Mom Knows by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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This few words “thank you” are very important to being great. Appreciation to the efforts your mom has put into developing you is vital to creating a cordial relationship between you and mom. Mom appreciates your few words of appreciation. She thinks you are special and just these few words will not hurt. Every good child knows how to say “thank you.” Mom wants you to understand this simple secret of success. She knows that an appreciative child always gets to reach the top easily. She knows this and she wants you to learn the same. “Thank you” goes a long way no matter how little. It does not cost too much, just learn to say it, and always say it. Develop an appreciative attitude towards your mum. It will go a long way to making you the best mom wants you to be. Here is what Kaylene wrote in appreciation of her mom

To My Mom,

I know I may not show all of my love for you, but Mom I love you so very much.

I love you so much that when I hurt you just by not listening to you it makes me cry.

I try really hard to do what you ask, but you just have to remember I'm not perfect.

I don't get everything right the first time.

But trust me I sure try hard to.

I also want to say thank you for bringing me into this world. Thank you for putting up with all my crap. Thank you so much for listening to all my problems. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder.

I love you MOM

All what every mother wants from her baby is the best. Trust her; she is going to give you all the best. She expects same from you. She is almost ready to make all the sacrifices from not eating to having sleepless nights. You too must prove that her efforts are not in vain. The best is only what mom deserves. You need to follow the lead of many achievers who have proved their mom’s leading was just the best for them.

Every mother would be happy to see their sons and daughters achieve what they want to achieve. They take delight in this. Mom wants to celebrate you. She thinks you are great. You therefore have no reason to disappoint her. You have no reason to fail her. She’s looking up to you and feeling so proud that someday you’d be that great man and woman she’d be proud to be a fan of. She wants to be able to stand by your side and say cool son, cool daughter, well done! She wants to say, “You are my superstar.”

Moms are very proud people and your mom is no exception. Do not kill her ego. She would speak about your achievement everywhere. She is your first advertising medium, free of charge and the best you can have. Prove mama right. She is worth it. Is she not? Yes! She is. Beat the competition, get her the best grades, and give her the best awards. Cos she is right behind you parting and saying “Son, daughter, I deserve your best.”