The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 115

A boisterous smile adored Dexter Framingham’s face as he walked into Deloris’s house. A vindictive look emanated from his face as he skewed a silencer onto his Glock Pistol. The director of the FBI stared diffidently at Deloris and declared, “I killed your husband in cold blood and tossed him overboard like a piece of trash.”

The shock of hearing about her husband’s murder at the hands of the director of the FBI was too much for Deloris to comprehend as she cried and withered in her torment.

“How did you ever get your clutches into the director of the FBI?” Kelly demanded.

I basked in my triumph as I proclaimed, “I hired Dexter Framingham to be my personnel spy within the FBI in exchange for twenty percent of the treasure. For the past year, Dexter has helped me track down the members of the eighty-six airborne platoon and kill them for their treachery. Your friend Kevin was the first pawn in my grand plan for revenge.”

Despite the misery and anguish that has infiltrated Deloris’s heart, she suddenly realized that she was still in love with John Kelly. Though she left John Kelly and married Kevin forty years ago, Deloris realized that her heart still belongs to Kelly. As her pending doom loomed closer, Deloris wished she could relive her life and share it with her one true love, John Kelly.

I slowly inhaled the agony and sorrow of my enemies like a drug. The intoxicating drug reanimated my soul and dispelled my usual feeling of torment and wretchedness. A plethora of emotions seized my soul as a jovial smiled quickly spread across my scorched face. I pondered how I was going to finally kill John Kelly for his betrayal.

Misery swelled in Kelly’s heart as he realized that he was finally going to be killed for all the sins that he was committed. His heart was besieged with despair, as he cast his blue eyes upon Deloris’s tear filled emerald eyes.

“Don't worry John,” I said. “You and Deloris will soon be joining your friends. I can reassure you that after I kill you and steal the treasure, I am going back to D.C and kill your old friend Jefferson Anderson.”

Dexter cut the rope that bound Kelly to the chair and placed a noose around his neck. He then threw the rope around the rafters and hauled Kelly up by his throat. As the noose tighten around his neck, Kelly cast his sorrow filled eyes upon the women he has dreamt of every night for the last forty years.

“I am growing impatient Mrs. Spencer; where is the treasure?” I said. A lust for revenge swept through my heart as I push my Lugar pistol under Deloris’s jaw.

Deloris wept as she confessed her sin. “The treasure is onboard my husband’s boat. It is in a secret compartment below the sink.”

“Where is Kevin's boat now?” Dexter screamed.

Deloris hanged he head low and uttered, “The boat is docket down in the bay below.”

Vehemently I gazed at my old friend John Kelly and pulled the chair from under his feet. A forbidding smile crossed my face as John gasped his last breath.

A horrible scream emanated from Deloris as she watched her old lover struggle to stay alive. Anguish lurked in Deloris's heart as John died. His body dangled from the rafters as she hanged her head and cried.

My plan for revenge was almost complete. Now that John Kelly was dead, I have only one more pawn in my game of revenge to kill; Jefferson Anderson.

A smile crossed my face as I prepared to kill Deloris Spencer. A loud pounding noise erupted from behind the front door temporary delaying Deloris’s emanate Murder.