiritual underworld will go after you and harm you before you even get a chance to harm the real Diane D! I think that’s what happened to those victims’ sons who tried to go after the real Diane D! They got harmed before they even got a chance to harm the real Diane D! Two of them got injured, the other two didn’t survive!”

“Oh wow!” the rest of the fans frighteningly say.

“Well thank God we’re not here to harm the real Diane D!” the second white male fan says, “we’re only here to meet her!” He then looks up in the air and says, “Evil entities or spirits from that spiritual underworld, please don’t come after us and harm us! We love the real Diane D! We’re only here to meet her, not harm her! So please don’t come into our dreams or nightmares terrorizing us like you did to that guy Kurt, and like you did to that little boy Marcus, thank you!” The other fans frighteningly look at the second white male fan. They then turn their heads and frighteningly look towards Diane D.

Aunt Celeste approaches the four-feet metal fence. She then calls out, “Hey Diane, hey girls!”

“Hey Aunt Celeste!” the Dianettes call out.

“Diane, can you come over here for a minute?”

Diane D turns from the Dianettes and heads towards Aunt Celeste.

Diane D approaches the four-feet metal fence near Aunt Celeste and stands behind the metal fence. “What’s up Aunt Celeste?” Diane D says as she lifts her arms resting her forearms on the metal fence then leans on the metal fence.

“The reporters and the people that want to meet you are here,” Aunt Celeste says.

“They are?”

“Yeah. They’re right over there.” Diane D turns her head and looks towards Amanda, Suzie, the reporters and the fans of the entities and their wax figures. “You remember Amanda and Suzie, the two nurse interns that you made the apology speech to through the LIVE video chat? They are the nurse interns that were inside the examining room with you when you kicked at them in your sleep.”

“Oh they’re the ones?”



“Why do they want to meet me? I thought they and everyone else were afraid of me.”

“They are afraid of you Diane.”


“Yes still, but they’re trying not to be afraid of you.”

“They’re trying?”


“Is it working?”

“It’s going to take some time Diane, you just got to be patient and give them a chance. So, is it okay if they come a little closer to meet you?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s okay.”

“Are you sure?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“Okay.” Aunt Celeste turns to Amanda and Suzie and calls out to them, “Amanda?!

Suzie?! Would you two like to step over here and say hi to Diane?! You can come closer if you’d like!”

Amanda and Suzie hesitate. They are nervous. They then come a few yards closer to the four-feet metal fence.