Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-one

I see her eyes widen in disorientation and shock.

“What the hell happened?” she lets out a buzzing shriek. I roll my eyes.

“Oops! Wait.” She says removing the duct tape from my mouth. Ouch! That hurt.

“Now tell me what happened?” she asks. I give her a really-you-wanna-do-this-now-instead-of-taking-me-outta-here look.

“Oh! Let me just check around.” Taking the hint she closes the lid and vanishes. After a while the lid opens and she motions for me to not make a sound.

“Listen now, I’m going to leave the lid open and while I distract the driver, you’re going to come out and run directly to the end of this street and wait for me.” She whispers. I nod and wait for her to act. Moments later I hear her talking to the driver. That’s my cue.

I fastidiously beat it out of the trunk, inspect my surroundings and take off to the direction to the end of the street as if the hounds of the hell are after me. I reach to a corner and looking back I see Serenity moving fast towards my direction.

I glaciate while I see her running to me. Her glossy mane winging wildly, her long legs dynamically hitting the pavement in perfect rhyme, her paradisiac lips formed in an O out of drudgery, her eyes universal-- Oops! Not universal, it’s wide as if she’s trying to alert me of something. BOOM! And I’m hit.

“Sono certo che fosse lui tutto il tempo, lo zio…ottenere una sospensione di si..E con me…” I wake up listening to someone conversing in fluent Italian and with a feeling that I have been hit by a giant hammer on my head. I try opening my eyes, but I’m too hazed to do so.

“The sleeping beauty is waking up. I’ll talk to you later.” Tearing open my eyes finally, I try to sit up.

“Welcome back!” I hear Serenity poking fun at me.

“Where am I? What time is it?” I ask her ignoring the pain I’m feeling. “Does that really matter?” she asks scowling at me.

“I .. I—”

“Are an annoying fellow?” she suggests mockingly.

“That wasn’t really I was opting for, but thanks for the compliment! Now if you’re done with the blasphemy, would you care to fill in the gaps?” I needle her rubbing my temple.

She gets up from the stool she was sitting on and goes to an adjoining room what I presume to be a washroom. I hear the water running as a consequence she comes out carrying a wet towel in her hand.

“You were hit by a motor-cycle and been knocked out cold for a day.” She mutters pressing the towel on my forehead.

“Where are we now?” I inquire never leaving my eyes from her face.

“A friend’s apartment and you’re staying here until everything is sorted.” She states single-mindedly. “What about you? You’re not staying?” I ask her, discomposed.

“I can’t. I have a mission to complete.”

“I’m coming with you.” I tell her with finality in my voice.

“No, you’re not. If you really wanna help, help me with the information you were supposed to find out.”

That hits me like an iceberg. I was purportedly about to fall to the lot about Gunter’s conspiracy when I parenthetically came to know that he is my father. Not only that, he even revealed that one of his henchmen is working with Serenity, who is in fact my twin brother and he was the one who collared me into all these mess. I was numb when the exposition cuffed me. I wanted to demand the reasons behind his grudge for me, but couldn’t. Moreover, what kind of a sick father I have, who despite of knowing everything kept me in the dark and planned on making my life a living hell?

“It turns out that I’m a descendant of a splashy mafia.” I whisper, hesitantly. Serenity stops dabbing the towel and frowns.

“Come again?”

Taking a deep breath, I tell her everything that has happened with Gunter and about my brother who’s currently working with them being a yes-person of his.

She sits there stunned for a while, as if her suspicion has been confirmed. She dials someone on her phone and scrambles out of the room.