Sound of Solitude by Vrajesh Dave - HTML preview

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“Yes, this is Hotel Sea Mount. What can I do for you?” Varsha replied to the call.

“This is a call from Qatar Airlines. Passengers of flight no …”

“Yes madam, all passengers are enjoying our hospitability.”

“There is a message for them all.” The sound from other end paused.

“What’s that? It would be my pleasure to …” Varsha’s voice couldn’t complete the sentence.

Lady from other end added,” The Flight no QR 817 is ready to depart and would fly  to Hong Kong very soon.”

“That’s great. What’s the message for all them?”

“Inform them to be ready within 2 hours. Our pick-up van would arrive there at 10.30 am sharp. “

“Sure, the message would be conveyed to all without any delay. Rest assure.” Varsha smiled. The call from other end disconnected.

Varsha informed her staff to convey the message to all the passengers of QR 817. The message conveyed immediately.

“Nisha, prepare for the check out for all these passengers.” Varsha smiled at Nisha.

“I am ready for that. May I fire the bills for printing?”

“Print one by one, for all of them.”

“OK.” Nisha moved to the computer.

One of the staff rushed to the counter and informed,” One passenger is missing.”

“From which room?” Nisha asked eagerly.

“Room No 809.” He replied.

“Who was checked-in there? Please check the name of the passenger.” Varsha asked Nisha.

“Wait for a minute, please.” Nisha checked the record and said,” Oh my God. She is Amaya.”

“Oh that Japanese girl?”

“Yes, exactly.”Nisha nodded.

“Cool down. She might be around somewhere. May be at grass lawn or under fountain. Search all the places which are of her interest.” Varsha instructed hotel staff to look out every corner of the hotel.

After 8 minutes, all returned back without any news about Amaya.

“Where could be she?” Nisha was worried.

“Last night, at very late night she moved out to wander on the sea shore. I think she never returned from that walk.” Varsha informed.

“That means she would be there, still at sea shore.” Nisha created the hope.

“Yes, we must search her on the sea shore.” Varsha decided.

“Wait, let’s first inform the Manager. Let her take the decision.”

“You are right, we are not empowered to take any decision.” Varsha nodded with her eyelashes.

The whole episode was informed to Miss Bindu, the manager. She moved quickly and rushed to the beach. She, along with her team searched every nook and corner of the beach. They could not found Amaya. They returned disappointment.


Miss Bindu informed the story to her boss and asked guidance. As guided, she went to the nearest police station.

“ We want to lodge the complaint, rather an FIR.” Bindu told the constable at the police station. He told her to wait for some moments.

Within 2 minutes, the constable came out with PSI Murthi.

“What’s the matter? How can I help you?” He said politely.

“We are from Hotel Sea Mount. One of our passenger is missing since last night.”

“Please come in.” Murthi led them to his cabin. Bindu settled with her staff. Murthi ordered lemon juice for them, “Yes madam. Tell the details.”

Bindu explained the whole story about Amaya. She paused for some moments,” Sir, it is a matter of reputation of our Hotel. We have good bonding with Qatar Airlines. I request you to find out her at before airlines pick-up van arrives.” She urged.

Murthi laughed loudly. Bindu surprised with his laugh,” Sir, it is very important and urgent. Are you getting what I mean to?”

Murthi laughed again.

“If you ignore us, we would inform to the commissioner, we may go to the home ministry as this is a matter of international relations with Japan.”

“Oh, that’s great. Then relax miss Bindu.” Murthi turned serious.

“How can we relax?” Bindu was anxious.

“Don’t worry. Your missing guest is already found.” Murthi assured her.

“Where is she?” Bindu was in hurry.

“She was found on the beach before an hour. She was unconscious when found.”

“How is she now? Where is she?”

“She is in hospital and we are waiting for the report from the doctors.”Murthi informed her.

“Amaya is out of danger and she came out of unconscious.” PSI Shakina entered and informed the latest news from the hospital.

“That’s wonderful news.” Bindu and Murthi both jumped with joy.

“Yes, of course. It is a better news.” Shakina expressed.

“So the case is solved and I must close this file. Now I can go for…”Murthi was excited.

“When would be she released?” Bindu was concerned about Amaya.

“Mr. Murthi, the case is not solved, but more confused.” Shakina told.

“What’s wrong now?” Bindu and Murthi asked at once.

“Who are you?” Shakina turned to Bindu.

“She is Miss Bindu, Manager, from Hotel Sea mount. Amaya is the guest of her hotel. She was here to lodge the complaint that Amaya was missing.” Murthi explained.

“So, her name is Amaya?, I see.”

“Sorry Miss Bindu. We can’t hand over Amaya now. It would take some time.”

“How much time?”

“May be one day, one week, one month, one year or…” Shakina said with sharp glance at Bindu.

“What you mean by this?” Bindu asked.

“We have to wait until the mystery unfolded. And no one can say about the time to solve it. is it clear?” Shakina used strong words.

Bindu was not expecting that. She resisted,” Don’t compel me to go to the commissioner.”

“You have all liberty. For you information, see this letter. The commissioner Sir has transferred this case to me and now onwards you have to deal with me.” Shakina replied firmly.

“But what is the matter? Now the case is solved.” Murthi asked.

“Many questions yet to be answered. The case is under serious investigation and hence she has to stay in India until all questions are answered. Miss Bindu, you may go now. We would inform the progress, and yes we have to visit your hotel for investigation. Be prepared for it.” Shakina pointed towards the door. Bindu left.

Shakina turned to Murthi,” Give all details of Amaya.”

Murthi handed over the file to Shakina with every details.

“We have to be careful in this case. It has many angles, including terrorism.”

 “Yes, Shakina. You are right. Amaya is looking mad and she made me mad. ..”

“How she made you mad, with her story or with her beauty? Mind well that she is foreign girl, the beautiful girl.” Shakina teased Mr. Murthi who was still single. Shakina was his best friend. She was elder by 15 years than Murthi, married, mother of two girls, was in her 40s, still beautiful. Mr. Murthi always respected her. Shakina always helped him in solving the cases. She knew that Mr. Murthi was alone and hence she cared him like an elder sister. It was normal to tease him by her.

“Outer beauty of any girl can’t make me mad, you know it well, sis Shakina.”  Murthi was serious.

“Don’t be so serious, my son. All is well. Wait for some moments.”

 He relaxed, smiled, ”Thank you sis Shakina. And all the best.” He greeted Shakina and left the cabin.

Shakina opened the file, read all papers, and studied them well.
