Invitation to Internet Success (Wear Your Party Pants) by Esther Smith - HTML preview

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Locally, We Have The Sodfather and You Know What His Business Is!

Most important; an imaginative, memorable business name often proves valuable in many ways. Start brainstorming with a list of keywords related to your business. This can be made up of verbs, nouns and adjectives. You may need to consult a thesaurus.

Your choices should carry a positive energetic frequency. The choices for Lifesavers, Wrangler, Travelocity and Tide knew how to coordinate energetic frequency with their product function and appeal. Because the frequency of a name is an invisible energetic influence, choosing the best possible option is critical. Rhymes and near-rhymes are often used for ease-of-recall; Vacation Station, Dinner in the Diner, and our most familiar one, Ronald McDonald. Even with the simplesmost technical service, an unforgettable name helps to make the company or product memorable. Try combining words and make a list for your future selection.

With a domain of your own, you will also get an email box that does not scream free email box when you correspond with prospects. A yahoo or hotmail address makes some people think - here today, gone tomorrow. They shy away from free email addresses and feel better about doing business if you look professional. Again, credibility counts – but you can consider this later when you are in profit.

As each of your members in DCC joins and eventually becomes independent, you will have a list of these folks. I keep in touch with my members by offering a free eBook or a free Solo ad that someone has sent to me and allows me to share it with others. By doing this small favor which costs me nothing, I keep in touch without asking them for something. This builds trust, and should the day come when I might ask them to consider a purchase, they will at least look it over.

So that about does it for Credibility and Building Trust.