Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty

11:30 am, 2nd June, Las Vegas, Nevada

I get inside my old apartment I used to live in. I look around and the place seems like a total dump.

Ah! It’s the newbie’s lifestyle then. I head for my old bedroom. I open the door of the room and find a naked woman drooped over a naked guy’s chest. The creaking sound of the door causes them to jump out of their socks. It takes me a moment to sink in the whole scene and when it hits I mutter an apology and bolt from the room. I go inside the room across the hall and find even this room to be a dump as well.

Are you kidding me? I mean what is this guy, a pig?

“Who are you? How did you get in?” I feel a cold metal press at the back of my head. My reflexes kick in and turning around swiftly I tackle the person to the ground. I look down and see the woman who was slumped over the guy like a potato sack. I feel flustered remembering that I saw her without clothes and scramble to my feet helping her up as well.

“Nice reflexes! Now that you’re done with your little kung-fu act, would you care to tell me who the hell are you and what you’re doing in my apartment?” she narrows her eyes at me.

“How can you call this dump an apartment?” I ask her in horror. “Whatever!” she says rolling her eyes. I grimace.

“Well, for your information I was actually the previous owner and Gunter told me that I can stay here again. He did tell me about sharing the place with someone but he should have warned me beforehand.” I say shaking my head.

“Excuse me?” she asks folding her hands against her chest.

“Never mind!” I say spurning around and moving to the living room. There are clothes scattered around the whole living room, the cushions are on the floor; it seems like a tornado has hit the place. I shake my head in disgust and sit on the couch.

“It wasn’t like I was expecting a company or something.” She says sarcastically. I look at her. She’s only wearing a shirt, probably the guy’s. Her blonde hair is in a very short pixie cut, the bright blue eyes and a petite frame makes her look like a kid. Who am I kidding? She probably isn’t a day older than nineteen. I wave my hand in a dismissive manner to her.

“Cocky much, eh?” she remarks. She stands for a while waiting for my reaction, then storms out of there. After few seconds she drags a half naked guy by his arm and throws him out of the apartment. Without giving him a chance to say anything she shuts the door on his face with a thud and goes to her bedroom slamming the door shut behind her.

I sit there, mouth wide-open, wondering why women have to be so strange. I think of Serenity. What she would think if she found out how I escaped like a coward without explaining anything to her.

But I had no other choice. I couldn’t bear the hatred on her face if I told her about my past. I couldn’t tell her how special she is to me and how special were the moments to me that I spent with her. But what if I told her? How she would have reacted then? Would she have accepted me for whoever I am?

What if I tell her now? I jotted down her number when I broke the phone. I could call her and tell her my feelings. That wouldn’t hurt. Even if I never see her again, I would be appeased with the fact that she’s at least apprised of my feelings for her.

I take out the phone Gunter has given me from my pocket and mustering up all the courage I dial her number.

I hear her phone ringing and my stomach starts doing somersaults. After what seems like forever the phone gets answered and my heart leaps in my mouth.

“Hello?” she accosts.