Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-two

7:45 am, 4th June, Las Vegas, Nevada Calme and Mazzeo reach their destination in record time after knowing the exact location of the possible malefactor. Checking out from the McCarran International Airport they move to the way to their awaited rides, where their superior Special Agent Clarke stands.

Calme is still stunned by that day’s episode. She couldn’t apprehend that he might actually abound feelings for her. His words seemed so genuine and his voice was so sincere that for a moment she thought of letting her guard down, forgetting all her responsibilities, her assignment and professing her endearment for him as well. But she learned to restrain her emotions from a very young age and that lesson seized her from affirming her feelings for him. She has to make commonsensical compromises for the sake of her oath and job. Although she still refuses to believe that Walker is the inhumanly abject criminal.

She estimates his nature in her mind. The few days she spent with him, he didn’t for a moment make her wary about any of his activities and he seemed to be ardent and guileless the whole time. His affectionate and attentive nature made her feel cherished. She wanted to trust him whole-heartedly.

But maybe all of that were a mere façade? Maybe he is a deranged killer?

Brushing off those assessments she decides to meet him personally without any surveillance. If she pulls some strings then she might accomplish something interesting.

The car comes to a halt taking her out of her thoughts.

“You okay kid? You seemed zoned out in la-la land for a while there.” Clarke asks, worried. “I’m fine. Just tired.” She half-lies.

“Okay. Let’s just check in and rest for a while. We have a long day ahead of us.” She nods and follows him out of the car towards the hotel.

Coming to her room she showers for a long time and changes. She starts hatching a plan about how to convince Walker to meet her. She decides to make it seem coincidental. According to the sources he’s back to his former drug-dealing employer Gunter whom they are actually looking for. Gunter has misled them yet again. They all knew that it was Bristol he was planning his attacks on and Walker was the person who was leading that plan on behalf of him. But after Walker’s abrupt departure and from more deep investigation they got to know that it is Vegas where the blast will take place. Gunter Ross is an A-listed terrorist and he’s probably got nothing against national government, one can only say that it is only his blood-lust which drives him to make these deadly plans to take people's lives and still no one could touch his hair yet. Getting Walker means getting Gunter, as he was the one who brought Walker here. But he happens to have a different relation with Walker since he let him quit six months ago and go to Bristol, which he never does. So, she thought she would wander around in his territory looking for drugs. That way she can at least get an insight of what they would be dealing with and she can find where Walker is as well.  She calls her good friend and one of the colleagues on this case, Auciello for the information and tries to be as discreet as possible. He doesn’t ask many questions thinking she needs it in her investigation process. She rests for a while and calls Clarke.

“Clarke.” He answers sleepily.

“It’s Calme. I’m going out for a while. Maybe would do some shopping. I will be back in a few hours. Hope that’s fine?” she asks crossing her fingers.

“Tell me you aren’t going to do what I’m thinking you’re going to do Calme? Should I need to call Mattia?” he asks suspiciously.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about sir.” She asks innocently.

“You know very well what I mean Calme. Just don’t get yourself killed and if you seriously are going to shop, then bring me some crackers.” She smiles brightly at that.

“I will Sir.”

“You’re a pain in the butt kid!” With that he hangs up. She gets her bag and gets out of her hotel room.