Network Marketing: MLM Strategies for Success and Wealth Creation by Phillip Collinsworth - HTML preview

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An Alternative Plan

For the next 24 hours forget everything you’ve learned about network marketing, except sales.

Concentrate solely on generating sales and find at least three people who will order your product. Disregard recruiting for now. Disregard goal setting and hosting meetings for now. Put everything you have into using the product and building a base of customers; and only then expand your operations into recruiting (look to your satisfied customers first for new recruits).
It is time to get started. I love to read, study, and do research. But, sooner or later, all that learning needs to be applied. Don’t be guilty of “paralysis by analysis,” where the act of research becomes an end in itself, rather than the groundwork for making things happen.

Identify five things you can do right now to get your business rocking:












What is the single most important thing you can do within the next 24 hours to build your business? Ask your sponsor for help with this.


Do you have the confidence, knowledge, or skills to carry off what you need to do?

If not, what specific things can you do to change? By the way, don’t be afraid to try and fail. So what if you can’t make a presentation sound like a news anchorman rolling off the words in crisp, grammatical form—she’s reading somebody else’s words, from a telepromtper, no less. We constantly measure ourselves against the celebrities and pros we see and hear. This is extremely self-defeating and discouraging. You can only work with what you have at the moment. Remember, in MLM people won’t care what you look or sound like, if you have the organization and group sales. If listened to people stutter through a “plan” presentation, drop their product samples in a sales talk, and stand in front of a thousand people with their fly down. Nobody cared. The presenters were successful in this business, and we all wanted to hear what they had to say.