Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 34

The Fans And Reporters Finally Get To Meet, The Real Diane D!

Amanda and Suzie stop not too far from Aunt Celeste. They nervously look at Diane D. Aunt Celeste puzzledly looks at Amanda and Suzie. She then says to them, “Now if you two want to meet Diane, you’re gonna have to step closer to the fence, because Diane can’t come out there to you! She can’t go pass this gate!”

“She can’t?” Amanda asks.

“No! If she tries to go pass the gate, her ankle monitors are going to go off!”

“They are?”

“Yes, and we don’t want that! So if you still want to meet or talk to Diane, you’re gonna have to come closer to the fence to meet her!”

“Oh. Okay.”

Amanda and Suzie come closer to the fence and stop near Aunt Celeste. They nervously look at Diane D again. Amanda and Suzie look down and see that Diane D

has ankle monitors strapped around both of her ankles! They nervously look back at Diane D as Diane D puzzledly looks at them! Amanda and Suzie then look at the long all-black garments that Diane D has wrapped around each of her arms and realize that the all-black garments she’s holding are the all-black one-piece, V-neck bodysuits that were worn by the entity wax figures of herself! Amanda and Suzie nervously look back at Diane D. “Hi Diane D,” Amanda nervously says. “I’m Amanda, the head nurse intern, 193

the one that was inside the examining room with you and the one you made the apologetic speech to through the LIVE video chat.”

“Yeah,” Diane D says, “I remember you from your photo.”

“You do?”


“That’s good. And this is Suzie, the other nurse intern,” Amanda says as she points to Suzie.

“Hi Diane D,” Suzie nervously says. “Nice to meet you.”

“I suppose you don’t remember seeing us when we were inside the examining room with you talking to you after I accidentally woke you up.”

“No I don’t remember seeing you,” Diane D says.

“You still don’t remember seeing us inside the examining room with you?”

“No, I don’t even remember being inside the examining room.”

“You still don’t remember being inside the examining room at all?”

“No. Sorry I don’t remember seeing any of you or the examining room at all.”

“No? Even though you were looking directly at us, you still don’t remember seeing any of us?”

“No, I don’t. This is my first time seeing you guys face to face.”

“It’s your first time seeing us face to face?”

“Yeah, that I can remember.”

“Well, it’s not our first time seeing YOU face to face.”

“I know. I heard all about it. Like I said to you guys on the live video chat, I’m sorry if I scared you and the other four nurse interns that were inside the examining room with me, even though I don’t remember it and wasn’t aware of it.”

“We understand Diane D.”

“You do?”

“Yes we do.”

“Thanks. And thank you for deciding to meet me in person. Thanks for not being afraid of me. Wow, it really means a lot to me.”

“It does?”


“Sure, no problem.”

Aunt Celeste turns back to Diane D and says, “And those are the fans that were inspired by the sketch that guy Kurt drew of the nightmares he had about you.”

“What?” Diane D puzzledly says. “They were inspired by the sketch that guy Kurt drew of the nightmares he had about me?”


“Why would they be inspired by that?”

“I don’t know, I guess they liked it. They came all the way here to meet you in person because of it.”

“What? They came all the way here to meet me in person because of that sketch?”


“You’re kidding me, right?”

“No I’m not kidding you Diane, it’s the truth. They were also inspired by the photos and short video clip of the wax figures of yourself at the wax museum.”

“They were?”



“Why would they be inspired by that?”

“I guess they liked that too.”

“What? Wait a minute. You mean to tell me, that it took that guy Kurt’s sketch of his nightmares about me and wax figures of me at the museum to make people finally not be afraid of me and want to come near me and meet me?”

“Yeah, because they want to see the real you.”

“See the real me? What do you mean ‘see the real me’?”

“They came here to make sure that you’re the real you and not a wax figure.”

“Not a wax figure? What? They want to make sure I’m not a wax figure?”


“Oh my God, this is so unbelievable.”

“It is. So is it okay if they come closer to meet you?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Okay.” Aunt Celeste turns to the fans and calls out to them, “Hey fans?! Would you all like to step over here and say hi to Diane also?! You can come closer too!”

The fans are nervous. They then come a few yards closer to the four-feet metal fence.

The fans stop not too far from Aunt Celeste. They nervously look at Diane D. Aunt Celeste puzzledly looks at the fans. She then says to them, “Now I’m going to tell you all the same thing I told these two young ladies! If you two want to meet Diane, you’re gonna have to step closer to the fence, because she can’t come out there to you! She can’t go pass this gate! If she goes pass the gate, her ankle monitors are going to go off!”

“Really?” the fans ask.

“Yes really, and we don’t want that! So come closer to the fence if you still want to meet or talk to Diane!”

“Oh. Okay.”

