Diary of a Human Target [From the Beginning to the End] by Isidora Vey - HTML preview

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work very hard in order to achieve a minimal or even negative

result. Anyway, it has just occurred to me that if too many

difficulties appear while doing something, it should not be

continued or it will lead to disaster. There are external, invisible,

omnipotent forces which define our destiny, in total disregard of

our personal will and actions. Every moment in life is

preordained from “above”. Even our intelligence, abilities and

talents are preordained by these forces; DNA is a matter of luck.

There is no flying from fate. Nobody can escape their destiny by

acting on the physical plain. No matter what you do to escape

from destiny, fate will eventually lead you where it wants by

producing all the necessary coincidences and circumstances. In

spite of our effort to make this world a better place, nothing ever

really changes.

But, maybe, there is a way out: Conscious dream control and

intervention in the astral plane may affect the flow or reality. A

dreamer witch should not be a prey to the forces of fate...

Tuesday, 14th April 1992

Before going to Janus, I paid a visit to Aphrodite -I've liked

doing so lately. This afternoon she was not alone, though: there

was also a young man there. Aphrodite introduced him to me as

Zisis, her new boyfriend, whom she already lives with. He seems

to be a polite, nice guy; the three of us discussed various subjects

and he proved to be an interesting person; he has sympathy with

metaphysics too: he used to carry out astral projections but for

some strange reason he can't anymore; yet, he can still see

people's auras, he said.

“Can you see anything on me?” I asked him.

“You give me the impression of someone who has been

searching and searching... what have you really been searching

for, Yvonne?”

I shrugged my shoulders, wondering at his question; I thought

that after the lengthy conversation we had just had, it would be

obvious to him what I've been looking for -that is metaphysical


“Can you see anything on my aura?” I insisted.

“Your thoughts are very intense; I can feel them slipping away to

the universe and then they come back from the universe...”

That strange declaration of his made me think for a while, as I

felt it contained a vestige of truth -I can't say what exactly.

“Do you see this only on me or on other people too?” I asked


“I haven't seen it on anybody else” he replied.

Later, at Janus, we all had a pleasant surprise: Alexander finally

agreed to our attempting a technique for astral projection in

class, which consists of the following steps:

We focus on the flame of a candle placed in front of us

Mental mantra (mine is: ' the universe and I are one' )

Physical relaxation

Mental countdown from 10 to 0.

Reaching the “void space”, we observe the image of the flame

which is shaped in the darkness of our shut eyes.

We open our eyes slowly, then close them again.

Mental countdown from 10 to 0 (twice)

We envisage coming out of our physical body and entering the

guru's body (!). Always imagining that our astral body is inside

Alexander, we envisage going out, to the reception, so as to see

the object Harry has placed on the table.

The result was rather disappointing: Everybody failed except

Mary, who “saw” that the copper statuette of Oros had been

moved away from its usual place. Mary happens to be the most

obedient of Alexander's stooges but, paradoxically, she is still in

our “low” class. Anyway, I suspect her success was just a foul

play, so as to show this special telepathy experiment was not just

a flop...

Wednesday, 22nd April 1992

Night Adventure: I attend a memorial service for grandma Jenny.

All relatives are in her old house, while she is lying inside a

coffin on the big table. Suddenly, grandma sits up and starts

talking. My father can't see, because his resurrected mother sees

through his eyes. She can walk and move among us now; I am

scared and I shout to her; then I say prayers like “Paternoster” in

the hope of sending her away. Finally grandma disappears but I

am still afraid and act as if she were still present.

Later on, I cross a bridge over a lake. When I reach the other

side, I find myself in a picturesque village built on a hill,

somewhere in Italy. However, not all is idyllic there: soon I find

out that its earthen streets are studded with bones and skeleton

parts. I walk along these streets in agony, feeling the bones under

my shoe soles.

Interpretation: The very next day we will receive bad news

regarding uncle George, my mother's brother. He suffers from

lung cancer and he's left only a few months to live. Isn't it really

horrible, to be sentenced to death and know it...

Thursday, 7th May 1992

Work experience in Pangaea: Yota, a disagreeable stammerer

(very rich, though) is responsible for English correspondence.

She has studied History of Art in America (studies for the

satiated), yet she commits quite a few grammar and syntax errors

when she writes letters in English. Strangely enough, none of the

bosses -who sign her letters- has noticed anything. Moreover,

Yota doesn't even suspect what filing is: She sends letters to

various museums and photograph agencies all over the world

asking for transparencies, yet she never keeps copies of them!

