Sound of Solitude by Vrajesh Dave - HTML preview

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“She is perfectly normal and ready for giving her statement.” A man from hospital informed over the telephone to Shakina.

“That’s great news. When can I come to take her statement?” Shakina asked.

“At any moment, madam.”

“Thanks. I am just reaching there.” Shakina cut the call.

Shakina was in the ward of hospital within 9 minutes.

Amaya was looking fresh. She was in green  robe. Shakina observed her from top to bottom before taking a seat near to her. Her police mind concluded within some seconds that Amaya is not looking a criminal, at first sight. She decided to be as normal as she can while dealing with Amaya.

“Hello, Amaya. How are you?” Shakina started with smile. Amaya replied with smile and silence.

“I guess that English would be fine to talk.” Shakina looked in to Amaya’s eyes. Amaya also connected her eyes with Shakina’s. The bridge was built between them.

“Yes, I know English. I can understand Hindi too, very little. But I can’t speak Hindi.” Amaya gave the positive signals to Shakina. Both of them liked it.

“Miss Amaya, first of all Happy Birthday to you. How old you are now?” Shakina’s greetings breached all barriers between them. Amaya thanked in Japanese Style.

“Are you ready for the statements to be registered with police?”

Amaya nodded with her eyelashes. Shakina instructed all to leave the room, started recording device and commenced her job.

“Tell everything in details, without any fear, without hiding anything.”

“Sure.” Amaya started with confidence,” I was on tour from Japan to Cairo for a Sufi Concert to be held after two days. Our flight was in the air from Hong Kong to Doha Qatar and from Doha, we had another flight for Cairo. While the flight from Hong Kong was in the air, the crew announced that there would be an emergency landing at Mumbai Airport for getting Fuel. We landed there and waited for the things go correct. Due to unexpected long time to get the fuel, we all shifted to the Hotel Sea Mount by airlines. Then I…” Amaya registered her statements stating all details till she turned unconscious on the beach, “When I opened my eyes, I found myself on the bed of this hospital.” Amaya concluded.

Shakina was listening each and every words with full concentration. Her mind was analyzing every words, every statements and every incidents to reach at some concrete conclusion. She was gazing Amaya all the time without breaking eye contacts. She believed that Amaya was not hiding anything nor speaking lie.

“Amaya, thanks a lot. But sorry to say that you would miss your flight to Doha and then to Cairo.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” Amaya asked.

“Your flight is ready to depart within less than an hour. And you have to stay until the investigation completed. You can’t leave the Country nor the City.”

“But, I…”

“Don’t worry. You are our guest. We would take care of you, well.” Shakina assured her.

“I am ready to cooperate in all manners. But I not want to miss the life time opportunity to perform at Cairo.” She sighed deeply.

Shakina read the expressions of missing the chance on her face, but she was helpless, ”I understand, rather feel it, but I am sorry. We have no options at all. May destiny have different plan.” She smiled.

Shakina called the doctors and asked about Amaya’s health.

“She is perfectly normal, she can be discharged at any moment.” Doctor informed.

“OK. Amaya, you will be discharged from the hospital. Stay at the hotel as our guest. We would bear all the expenses. Get ready, I may reach your hotel within an hour.” Shakina instructed to Hospital and Hotel and left.

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The police jeep carrying Amaya with Shakina’s team was on the road near to beach caves. The sun was throwing all its rays with full intensity scorching, but the wind was cool blowing from the sea was neutralizing the effect of heat. The sand was not cool nor hot. They all crossed the sand and reached at the spot where Amaya was found unconscious.

“Yes, this is the place. There are 5 caves here. This is the fifth cave where I …’ Amaya tried to explain but Shakina was not listening her. She was observing all around to inspect each and every thing. She finished her observations.

“So as you told, PI Rana with his Police Jeep  MHZ 2186 met you, right?” Shakina asked.

“Yes, exactly. We met there,” Amaya pointed at distance,” that place before I reached to the sand.”

“What were his words?”

