The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 120

“No,” Dexter screamed as he slowly dragged Deloris out the back door.

I wheeled my chair out the back door and said, “Kill the FBI agent and Deloris Spencer. Then take Kevin Spencer's boat and meet me in the designation spot in twenty-four hours to divided up the treasure. Remember Dexter eighty percent of that treasure is mine. If you screw me, I'll hunt you down and kill you.”

Dexter smiled and said, “Don't worry old man, we still have a deal.”

I turned and wheeled my chair towards my car as the sound of approaching police cars quickly descend upon Deloris's house.

Dexter dragged Deloris’s body down the rickety wooden steps towards Kevin’s boat docked along a pier. Still bleeding and crying for help, Deloris was unwillingly dragged aboard Kevin’s boat.

Eric retrieved his gun from Deloris's house and ran after Dexter. Despite his lack of training on the gun range, Eric pointed his weapon at his new boss, closed his eye and pulled the trigger. Eric’s missed there intended target. Dexter responded by shooting a bullet into Eric’s flesh.

Despite the massive bleeding to his should, Eric raced down towards Kevin’s boat. A thick fog rolled in from the west and cloaked the bay in thick eerie mist that impede Eric’s sight. Through the inclement weather, Eric could still hear the roaring engine of Kevin's boat. Frantically firing, Eric ran toward the boat as Dexter casted off.

“Dexter please leave Deloris behind; she going to die if she doesn’t get some help soon.”

“Yes, you maybe right about that Doctor Brown,” Dexter’s voice bellowed from the fog covered bay.

“There is no where you can hide Dexter. I will hunt you down and kill you.”

Dexter chuckled, “Go ahead Doctor Eric Brown; do your best.”

Anguish churned in Eric’s heart as the sound of the boat’s engines faded into the fog covered bay.

Despondently Eric walked back into Deloris’s house and lifted sergeant Danielle Prescott to his feet and helped into the waiting ambulance. The town of Seaside Oregon was impetuously thrust in a tempestuous chaos as the entire police force inundated Deloris Spencer's house.

Eric walked back into Deloris’s house as apathy permeated his soul. He cast his eyes on John Kelly still hanging from the rafters of the house.  Rage feasted in Eric’s mind as tired to understand how he could let his old boss, Dexter Framingham, get away with the murder of Deloris Spencer.  Regret lurked in Eric’s mind as he walk over to Captain Brennan’s body and uttered, “Maybe if I wasn't delayed over Chicago, I could have gotten here sooner and saved Deloris's life.”

As the police, news reports and inquisitive neighbors converge on the murder scene, Eric desperately searched a place of solitude away from the blood and the mayhem. He crept into Deloris’s bedroom and sat on the bed. Panic pierced Eric’s troubled mind as he noticed the bloodstain on the bed. Eric leapt from the bed and gazed at the large splatter of blood on top of the white sheet. An unsuspected tear drifted down the agent’s face as he pondered if Deloris was already dead.

Eric chocked back his tears, pick up the phone and called FBI agent Jenny Johnson.

Eric was shrouded in despair and misery as he impatiently waited to hear Jenny’s sweet voice. “Hello Doctor Brown, how are you? Even thought they were three thousand mile apart, the warm, loving voice of Jenny Johnson comforted Eric’s broken heart.

“We been betrayed Jenny,” Eric said disparagingly. “Our boss Dexter Framingham is the working for Martinez. He shot Deloris Spencer, took her hostage and escape with the treasure aboard Kevin Spencer’s boat.”

“Where you able to kill Martinez?” Jenny inquired.

Doctor Brown cynically uttered, “Dexter and Martinez got away. They are supposed to rendezvous in twenty-four hour to spit up the treasure.”

“Do you know where Martinez and Dexter as supposed to meet in twenty-four hours doctor Brown?”

“No,” the doctor said gruelingly. “Get yourself back to Washington immediately wizard,” Jenny stipulated. “We need you help to find Martinez.”