Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-one

19:45 pm, 2nd June, Bristol, United Kingdom

“What’s with the poker face?” Mazzeo asks from the driver’s seat. Calme rolls her eyes at him ignoring his inquisition. She never really liked him from the beginning. He is way too arrogant and over friendly for her to stand. Sure, he is good looking with his soccer player like built physique, sharp features and charming personality. Conceited bastard that he is, he always thinks that sooner rather than later she’d get caught in his spell. But she knows better, that is never going to happen. Even he queerly resembles Walker which made her think several times whether they are related somehow. But she kept that thought to her.

“O’Brian would you pass me my bag?” she asks. She takes out her notebook and starts scribbling down her premises regarding the case. She writes down the names of the victims and the convict and analyzes the possible grounds of the crimes. But she fails to discover any. What could set off someone like Walker to perpetrate those crimes in the first place? Because as far as she knows, a little brawl like those never lead anyone to take someone’s life. That would totally be absurd unless they had any personal vendetta against the victim or they are demented or they did that on a spur of the moment. Two of the options she declines, considering the fact that Walker only knew Jeremy for only an hour and there’s no way he could know him personally and she doesn’t think he had anything against Bethany, because lascivious intentions of a woman can never really provoke a man to kill her. Besides, their convictions of him are mostly based on what he may have or have not done in his past and of course his eyes. What if someone impersonated him in order to frame him? But who would do that? She dismisses everything from her mind. Their prime mission now is to prevent the blast. The whole mystification of the murders has started to get on her nerves. She closes the notebook and puts it in the bag and catches a glimpse of her phone. It’s vibrating. She takes it out looking at the ID, but fails to recognize the number.

“Hello?” she asks.

“Hi!” she becomes dumbfounded after hearing the voice. Mazzeo raises his brow seeing the expression on her face.

“Walker? Where are you? This isn’t your number.” Of course he wouldn’t use the phone he used in Bristol. Mazzeo and O’Brian both look at her startled after hearing the name.

“No. I’m not in Bristol anymore.” He responds nervously.

“Oh yeah? I’m not in there either. I’m taking a trip to Vegas with my friends, in fact I’m on my way there now. I wanted you to come with me, but you just disappeared.” She rants out.

“You’re coming to Vegas?” he asks, with mixed emotions distinct in his voice.

“Yes I am. But wait, you said coming? Should I assume that you’re in Vegas too?” she takes her chance. There’s silence for a few moments on the other side. She looks at her companions and they are anxiously looking at her face.

“Walker?” she finally breaks the silence, too antsy to wait any longer.

“I don’t want you to hate me Serenity, but I really can’t tell you where I am. It won’t be safe for both of us. I wish I could explain. I only called to let you know that you’re a most amazing and beautiful person I’ve ever met in my life. I wish I could keep you forever. However, that wouldn’t be possible. I don’t know what these feelings are that I’m having for you, but it sure is enchanting. I guess finally I’m captivated and smitten, smitten on you, Miss Serenity White.”  He declares.

Calme sits there flabbergasted, pressing the phone tightly to her ear hearing his soft breathing. After a while the phone clicks indicating that there is no one on the other side.

He disconnected the call.