The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 105

Captain Hayden’s mind was plagued with feelings of despair, frustrated and remorse as he mourned the loss of Penelope Baggins. Mr. Hayden rarely drank on the job, but the sudden brutal murder of a well liked secretary drove the captain to another shot of whiskey. “Mind if I get a shot captain?” special agent Jenny Johnson taunted Captain Hayden as she walked in the security office at the capitol building. Jenny smiled as she flashed her FBI badge. “FBI agent Dennis Paterson asked me to come by the capital and find you.”

The captain pulled out a flask of whiskey from his desk and passed it to Jenny.

“Hum the good stuff,” Jenny said. “Johnny walker black right?”

“It's all so tragic,” Mr. Hayden ranted, as he took another shot of whiskey.

“I am sorry I was the one who had to inform you about Penelope's murder. Unfortunately she was not the only person killed.”

A tear tinkled from Captain Hayden’s eyes as he tried to smile. “Yeah, I heard that several FBI agents were murdered last night.”

The captain took another shot of whiskey and passed the flask back to Jenny. “Why was Penelope even in the park?” The captain’s big brown eyes swelled up with tears as he pounded his fist on the desk in frustration. “She didn’t do anything but file papers.” Another tear trickled down the captain's face as he pulled out his hanky and dried another tear from his cheek.

“We haven’t ascertained yet the reason for Penelope’s murder,” Jenny whispered before taking another shot of Jonny Walker. “I am sorry for your lost captain, but can you tell me if the Senator Anderson has any files about a man named Robert Dubinsky or a terrorist know as Martinez in his files?”

Captain Hayden blew his nose and tucked his handkerchief back into his pocket and speculated, “I really wouldn’t know, only Penelope would have that information.”

“I am sorry to ask, but is there anyone else around that might help us look inside the senator’s files?”

“I can help you,” the captain said proudly as he sipped the last drop of whiskey and screwed the cap back onto the flask. “I have the keys to the Senator’s office and the emergence keys for his files.”

Captain Hayden and Jenny walked over to Senator Anderson’s office. “Over here,” the captain Hayden announced as he walked toward Penelope’s desk. “This is the Senators’ main file.”

“We are looking for a file on Martinez or Robert Dubinsky. It should be here in the senator’s files somewhere. Maybe it’s filed under m for Martinez. Nope, nothing there. What about the computer Captain Hayden?”

“Sorry agent Johnson, the senator’s computer is protected by a password.”

“Not a problem, I know someone who loves to crack codes.”

Jenny clutched the phone under her jaw as she dialed Doctor Eric Brown’s telephone number. “I need your help wizard to break into Senator Anderson’s computer.”

“Hopeless, agent Johnson. That computer has a fifteen digit password and a high tech security program that guards all the Senator’s computers.”

“Okay doctor, just give me a second,” Jenny replied as she slowly typed on Penelope’s keyboard. “Okay wise wizard that did it, thanks Doc.”

“Told you, there was no way to break into the Senator’s computer,” The captain stated smugly.

Jenny smiled as she pushed the return button on the keyboard.

Captain Hayden was stunned as the computer files suddenly opened.

“Okay we need a file on Martinez or Dubinsky. Let's try Martinez. Dame nothing. What about Dubinsky? Rats; nothing again.” Jenny sat there irritated for a moment as she pondered her next move.

“What about Penelope?” Agent Johnson said. Jenny stared at the computer screen till finally a small file appeared. Jenny quickly double clicked on the file to open.

“Dear Miss. Penelope.” Jenny read out loud. “I have always loved and respected you. Your bight cheerful smile every morning made my whole day complete.”

“It seems that Jeff Anderson really did love Penelope,” Jenny thought to herself.

Jenny continued to read the Senator’s letter out loud. “Your eyes are like the stars in the sky. I promise if we ever get out of the hostage situation; I am going to quit the Senate and take you away from all of this. I hope to see you soon.  Love always Jeff.”

Even though Jenny thought that the senator’s love letter to Penelope was very tragic and romantic, it did little to help her locate the gold.

Jenny slowly leaned back in Penelope’s leather chair as she pondered where the treasure was presently located.

“Look,” captain Hayden said as he pointed to the bottom of the letter.

A perplexed look loomed over Jenny’s face as she quickly read out loud, “4,5,12,15,18,9,19,19,16,5,14,3,5,18.”

“What does that mean?” Hayden inquired. Jenny frantically typed on the computer keyboard. A boisterous smile crossed her face as a file decrypted. “Each numbers represent a letter in the alphabet. I was able to translate the numbers to a name; Deloris Spencer.”