They haven't noticed that either.

Naturally, I wouldn't dare say anything about it. If I commented

on anything like that, I would fall out with Yota and all the other

colleagues would hate me. Of course, this means that my

knowledge of languages and secretarial skills is entirely

indifferent to the company. They don't give a dime if I know

perfect English and Italian, as well as very good German and

Spanish. Obviously, there are other kinds of qualifications

companies really appreciate in employees...

Saturday, 16th May 1992

Night Adventure: Alien robots have taken over the Earth. They

keep us prisoners in small, yellow cells furnished only with a

bed. They let us out only if we are to carry out certain tasks for

them. As far as I've heard, those aliens reached the Earth because

of someone who made the mistake of trusting them. I notice that

adjacent cells communicate through a small window, high on the

inner wall. I wonder whether I could use these windows to come

in contact with other prisoners.

Interpretation: Maybe mankind is under occupation of an alien

race, who keeps us isolated and mislead us into performing

certain duties with unknown purposes...

Tuesday, 26th May 1992

Lucid Dream: Between sleep and awake I dream of Billy, an

obnoxious, ugly, fat, hairy guy who is a classmate in Janus. He is

lying next to me in bed now, he is restless, he shouts, he puts his

legs on my chest, he molests me. “You don't mind, do you?” he

asks foolishly and I resent him. Then, the dream becomes lucid

and it occurs to me this could be a possible future; but luckily, it

is only for one night. In this way, I learn to appreciate what I

have, that is solitude and calmness in bed.

Verification; A few days later, Aphrodite will inform me that

Billy is interested in lucid dreaming a lot, and Alexander has

been teaching him in private! What a serious person for the guru

to teach personally! Is Bill supposed to be balanced enough for

this? ...۩

In the evening I met the whole party -Vanessa, Theano,

Aphrodite and Zisis- in a quiet cafeteria near my old office. I

may never see Vanessa again: Next week she is leaving for

Volos, her hometown, because her studies of Philosophy in the

University of Athens are over now. I feel I miss her already. “I

dislike it that you are leaving” I told her, a little before saying


Wednesday, 27th May 1992

After that travesty of a lesson in Janus last night, I finally

realized that all these years Alexander has been doing nothing

but pulling our legs. Let me explain: After one and a half month

of inaction, we finally carried out a telepathy experiment which

“of course” proved to be a flop! Not even one of us managed to

make a close guess of the object placed on the reception table.

Alexander jumped at the chance to reprimand us all for being

unworthy disciples and unready for such experiments. All thirty

of us!

Yet, I wonder: If you take thirty persons from the streets at

random and tell them to guess -without any prior meditation or

preparation- what is placed on a table behind the door, in all

probability at least one of them will guess right! However, thirty

experienced disciples failed completely in making even a close

guess! Therefore, I strongly suspect these experiments are put-up


I also think that, for some months now, Alexander has been

applying a subtle mechanism of psychological war in his lessons:

a) He talks continuously, usually without saying anything

specific; I often feel as if I were subjected to hypnotic

suggestion, b) He allows no one to express any opinion, c) He

disrupts any conversation in class, d) If anyone manages to

express a personal opinion, the guru treats them like a moron or

a lunatic: “You read something, but you understand something

else” or “Your sick Ego prevents you from seeing the truth” and

so on.

In this way, a systematic, insidious ' breaking of the Ego' is in

progress within all of us: We no longer dare express an opinion,

we make less and less questions, our self-confidence wanes day

by day, we are gradually filled with guilt, our will gets weaker

and weaker. Although we are bored in there, we stay from 9:00

pm to midnight every time.

As about me, I can see I am going back instead of ahead: I often

feel very anxious and my hands sweat before saying anything in

class – just like in the distant past, when I was a timid child.

What the heck, I want to eliminate my timidness, not revive it!

Friday, 29th May 1992

Mankind consists of two basic races: Vampires and victims. The

former have the natural ability of absorbing energy from the

latter, rendering them their puppets. On the other hand, victims

enjoy certain rewards. The most common types of vampires are

the following:

a) Boyfriends and husbands: Even in the modern, “feminist”

society, a woman's thoughts and actions are focused mainly on

one thing -how to satisfy her man. Otherwise, the woman has no

man and she is non-existent to society. This is exactly what the

male vampire offers the woman: A social position (as his wife or

mistress) and an acceptable reason to leave (satisfy him sexually

and have his children).

