The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 119

Sorrow still clenched Dennis’s soul as he reluctantly answered the phone. “The fingerprints found on the bullet that killed Kevin Spencer was not yours,” andre said. “They belongs to the new director of the federal bureau of investigation, Dexter Framingham.”

“Dexter killed Kevin Spencer with my gun why?”

“I suspect that Dexter is working for Martinez. He killed Kevin Spencer on Martinez order.”

“Your saying that Martinez has two FBI spies working for him?”

“I know that one of the FBI agents that is working for Martinez is named Taylor. I haven't been able to find Taylor’s last name yet. I believe that Taylor was the masked assassin that helped Martinez escape the Georgetown park.”

“Do you believe that Dexter used my gun to kill my former partner?”

“I don't know what to believe my old friend,”