The fans come closer to the metal fence and stop near Aunt Celeste. They nervously look at Diane D again. They look down and see that Diane D has the ankle monitors strapped around both of her ankles! They nervously look back at Diane D! The fans then look at the long all-black garments that she has wrapped around each of her arms and realize that the all-black garments she’s holding are the all-black one-piece, V-neck bodysuits that were worn by the entity wax figures of herself! They nervously look back at Diane D as the young Hispanic female fan says, “Hi Diane D. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Yeah Diane D,” the first white male fan says. “Sorry about what happened to you and your cousin Dana. Glad you two are doing okay.”

“Thanks,” Diane D says.

“Can I ask what is that you’re holding around your arms?”

“Oh these?”


“These are the bodysuits that the museum owner took off the wax figures of me, 195

then gave them to my family, then my family gave them to me.”

“Oh yeah?”


“That’s nice.”

“Diane D?” the Hispanic male fan says, “how do you feel that there were digital copies made of you?”

“Digital copies?” Diane D puzzledly asks.

“Yeah, wax figures. How do you feel that there were wax figures made of yourself?”

“Not pleased.”

“Not pleased?”


“Why not?”

“Because the wax figures were made without my knowledge or permission. I wouldn’t have approved of wax figures of myself being made without my knowledge or permission.”

“You wouldn’t have?”

“No, I wouldn’t.”

“Would you have approved of wax figures of yourself being made if you had knowledge of it?”

“Yeah, if it was alright with my family and they got paid big bucks for it.”

“If it was alright with your family and they got paid for it?”


“I see.”

“Hey Diane D!” the second Hispanic female fan excitingly shouts, “how do you feel that the museum owner created not one wax figure of yourself, but multiple wax figures of yourself?”

“I still feel the same,” Diane D says, “not pleased without my knowledge or permission.”

“Not pleased without your knowledge or permission?”


“I see.”

“Hey Diane D,” the first young white female fan says. “Have you ever seen all those wax figures of yourself at the wax museum?”

“No,” Diane D says, “only in the photos and videos that my family took at the wax museum and in the video the museum owner gave to my family and in that large mural my family have downstairs at the organization.”

“Oh yeah? So you never saw the wax figures of yourself in person like your family did?”

“No, I never saw the wax figures in person, I only saw the photos and short video clip of the wax figures when my family showed them to me.”

“You only saw the photos and short video clip of the wax figures?”


“So you never came face to face with the wax figures of yourself at all?”

“No, I never came face to face with them. By the time I woke up from being in and out of consciousness, my family told me that all the wax figures of myself and Dana were already destroyed.”


“They were already destroyed by the time you and your cousin Dana woke up?”


“So you were never in the same room with the wax figures of yourself like your family was.”

“No, I was never in the same room with them.”

“Wow,” the rest of the fans sadly say.

Aunt Celeste turns back to Diane D and says, “And those are the reporters that were inspired by the sketch Kurt drew of the nightmares he had about you, and they were also inspired by the photos and video clip of the wax figures of yourself at the wax museum.”

“What?” Diane D says. “They were inspired by that too?”


“Why would they be inspired by that?”

“I guess they liked that too, plus they want to see the real you.”

“See the real me? Them too?”

“Yes. They also want to make sure you’re not a wax figure.”

“Make sure I’m not a wax figure?! Oh boy.”

“Is it okay if they come closer to you?”

“Why? They can’t tell I’m not a wax figure from where they’re standing?”

“Of course they can tell Diane. They just want to see the real you.”

“Okay Aunt Celeste, since people are being less afraid of me now, I guess I better appreciate it while it lasts.”

“That’s true. So can they come closer?”

“Yes they can come closer.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure Aunt Celeste.”

“Okay.” Aunt Celeste turns to the reporters and calls out to them, “The rest of you?!

Would you all like to step over here and speak to Diane?! You can come closer too!”

The reporters come closer to the four-feet metal fence. They stop near Aunt Celeste. They nervously look at Diane D. They look down and see that Diane D has ankle monitors strapped around both of her ankles! They nervously look back at Diane D! They then look at the long all-black garments that she has wrapped around each of her arms and realize that the all-black garments she’s holding are the all-black one-piece, V-neck bodysuits that were worn by the entity wax figures of herself! They nervously look back at Diane D as the white male reporter says, “Hi Diane D. How are you?”

“I’m okay,” Diane D says.

“You are? That’s good. Diane D, we know that you never went to the wax museum and never got to see and meet your own wax figures in person like your family did, but how would you have felt or what would you have done, if you were there with your family that day when they went down to the basement of the wax museum, went inside that wax chamber and saw all those multiple wax figures of yourself? How would you have reacted if you’d saw that?”

“Yeah,” the crowd curiously says.

“I don’t know,” Diane D says. “I can’t say how I would have reacted unless it actually happened.”


“Unless it actually happened?” the white male reporter asks. “So you don’t know how you would have reacted or behave if you had went down to the basement of the wax museum with your family and saw all those multiple realistic looking wax figures of yourself in person?”


“Wooow,” everyone else says.

“Diane D?” the white female reporter says, “has your cousin Dana ever seen the wax figure of herself at the wax museum?”