b) In a family, children are the most powerful vampires. With

their cuteness, tricks, tears, mischief, as well as with their

endless demands, they manage to keep their parents always busy

-especially their mother. The proud parents offer all their time,

money, thoughts and energy to sometimes unworthy children. On

the other side, “What is the purpose of life? To have children, of

course” claim all parents in robotic unison.

c) Popular persons: They are “the life and soul of the party”, as

it is often said. Indeed, in any party there is always one person

who acts as a leader, although nobody can actually explain the

reason why: in general, these persons are egocentric, frivolous

and capricious. Yet, the popular person commands and the others

carry out his or her orders with spontaneous joy. As about the

reward, in this case it is socialization: the integration into a circle

of friends, the avoidance of loneliness.

d) Energetic giants: These persons have a very high position in

the hierarchy of humanity. They possess incredible financial

power and world fame, usually from activities of dubious

usefulness (actors and actresses, singers, top models, etc). Their

most important talent is charm. The people just love to worship

them like gods on earth.

e) Gurus and religious leaders: They are the most powerful

vampires of all, as they have the unique ability of mesmerizing

millions of people. In this case, absorption of energy takes place

in deeper levels, since religious leaders are obeyed and

worshiped by entire populations, while they systematically rouse

guilt and terror. As about the “flock”, they are willing to blindly

accept even the most paranoiac religious dogmas and they are

proud of it. Concerning their reward, what could be more

alluring than the promise of a blissful “life after death” – even if

it is intended only for “a few, chosen ones”?

f) Gestalt entities such as political parties, organizations, sects,

companies: These are bigger or smaller groups of people which

act as sovereign vampiric entities. A company consists of it

employees, but it is not its employees; it is an entirely different

entity with its own needs, goals and way of thinking. Companies

are very demanding vampires: They want us to give them the

best hours of our days (from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm), the best years

of our lives (from 20 to 65), our full attention and the maximum

of our potential any minute. As a reward they provide a usually

miserable survival, a boring routine and a rather dubious


In general, vampires are gifted with excessive charm, personal

magnetism (sex appeal), shrewdness and eloquence. They are

easy to recognize, as they monopolize every conversation in an

almost psychotic manner, and they manage to catch attention

spontaneously, in a natural way. They are often arrogant and

aggressive, yet everybody finds them lovely.

The roles of the vampire and the victim may be interchanged

-according to the circumstances: In different environments, a

vampire may become a victim and vice versa. For example, an

employee/victim offers all his energy to the company/vampire he

works for, but when he is at home he becomes a

husband/vampire who demands from his wife/victim to give him

all her attention and energy. Nevertheless, a truly powerful

vampire never becomes a victim.

It is a fact that victims seek vampires -not vice versa. A vampire

is like a magnet. It is not attracted, it attracts. Actually, victims

are unable to live without offering their energy to vampires:

People who don't really need to work go crazy if they stay

unemployed for two months; many women complain that their

man exploits or maltreats them, however they don't even think of

staying single for more than one week; without a male to serve,

they feel useless and unworthy of living. The truth is that victims

are attracted to vampires. Probably, the absorption of energy acts

as an anesthetic too: on one hand it weakens the victims, on the

other hand exhaustion is often screened by the sweet delight of


Vampirism is the conjunctive tissue of mankind. The human

society, in whole, is structured upon this basic relation of

interdependence between vampires and victims. Social

institutions (such as religion, family, work) are nothing but

different faces of vampirism...

Monday, 1st June 1992

Night Adventure: It is late at night and I am in bed, inside a

medieval castle. Outside my window I can see lofty stone arches

and an orchard in the distance. I want to go to sleep but certain

noises distract me; I try to ignore them, but I can't. I get up and

start looking for the origin of the annoying noises. The stone

walls of the castle are thick and gray; the wooden doors are

arched. I close a window which has been left open and I go back

to bed.

Right then three girls, aged about twelve, appear timidly at the

threshold of my bedroom, chaperoned by their old nanny. They

are dressed in long, white nightgowns and nightcaps. They hold

an oil lamp and they look at me in wonder.

“What do you want?” I ask them.

“We live here” the first one answers.

“Since when?” I wonder.

“Ever since we were born!”

At this point I wake up and I still feel confused...۩

My friends are getting harder and harder to meet. There is more

and more pressure at work; Yota's pungent remarks about a

writer of Pangaea who wasn't paid in time because I was too late

in typing his entry, as she said. The ironic laughs of children on

the road; this evening, as soon as they saw me, they shouted

“here comes the vampire!” Everybody thinks they are my boss! I

can't stand them anymore!

