The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 116

“This is Captain Sean Brennan of the Seaside police department, Deloris are you home?”

Sean impetuously broke though Deloris’s front door. His heart was plagued by malice and animosity as he quickly scanned the room. To his right he saw John Kelly hanging from a noose wrapped tightly around his neck. To his left, he saw Deloris silently perched on her white satin couch, cloaked in misery and heartache.

The soft glow from a nearby lamp extenuated Mrs. Spencer’s flowing crimson colored hair and her beautiful green eyes. She displayed an unsuspected calm demure as she gracefully poised herself upon the couch. Bewilderment swirled in Sean’s mind as he quickly noticed her trembling lip and a little teardrop rolling down her cheek.

I crashed through the kitchen door and shot the sergeant Brennan with my Lugar handgun. The shooting pain in Sean's arm didn’t deter him from blasting me with his Smith and Wesson pistol.

Ferociously I reciprocated with several bullets from my Lugar. Two of my bullets pieced the captain’s body. Blood from a belly wound quickly accumulated on his shirt as he abruptly dropped his gun and crumbled to the floor. Wallowing in excruciating pain, the cop crawled towards Deloris and slowly bleed to death.

Dexter grabbed Deloris and dragged her into the bedroom. I could hear Deloris’s tormented screams bellow down the hall as Dexter released his wrath upon her. Dexter was apathetic as he ruthlessly beat and raped Deloris. A cynical smile stretched across my face as Deloris endured a fate worst then death. After a few minutes, Deloris’s tormented screams where abruptly silenced.