The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 114

Terror loomed in Dennis’s mind as he tried to eat his dinner. The pudding was runny, the chicken breast was rubbery and peas tasted like baby food. As Dennis pushed around the peas aimlessly, his mind started to except the fact that his new partner Craig Holloway was dead. Dennis placed the silver dome back over the uneaten hospital food as tried to figure out who murder his former partner Roger Campbell and Kevin Spencer. Dennis’s mind wonder back two years ago when his  partner was murdered. After an extensive investigation, the FBI, concluded that he murdered Roger Campbell. Charges against the agent were ultimately dropped, after key evidence was suspiciously lost. Dennis always knew that he was being set up for his old partner’s murder. What he couldn’t comprehend is why would anyone want to kill his former partner.

Dennis was abrupt shaken out of his dreadful thoughts when his phone rang.

“Dennis I found out who owns the Walter PP pistol used to kill Kevin Spencer and agent Campbell.”

A horrified look quickly emanated from Dennis’s face as uttered, “Who killed my old partner?”

“It appears that the Walter PP pistol used to kill your old partner belongs to you my friend.”

Dennis wiped an unsuspected tears from his eyes as sorrow filled his heart. “you think I killed Roger Campbell Andre?”

“The only fingerprints found on the bullet that killed agent Roger Campbell was yours.”

“I swear Andre I didn't kill my partner.”

“I regret to inform you, my friend, that all the evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you kill Roger Campbell.”

“You got to believe me Andre someone is trying to frame me for Roger murder. I don't know who assassinated my old partner, but it was not me. Where my fingerprints found on the bullet that killed Kevin Spencer?”

“No, I am still searching for a match to the fingerprints found on the bullets used to kill Kevin Spencer.”