For days now I have been drowning in a whirl of violent

emotions. I strongly want to punish the others for all the things

they do to me. I feel I don't love humans. Ever since I was born,

they have been launching all kinds of psychic attacks against me:

They deride me, they underestimate me, they tell tales about me,

they are unfair to me, they undermine me, they hoodoo on me.

Right at this moment I am overwhelmed with terrible wrath,

which could be used as a carrier of black magic. Could this be

my inner inclination?

Sunday, 14th June 1992

Night Adventure: A football match begins at a nearby pitch but it

is disrupted soon, because something is very wrong. All of a

sudden, alien monsters appear from all directions: reddish beings

which look like gigantic octopuses, spectral whirlwinds,

enormous spider-like insects etc. I, together with other people,

run to the mountain so as to escape, while weird liquid objects

keep falling from the sky. At that moment, a white substance

rises over the tombs and the cypress-trees of the old cemetery,

and it gradually forms something like a dinosaur's skeleton on

the night sky. Someone shouts we should all run away


It is high time I started observing Silence. I need to keep my

mouth shut, since I am not able to ignore the other people's

opinion. Anyway, the others can't possibly approach the

fascinating worlds of my dreams; that's why they usually show

disbelief, boredom or envy. Even when they seem to be

interested in my experiences, I should be reserved and keep


Unfortunately, I tend to talk a lot and ask for approval or advice

because I am insecure inside. I also like to believe that the

narration of psychic experiences will make me a more interesting

person -but this has always proved to be wrong: Even Aphrodite

and Theano, who are my best friends in Janus, seem to be more

interested in sexual experiences than parapsychology; as a result,

I often encounter disapproval, disbelief, or ironic remarks. The

fact is that this situation affects me negatively, it makes me doubt

about myself and it blocks my development.

The soul is a sacred place, a sanctum. Nothing sacrilegious must

invade there: no harmful information, no malevolent mouths or

ears. For this reason, the law of silence must be observed...

Saturday, 20th June 1992

Night Adventure: I, as well as many other women, drive cars

along a big avenue full of traffic, strange turns and obstacles.

Driving proves to be very difficult, we have to manoeuvre a lot

in order to stay on the right course, until we reach some bright

traffic lights. We get off there, men take our cars and they drive

comfortably along straight roads, until they finish. They all win a

trip abroad as a prize. Women are left behind. Interpretation:

Possibly, the dream symbolizes the roles of the two sexes in our

society... ۩

In the afternoon I went to the nursery school “The Little Castle”,

so as to watch the celebration for the end of the school term.

Josef, my three-year-old nephew, took part in one of the

sketches, showing unexpected shyness. I had a very nice time,

realizing the importance of every moment: All what happened

during those two hours was unique, nothing like that will ever

happen again. It was also evident to me that those who are

destined to be distinguished in life, take this path from a very

early age – like the cute little girl who was dressed as Minnie...

Sunday, 26th July 1992

Prophetic dream: I am at a nice beach with blond sand and a few

sunbathers. A lofty, black water tank dominates the place. I

slowly get into the sea, wearing my black swimsuit. I enjoy

swimming in the clear blue water; Aphrodite is with me.

Verification: The beach of Kourouta that I will unexpectedly visit

on the 9th of August.

Another prophetic dream: I am in a travelling coach. I am seated

by the window, my mother is next to me. We pass through

narrow streets with old, half-ruined houses. Later, I notice a blue

car which has the number 2504. Verification: The trip to Kranidi

on the 15th of August... ۩

This is the first day of my illustrated manuscript “Sandra

Anderson - Astral Fantasy” , which I start writing today. I feel

great, like being born again! Sandra Anderson is a revolutionary

cosmonaut, who fights against evil all over the universe. Her

stories are structured in a very unusual way: In a separate

notebook I have written down some of my memories, fantasies,

as well as night adventures, classified in certain categories: Start

of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths –

Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story.

Each item corresponds to a card of the Egyptian tarot. I draw a

card at random for the category I need each time, I develop the

respective item into one or more paragraphs, and thus I gradually

form a full story...

* * * *

Thursday, 6th August 1992

Since yesterday afternoon I have been here, at Alexander's

asram, somewhere in Peloponnese, together with other guys

from Janus. It is a quite large field full of nut-trees, at the shadow

of which we have put up our tents. To the north there is a wood

of fir-trees; to the east, a spring forms a babbling stream at the

shadow of a lofty plane-tree. Green hills crown the horizon to the

south and west. The landscape is picturesque and peaceful, yet

the weather is too