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Single Parents Dating: It Is Time To Move On



Becoming a single parent isn't an end. It's a beginning. Your new lifestyle is full of responsibility and challenges. It may be more important now than ever that you find time for yourself. You need to relax and have fun. It may have been a while, but you can date now.


You may not be ready to enter into a new relationship, but that doesn't mean you can't go out and have a good time with friends. Dating old friends is a great way to re-enter the single world and renew old friendships. They already know you, and they're easy to talk to. You need someone now to talk to and to ask for advice. Old friends may also be a source for help around the house or at work.


But if you're interested in meeting new people and getting into a more serious relationship, you may want to do some real-life dating. But dating as a new single parent can present unique challenges. Demands on your time may already be great.


Taking care of the kids, earning a living, and maintaining your household are time-consuming chores. That makes it even more important to make time for your own fun and relaxation. But time management skills will definitely be needed to keep your life from being chaotic and stressful.


You may be emotionally raw at this time. Whether you've lost your partner through separation, divorce, or death, you're going through some really big life changes. You need to be careful not to jump into the first relationship that comes along. You need to have fun, but you also need some time to heal and become independent again.


Here are some things to consider:


Am I ready to date yet?


Re-entering the single scene can be frightening. You may not feel self-confident about your looks, or you may feel that you've lost some important social skills. But fear of dating shouldn't be a deciding factor. Sooner or later, you're going to have to take that big step to have a normal life again.


There are some things to think about, though. You're coming through a difficult time, and you may be emotionally vulnerable and confused. You may not have the judgment to see your dates' flaws. You must take care to protect yourself and your children from predators and people that will use you.


Are you prepared to tell your children you're dating? Your kids are also going through a big change, and they may be insecure or jealous if a new adult is introduced to the family. Have you prepared them for this? Do they understand your feelings and support you? If your children aren't ready for you to date, you may not be. But there's a limit. The important thing is to be honest and open with them about what you need and want. After all, they aren't dating the person. You are. Just keep the lines of communication open and clear.


Getting into relationships too soon is a common mistake for newly-single parents. You're accustomed to being part of a couple and feel awkward and self-conscious going out alone. You may not be finished with the old relationship. Losing a partner, no matter how, involves going through a grieving process to heal emotionally and re-establish a normal life. Studies show that it takes at least a year for people to process their loss and move on. Be sure you've given yourself enough time to heal.


You may also need to tie up loose ends from the previous relationship. There may be financial and legal matters still open that must be closed. If your partner passed away, you'll need to settle the estate, dispose of property, and finalize insurance issues. Better to focus on the business at hand while you're grieving than to introduce a new complication into an already- complicated life.


You also need to take time to help your children grieve the loss. They may be feeling abandoned, and they'll need your love, support, and encouragement to move forward. And they need to build a new relationship with you, one where you're the only parent. Dating too soon can cheat them of this important time with you and create behavioral problems that are not easy to solve. Take it slow for their sake and for yours.