The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 117

“Turn your lights off Officer Prescott,” Eric said as the police car slowly approached Deloris Spencer’s house. As the car drove up behind Captain Sean Brennan’s police car, suspicion started to swirled in Eric’s mind.

Despair and anguish griped Prescott's sole as he contemplated if Sean Brennan was already dead. Despite his many years of training, Prescott frantically opened the door of his police car and rushed towards Deloris’s house.

Doctor Brown realized that he couldn’t wait for backup if he was going to hinder Martinez’s bloodshed. Eric ran after the naive police office and tried to reason with distraught sergeant.“Prescott you got to calm down before Martinez kills both of us.”

“We have to do something now before my captain is killed.”

“The captain could already be dead. We have to take this slowly. You walk up to the front door and I will circle around the back. In three minutes we simultaneously bust down the doors.”

Prescott took a deep breath of sea air and summoned all of his courage. Slowly he approached the front door as Eric moved toward the back of the house. Prescott heard Deloris’s terrified screams bellow from with her house. Prescott took another deep breath and clicked the barrel of his shotgun. Anxiety quickly infiltrated his soul as he contemplated the possible scenario that he would face once he opened the door. The dreadful image of captain Brennan and Deloris’s dead bodies strewn across the floor flickered through his mind.

Deloris horrified screams abruptly stopped. Malice gripped the naive officer as he unleashed his barbaric savagery and thrust the butt of his gun against Deloris's front door.

The three years at the Seaside police academy did little to prepare Prescott for what he saw as he stepped through Deloris’s front doorway. Daunted, Prescott cautiously entered Deloris house.  Despite all his training, Prescott lowered his gun and expeditiously dashed towards captain Sean Brennan.  Bewilderment swirled in Prescott’s mind when he noticed blood on captain Brennan’s shirt. Tears tricked down Sean’s tormented face as he cast his eyes upon Prescott.

For a moment Prescott was traumatized by his captain's life threaten wound. Despite the insurmountable odds, Daniel ripped his uniform off and applied pressure to the captain’s wounds.

“It’s no good kid, I have always loved you; your going to be a great police captain; save yourself.”

“No,” Prescott screamed. Misery churned in Prescott’s heart as the captain slowly clasped and died. Tears stream down Prescott’s horrified face and anguish erupted in his soul as he lamented for a man that he always considered a friend and the father he never knew.