The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 118

I rushed into the living room and shot Prescott. The young officer dropped his gun as blood from his left arm splattered against the couch.

Doctor Eric Brown busted through Deloris’s back door and pointed his glock pistol at my head and orders me to drop my weapon. Eric followed FBI protocol and surveyed the room for other suspects. The computer geek was filled with terror as he cast his eyes on Captain Brennan’s dead body strewn across Deloris’s white satin couch.

“Where is Deloris Spencer?” Eric screamed as he pointed his gun at my head. The room was oddly silent as Eric tried to comprehend if Deloris was dead or alive.

Dexter Framingham walked from a nearby bedroom with Deloris clutched in his arms and a pistol pointed at her head.

“Drop your weapon Dexter and release Deloris,” Eric demanded.

“Your just a computer geek your not a field agent,” Dexter chuckled as he dragged Deloris into the living room. “Drop your weapon doctor and kick it slowly over to me or I’ll kill her.”

Rage festered in Eric’s mind as he observed blood on Deloris’s blouse. It was apparent to the doctor that Deloris was severely wounded and was quickly loosing blood. Eric cast his brown eyes upon her usually cheerful face, but only saw anguish and heartache as she slowly died in Dexter’s arms.

“Let her go Dexter, there is no where to run. In about five minutes the full Seaside police department will descend upon this house and kill you.”

A cunning smile crossed Dexter’s face. “Were leaving,” the FBI director said as he dragged Deloris’s limp body towards the back door.

“Wait she needs medical attention,”Eric pleaded as he reluctantly put down his gun and lifted his hands in the air. “I promise to let you go if you hand over Deloris to me right now.