Diane D’s Look-Alike Demons Are Turned Into Frightening Wax Figures, Of Herself! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 36

Who Is Kurt Talking To?


The following day, Kurt is still lying unconscious in the hospital bed as his family, relatives and Dr. Ramsey surround him. “Will he ever come out of it Dr. Ramsey?” Mrs.

Reid asks.

“I don’t know,” Dr. Ramsey says. “I sure hope he pulls through soon.”

“What do you think he might have seen that gave him a heart attack inside the wax museum? What could he have dreamt about or saw that caused him to have a heart attack? You think those Diane D entity wax figures had something to do with it? After all, he was talking about getting revenge against them! When he goes to where they are, he winds up being found unconscious on the floor, then he winds up laying here in the hospital! You think those Diane D entity wax figures had something to do with Kurt being found unconscious inside the wax museum?”

“Anything can be possible Mrs. Reid, anything can be possible.”

“Well it’s a good thing those Diane D entity wax figures are gone and destroyed!”

Mrs. Reid’s mother shouts. “Now that those Diane D entity wax figures are gone and destroyed, Kurt doesn’t have to worry about going after them anymore! They’ll be out of his life for good!”

“Those Diane D entity wax figures might be gone and destroyed and out of Kurt’s life, but that doesn’t mean Kurt will stop having dreams and nightmares about the entities or demons that look like Diane D from that spiritual underworld! He can still have dreams and nightmares about those entities or demons that look like Diane D you know!”

“He can?” Kyle asks.

“Yes! Those entities or demons from that spiritual underworld don’t need wax figures made of themselves in order for them to come into Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and terrorize him again! They came into Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and terrorized him way before there were ever even wax figures made of them! If they didn’t need wax figures made of themselves before in order for them to come into Kurt’s dreams and nightmares every night to terrorize him, they certainly don’t need wax figures made of themselves now to come into Kurt’s dreams and nightmares to terrorize him again!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “You mean those entities or demons that look like Diane D can still come into Kurt’s dreams and nightmares?!”

“Yes, if they feel he’s still bothering Diane D, regardless of whether or not there are wax figures of them!”

“But he’s not bothering Diane D anymore! He’s laying up here in the hospital, ain’t he?”

“Yeah, but he did plot revenge against the wax figures that represent the entities or demons that look like Diane D, didn’t he? The chained-up Diane D entity’s wax figure was found knocked down with its head and face bashed in with a five-pound weight around it, wasn’t it? And several of the other wax figures were found knocked down too, weren’t they?”

“But they were wax figures!” Kyle shouts, “not the real Diane D!”

“Well if those wax figures weren’t the real Diane D, then why did Kurt still feel the need to go after them then? By him going after those wax figures means he had the 202

entities or demons that look like Diane D from that spiritual underworld on his mind!”

“Uhh,” Kurt suddenly moans in his sleep. Everyone excitingly looks down at him.

“Did he just moan?!” Mrs. Read excitingly shouts.

“Yes he certainly did!” Dr. Ramsey excitingly shouts. “I think he’s coming out of it!”

“I think so too!” Kyle excitingly shouts.

“Kurt!” Mrs. Read excitingly shouts, “are you okay baby?! This is us, your family and Dr. Ramsey! Are you okay?!”

“Yeah Kurt! Are you okay?!”

“Uhh,” Kurt moans in his sleep again as he slowly starts to toss and turn.

“Oh shoot, he’s moving!”

“I see!” Mrs. Reid’s father excitingly shouts. “Kurt, say something!”

“Please leave me alone,” Kurt moans in his sleep.

“What?” everyone else says as they puzzledly look down at Kurt.

“Leave him alone?” Kyle puzzledly asks. “Did he just tell us to leave him alone?”

“I don’t know,” Mrs. Reid puzzledly says. “Kurt? Are you okay? It’s me, Mom!”

“Please leave me alone,” Kurt moans in his sleep again. “What do you want from me?! I’m not bothering Diane D anymore!”

“What!” everyone else puzzledly shouts.

“He’s not bothering Diane D anymore?” Mrs. Reid’s mother asks. “What is he talking about ‘he’s not bothering Diane D anymore’? What does he mean by that?”

“Please get away from me,” Kurt moans again.

“Please get away from him? Who is he talking about? Who is he talking, to?”

“Oh oh,” Dr. Ramsey nervously says. “I sure hope he’s not talking to who I think he might be talking to.”

“I sure hope not either,” Mrs. Reid nervously says as she and Dr. Ramsey frighteningly look at each other. “Oh oh Dr. Ramsey? Do you think that he’s having another nightmare?”

“I don’t think so, I know so!”

“What!” Kyle shouts. “He’s having a nightmare?!”


“Oh no!” everyone else shouts.

“They’re trying to pull me away!” Kurt shouts as his body starts to tremble.

“They’re trying to pull you away?!” Dr. Ramsey shouts.

“Yes! Please don’t let them pull me away!”

“Don’t let them pull you away?! Who’s trying to pull you away Kurt?!”

“They’re trying to pull my soul and spirit right out of my body again!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“They’re trying to pull your soul and spirit out of your body?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Who Kurt?! Who’s trying to pull your soul and spirit out of your body?!”

“Those evil Diane D entities!” Kurt shouts.

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“The Diane D entities?!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “You mean they’re back?!”

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.

“Oh no!” everyone else shouts.

“Which version of the Diane D entities do you see?!” Dr. Ramsey shouts, “the ones from the spiritual underworld, or their wax figures?!”

“The ones from the spiritual underworld!” Kurt shouts as his body starts to tremble 203

violently! “Heeeelp!”

“Don’t worry Kurt!” Dr. Ramsey shouts as he and Kurt’s family all grab and hold tightly onto Kurt. “We got you!”