Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen

I wake up at the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the ID and smile when I see her name. “Hi” I say.

“Dominic I want to meet you.” She says coming directly down to the business. Wait! She never calls me by my first name and her voice seems different. Something is definitely wrong.

“What is it? You okay?” I ask; concerned.

“I’m coming over.” She says without answering my question.

“Umm, Okay” I say; but she already hung up. I check my clock. It’s ten past five in the evening.  I must have dozed off while reading. I stretch and get out of the bed.

I come out of the bathroom and the door bell rings. Well that was fast! I hurry and open the door. Serenity walks in. She gets inside without acknowledging me and sits on the living room couch.

“Hello to you too!” I mumble closing the door and sitting on the couch beside her. She starts fidgeting with the corner of her shirt.

“What’s wrong Shelia?” realizing what I just said I tense. She looks at me and smirks. “Shelia? Really? That’s pretty sappy!” she clears her throat, “Emy’s dead.” She reveals finally.

“What? When? I mean I just saw him safe and sound the other day.” I say; shocked. I mean I didn’t like the guy even a little bit and all, but what happened all of a sudden?

“He didn’t come home that night. I called him but he was unreachable and last night I got to know that he’s dead. They found his body in a rubbish bin.” She explains looking at me with an unreadable expression. There is a certain glint in her eyes which I can’t quite fathom. It’s almost as if she’s trying to read me. She doesn’t cry, which I reckon quite strange. Her face seems devoid of any emotion. I stare at her for a while, not knowing what to say.

“Did you see him?” I ask finally.

“Yes.” She answers nonchalantly.

“You want something to drink?” I ask her.

“Scotch. If you have it!” she replies looking impassively towards me.

“Uh. Okay wait here.” I tell her heading for the fridge. I feel her eyes on my every move like a predator. Why is she boring holes in my skull? What’s gotten into her?

I hand her the glass and sit next to her. She finishes it in one gulp and hands me the glass.

“A little glass is not going to help what I’m going through. Bring the bottle.” She says motioning to the bottle on the counter.

I bring the bottle to her and sit on the floor facing her. She keeps pouring and drinking and I watch her in amazement. She’s almost on five. How the hell does she even hold all these liquor? I shake my head smiling.

“I’m glad that I can entertain you.” she smirks. Her eyes are glazed over but she doesn’t slur. Not even a little.

“It’s time that you move that bottle away or else you are gonna puke all over me.” I say trying to lighten her mood.

“Sure.” She says smiling a sad smile. Her sadness is palpable.

“Did you come home straight from my place that night?” she asks just when I’m about to head for the kitchen.

“Uh-huh. Why do you ask?” she looks at me and holds my gaze for a while. “Do you trust me Walker?” she asks all of a sudden. Do I trust her? I have only just come across her a few days ago and only met countable times since then. Does that make her a trustworthy confidante? There’s something in the amber depths of her eyes that makes me want to share all my atrocious misconducts. I put the bottle in the fridge thinking how to answer when the door bell rings.

“I got it.” I say rushing to the door. Jason and Paxton are standing there smiling widely. I thank God for their arrival and saving me from answering the question.

“Hey lover boy! Aren’t you gonna let us in or something?” Paxton simpers shoving me out of the way. “Or something.” I say rolling my eyes. Jason smirks and gets inside.

“Whoa! Who have we got here?” Jason asks looking at Serenity. She rolls her eyes.

“Were you missing me babe? I know I’m irresistible and all; but did you really have to stalk me to my house?” Jason says winking at her.

After Serenity moved out, Jason moved in with his luggage which was today morning, saying that he could not stay with Paxton’s sister anymore since she was transferred and had to put the apartment on sell. I was hanging back at first, but seeing that I had to have someone to share the costs of the loft, I took him in.

“You wish!” Serenity says smirking at him. Paxton looks at me befuddled and I shrug.

“Paxton.” He says holding out his hand. She takes it lithely and shakes. “How are you doing?” She says.

“So you’re the girlfriend?” Paxton asks her curiously making me go rigid.

“Kind of, since I’m a girl and his friend.” She answers apathetically. I feel a warm feeling in my breadbasket. It was tactful, but she didn’t deny either. Paxton beams widely and mouths you-did-good-mate. I roll my eyes playfully at that.

“How come you ended up drunk now?” Jason asks raising a pale brow.

Oh! I forgot that he was there too.

“Long story.” I say looking at Serenity’s direction for her permission to impart what happened. “I’m all ears.” He says smirking.

“Would you guys stop with the pissing contest? I’m trying to relax here. Jason, you stay at the same house as him. Why don’t you just ask him later? It’s not that he’s going somewhere.” She says stoically and oddly he nods letting it go. Whoa! This girl really is something.

“Would you guys like to party? Let’s go clubbing then.” Paxton exhorts cheerily.

I open my mouth to say no considering Serenity’s situation but she shrugs and says, “Why not!” I smile warmly.

“Clubbing it is.” I say.

“Can I come with you too?” Jason asks.

“Sure. The more the merrier.” She says heading for the door. Tonight’s definitely going to be blundering.