Sound of Solitude by Vrajesh Dave - HTML preview

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Shakina was in her cabin. She was disappointed as nothing was moving in right direction. Amaya’s story was looking fabricated. Nothing was found in accordance with her statement. No evidence found, until now.

Was she telling lie? Is she a psycho? Is she sick?

No, she is not looking a sick girl. Everything she told was correct except her story of 5 murders.

Then what’s going wrong?

I must find out her mobile. It would give some breakthrough.

But where is it? How could you find it?

Shakina closed her eyes and stopped thinking. She put her mind on rest. Took deep breaths and practiced meditation. She remained in meditation for many moments. She found herself relaxed. She love to meditate in worst situations. It always worked. it always healed her. She returned to normal with synergy.

She kept her eyes still closed.

Tick.. tick.. tick.. there were 3 knock on her cabin. She opened her eyes. PI Murthi entered.

She smiled in silence. Murthi smiled with words.” I am still part of the case and I have some break through.”

Shakina jumped from her chair, ”What?  Really? Tell it at once.”

“Cool down Sis Shakina,” Murthi snatched a chair and sat on it in front of her,” Relax.” There was a victorious smile on his face.

“Tell it fast. I am eager to know it, please.” Shakina urged him.

“The news is about the jeep no MHZ 2186 and PI Rana.” He could generate the interest.

“Really?” Shakina left her chair and grabbed his hands,” Brother, don’t take more time to disclose it. I am dying to hear about it.”

“Jeep NO. MHZ 2186 was on record with our police station. Our city was known as Bombay before it was renamed as Mumbai. Moreover PI Rana was in charge of our police station.” Murthi unleashed the secret.

“What? Is it true? When PI Rana was in charge of this police station?” Shakina was excited.

“ 22 years back.”

“Where is he nowadays?  Find out his present place of posting. He can throw many lights in this case.”

“Sorry Sis Shakina, PI Rana was shot dead.”

“What? Shot dead?” Shakina paused a while,” Oh My God. She was telling the same thing.”

“Who was telling? What was she telling?”

“She, Amaya was telling that she met PI Rana last night and he was shot dead along with four artists in the cave.”

“What?” That was Murthi’s turn to get shocked.

“Yes. Yes Mr. Murthi. She was telling that she saw the killings of all five persons including PI Rana.”

“Then all these must be in our record. Find out the police file of that case.” Murthi suggested.

“It was happened 22 years back. Is it possible to find out that file?”Shakina asked in doubt.

“Yes, of course. We have to take pain for that. It is possible to get it.”

“Then complete the formalities to get that file. Take the necessary permissions and put it to me at the earliest.” Shakina ordered.

Murthi left with the words,” Sure, by 6.00 pm today, the file would be in your hands.”

Shakina started thinking on the whole series of the events in same order and tried to connect them.

The important dot of this picture is a mobile, Amaya’s mobile, which is missing. Who stole her mobile?

Shakina opened the file and looked all papers again and again. She was in search of something, but she was not sure about it. She was turning pages randomly. Suddenly, she stuck on one paper. She read it- Mr. Vinod, who informed the police about Amaya was lying on the beach. His statement was also attached with his residential address and mobile number.

She re-read his statement. He found the flute near the body, but no where he indicated about mobile.

Let me call Mr. Vinod again. He may throw a light on missing mobile.

“Mr. Vinod, I am PSI Shakina from police station.” She was on mobile with Mr. Vinod.

 “Yes Madam. What can I do” He was on other end of the line.

“A mobile was with that girl and is missing. Do you have any idea about it?”

“Mobile? Oh yes. It is with me and in hurry and shock I forgot to hand over it to police.”

“Would you mind to handover it to police?” Shakina appealed.

“Of course, yes. It is my duty. I am really sorry to miss it. Give me half an hour, I would be there with her mobile. “

“See you soon, hopefully.” Shakina disconnected.

Shakina was waiting for Mr. Vinod as well as Mr. Murthi.

She was on FM Gold, listening the old music on her mobile. She enjoyed the music without thinking about the Amaya’s case.

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“I am really sorry, Madam.” Vinod apologized for forgetting to hand over Amaya’s mobile to police.

“Relax Mr. Vinod. Persons like you are honest and always cooperative with police. We are happy and my department acknowledge the same.” Shakina responded with smile.

Vinod handed over Amaya’s mobile to Shakina. She observed it. It was badly damaged. The screen was broken into pieces. The battery was exhausted. She tried but couldn’t make the  mobile live.

“Thanks, Mr. Vinod.”

“May I leave now?”

“Mr. Vinod, are you sure that you are not missing anything to hand over to police? Or still anything is there to hand over or to submit?” Shakina behaved like a police.

“I am sure, madam. I have nothing to submit nor to add to my statement. I am in the city and there is no plan to escape at all. You can call me at any time. I would be here, always.”

“Don’t take otherwise, but I just asked as a routine. Thanks, anyway. You may leave now.” Shakina allowed him. He smiled and left the police station.

Shakina opened the back cover of the mobile. She found a sim card, a battery and a memory card in the slots.

The words on sim card indicated that the card was not issued in India.

It might be in Japanese. Shakina assured herself.

She snatched the memory card, thought for some moments and replaced it in her mobile. Her mobile accepted it, mounted it. After some moments it was ready.

She opened the memory card and found many folders. She was about to open videos, one constable informed that commissioner was on line and wanted to talk with her. She dropped her mobile and rushed to the phone line.

Mobile with memory card was lying on her table.

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