“No she hasn’t,” Diane D says.

“She hasn’t?”

“No. Dana was locked up in the hospital with me. She was unconscious at the same time I was, so she only heard about the wax figure of herself and saw the photos and videos of it like I did.”

“She only heard about the wax figure of herself and saw the photos and videos of it too?”


“I see. Are you planning to wear one of those bodysuits that were on the wax figures of yourself?”

“Yeah. I’m about to wear one of these bodysuits while I’m having physical therapy.”

“While you’re having physical therapy?”


“I see.”

“Hi Diane D,” the black male reporter says. “Diane D, I would just like to know, have you heard about what happened to that young man Kurt, the one who kept claiming that you were stalking him, the one who kept having those dreams and nightmares about you, the one who drew the sketches of the entities or demons that look like you? He was found unconscious inside the wax museum inside one of the wax chambers, the same wax chamber yours and your cousin Dana’s wax figures were in, then he was taken to the hospital. Have you heard about it?”

“Yeah, I heard about it,” Diane D says.

“You have?”

“Yeah, my family told me all about it.”

“They did?”

“Yeah, my family keeps me very up-to-date and very informed on what’s going on.”

“They do?”


“That’s good. Well doctors claim that Kurt had a heart attack inside the wax museum. They claim they don’t know what could have caused him to have a heart attack, but think maybe he might have seen or saw something inside the wax museum that really frightened him. He’s still laying in the hospital unconscious and not able to talk. How do you feel about what happened to him?”

“I feel bad about it.”

“You do?”

“Of course I do.”

“I see.”

“Hi Diane D,” the Asian female reporter says. “Diane D, do you think that maybe Kurt could have seen or saw something inside the wax museum that might have 198

frightened him?”

“I don’t know,” Diane D says. “Anything is possible.”

“That’s true. Well what do you think Kurt might have seen or saw at the wax museum inside the wax chamber that frightened him that led him to have a heart attack?”

“I don’t know, I have no idea what could have frightened him that led him to have a heart attack, I wasn’t there, so I cannot tell you anything.”

“I see.”

“Diane D,” the white male reporter says, “I just want to know your opinion. What do you think about the fight between you and that young man Jeremy that happened inside that hotel conference room? He’s still laying in the hospital unconscious also.

How do you feel about it?”

“I feel bad about that too,” Diane D says.

“You do?”

“Of course I do.”

“Even though it was the fight between you and him that put him there, the fight where you put Jeremy in a choke hold causing him to pass out, the fight where you used his body as a human shield, causing his body to get hit multiple times by water bottles, the fight where you used his body as a human shield, causing his body to get shot multiple times by police bullets? How do you feel, that you caused that guy Jeremy to lay unconscious in the hospital, and now the wax figures of yourself caused that guy Kurt to lay unconscious in the hospital as well?”

“Listen, I didn’t cause that guy Jeremy to lay in the hospital, I didn’t put him in the hospital, he put himself there! I did not come at him inside that hotel conference room, he came at me! So if a person comes at me, I’m gonna defend myself and come at them harder, you got that?! So let’s not go there saying that I put him in the hospital! And I don’t know what happened to that guy Kurt while he was inside the wax museum, I was not there! Yeah, maybe the wax figures of myself were there, but I myself was not there! As a matter of fact, I’m done with these questions! I’m out!” Diane D turns around and rudely walks away from the fence, Aunt Celeste, the reporters, the fans, Amanda and Suzie!

“But Diane D, we’re not finished talking with you yet!”

“Yeah Diane D!” the rest of the crowd anxiously shout, “come back!”

Diane D ignores the crowd as she walks away towards the Dianettes.

Aunt Celeste turns towards the reporters, the fans, Amanda and Suzie and says,

“Wait right here. I’ll be back.” Aunt Celeste turns away and hurries inside the gate!

She hurries behind Diane D!

Diane D stops at the Dianettes. Aunt Celeste catches up to Diane D, stops and asks,

“Diane? Are you okay?”

Diane D turns to Aunt Celeste and says, “Yeah, I’m okay Aunt Celeste. I’m about to change into one of these bodysuits now so I can get started on my physical therapy later.”

“Okay Diane, I’ll go with you.”

Diane D turns and walks towards the back of the lobby as Aunt Celeste and the 199

Dianettes turn and follow her.

The reporters, the fans, Amanda and Suzie puzzledly stare on at Diane D as the first young white female fan says, “Well, at least she could have said ‘bye’ to us! She just turned around and walked away from us and didn’t even say ‘bye dog’ or anything!”

“I know,” the Hispanic male fan says, “how rude, after we came all the way here to see her and show her support that we were willing to be close to her again and give her another chance!”

“I know! So unappreciative!”

“She sure is!” The fans, the reporters, Amanda and Suzie continue to stare on at Diane D as Diane D, Aunt Celeste and the Dianettes walk towards the back of the lobby then turn left around a corner and disappear out of sight.