“He assured me that you are safe with Bombay Police. He also instructed someone to keep vigil watch on my movements, on wireless.”

“Interesting. And the Jeep number was MHZ 2186, right?”

“Yes madam.”

“And he told Bombay Police, Correct?”

“Yes, Bombay Police was marked on jeep too.”

Shakina kept silence for some moments. She gazed at the waves of the sea. They were rising, reaching to the shore and falling, then dissolving again in the sea. Many thoughts were also rising in her mind, reaching to the shore of some conclusion and disappearing.

“We have checked all the police stations data and did not found PI Rana nor Jeep Number MHZ 2186.” Shakina gazed at Amaya.

“I am not fabricating any story. Trust me, I met him with same jeep.” Amaya replied.

“It’s not possible. We are not using any series of vehicles like MHZ or any alphabets. We are using MH 01, or MH 02 followed by 2 alphabets followed by 4 digit numbers.” Shakina explained.

“Madam, it such type of series was in use before some years, may be 20 years. Vehicle registration series like MHZ etc were in use at that time. I remember it,” The oldest lady constable gave a hint.

“Oh yes. That was in use at that time. But, nowadays it is not in use. And all old numbers were converted in new series. Then …” Shakina used her mind and thought on some other directions.

“OK. I would consider your story. Let’s move to the cave where all the drama of killing 4 artists …’ Shakina was trying to hurt Amaya.

“Madam, it is not a drama at all. I have seen that incident with my naked eyes.” Amaya resisted.

Amaya moved to the cave, the last and fifth cave. Shakina with her team followed.

“Get in touch with RTO and find out about then series of MHZ 2186.” Shakina instructed to fellow member at control room over telephone.

“This is the place where all happened. There might be dead bodies of all 4 artists and PI Rana…..” Amaya couldn’t speak further as there was nothing there. No dead bodies, no blood, no musical instruments… nothing was there. There were no signs of any killings or massacre at all. It was looking that the cave was uninhabited for a long time. No one entered in the caves since long. There were no footprints of any one. Not even her own. She shocked and surprised.

“Where are the dead bodies? Nothing is here. It was in solitude until we entered. No one entered since long. Where is your footprints? Did you found anything here?” Shakina doubted her.

“Madam. I am not mistaking at all. Everything was happened in front of my sight. Let me tell all in details.” Amaya explained everything in details, again. She reconstructed the whole episode. She paused.

“But where are the evidences?” Shakina doubted again.

“I don’t know but I am not telling lie. Moreover, don’t think that I am psycho. I am totally aware about my words. not a single word is fabricated out of my mind.” Amaya was very much firm on her words.

“Your words are solid, but not the evidence. Show me the evidence. Without that we are not able to act. Let’s move. We must not waste our time.” Shakina walked to move out of the cave.

“Wait a minute. I have an evidence.” Amaya’s words stopped the walking feet of Shakina.

Shakina turned back to Amaya,” Is it there? Really?”

“Yes, of course. And then you would believe me.” Amaya was confident.

“Show me it. hurry up.” Shakina was eager.

“I recorded all these happenings in my mobile phone. My mobile … where is it…?”Amaya searched for her mobile but couldn’t found it.

“Where is your mobile? Was it in real? Or is it your illusion?” Shakina teased her.

“I am sure about my mobile. I rushed out of the cave with my mobile and a flute. Both were with me until I collapsed and turned unconscious.”

“Yes, one flute was found near to her body on the shore. “ Lady constable acknowledged.

“My mobile was also there. It must be…” Amaya cried, ”Where is my mobile?”

“Let’s search for her mobile at the spot.” Shakina ordered and rushed out of the cave. The whole team searched for it but couldn’t found it.

“Madam, hundreds of people are running on this beach every day. It might be stolen by someone and it is impossible to find out …” One of the constable murmured.

“her story of mobile is fake. There was nothing like it. She is misleading.” Another one commented.

Shakina returned back without any evidence, with great disappointment.

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