Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 35

Diane D And Dana Get Mental And Physical Therapy

Around two hours later, Diane D’s former martial arts instructor from Asia an older Asian man in his late 60’s with long silver hair is training her and Dana inside the gym as she and Dana sit on leg press machines dressed in the all-black one-piece, V-neck bodysuits and thick black shoes doing stretch exercises.

Margarita, Mary, Barry, Tomas, Christine, David, Gracy and Grandpa Mike sit on the side anxiously watching Diane D, Dana and the martial arts instructor.

As the martial arts instructor goes around Diane D and Dana, he says to them,

“Come on, let’s make those muscles strong again. After you two finish the machine, I want you to take ten laps around the gym.”

“Ten laps?!” Diane D shouts.

“That’s right, ten laps.”

“Do we have to?!” Dana shouts.

“Yes, you must. You two were lying unconscious in the hospital for a while, which means you haven’t moved your muscles in a long time. So let’s get those muscles back to work.”

Diane D and Dana frustratingly look at each other, then look forward and continue to sit on the leg press machines doing stretch exercises.

Around an hour later, Diane D, Dana and Diane D’s former martial arts instructor are standing around inside the gym talking. Diane D then turns around and grabs three swords hanging on the wall. She takes the three swords and hands one of the swords to Dana and the other sword to the martial arts instructor. They each are holding a sword inspecting them.

Margarita, Mary, Barry, Tomas, Christine, David, Gracy and Grandpa Mike continue to sit on the side looking on.


As the martial arts instructor spins around waving the sword, he then swings the sword quickly towards Diane D’s chest! Diane D quickly bends back into a handstand going into a bridge position almost going into a contortionist position causing the sword to miss her!

“Aaaahh!” Margarita, Mary, Barry, Tomas, Christine, David, Gracy and Grandpa Mike scream as they see flashbacks of the chained-up Diane D entity wax figure alone in the grass standing on all fours with its head and face upside down.

Diane D quickly gets back up.

“No Diane!” Mary shouts. “You’re not allowed to do that anymore!”

“What?” Diane D says as she puzzledly looks at Mary. “I can’t do that anymore? Do what anymore? What are you talking about Mom?”

“You can’t do that stunt anymore!” Mary turns to the martial arts instructor and shouts, “She’s not allowed to do that stunt anymore! That stunt she just did scared us!”

“Scared you?” the martial arts instructor asks. “Scared you how? This sword is not real! It’s plastic!”

“We still don’t want her doing that stunt!” Barry shouts.

“Why not Uncle Barry?!” Dana shouts. “Diane always does this stunt!”

“Yeah!” Diane D shouts. “I always do this!”

“Not anymore Diane!” Margarita shouts. “We don’t want you bending backwards like that!”

“Bending backwards?! Bending backwards like what?! You mean like this?!” Diane D quickly bends back into a handstand going back into a bridge position almost going into a contortionist position again!

“Aaaahh!” her family screams as they see flashbacks of the chained-up Diane D

entity wax figure again alone in the grass standing on all fours with her head and face upside down.

“Yes Diane like that!” Margarita shouts. “Do not perform that stunt anymore, you got that?!”

“But Grandma!” Diane D shouts.

“You heard your family Diane!” Tomas shouts. “Do not do that stunt anymore!”

“But why not?!”

“You’re just not allowed to do that anymore Diane!” Gracy shouts.

“Fine! I won’t do that anymore!” Diane D becomes frustrated as she looks at her family. She then turns, looks at Dana and whispers, “What is up with them?”

“I don’t know,” Dana whispers, “you tell me.” Dana and Diane D then turn and look at the martial arts instructor as Dana asks, “You know something we don’t know?”

“No,” the martial arts instructor says, “I have no idea why they don’t want that stunt done anymore. I’m as puzzled as you are.” Diane D, Dana and the martial arts instructor worriedly look at each other, then they turn their heads and worriedly look towards the family.