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Before They Even Go To School, Kids Learn a Lot of Skills

from the World of Play

For children, play is naturally enjoyable. And since it is their

active engagement in things that interest them, play should be

child-led, or at least child-inspired, for it to remain relevant and

meaningful to them. Children at play are happily lost in themselves;

they are in their own realm of wonder, exploration, and adventure,

pulling parents in at times with a frequent “Let’s play, mom!” as an

open invitation into that world.

As early as infancy, children immerse themselves in play

activities with the purpose of making sense of the world around

them. Play gives children the opportunity to learn and experience

things themselves, which is vital for their development. Although

peek-a-boo games seem pointless to adults, tots are awed by the

surprise that awaits them as they see the suddenly emerging faces

of people they love.

Stages of Play

During toddlerhood, children experience a motor-growth spurt that

equips them to solitarily fiddle with anything they can get their

hands on – be it a construction toy or the box from where it came.

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Raising Happy and Responsible Children in the 21st Century

Toddlers also love breaking into song, wiggling and jiggling to tunes,

and imitating finger plays they are commonly exposed to.

Preschoolers begin extending their play to involve others, whether

they bring others in at any stage of their game or they plan their

game and its players’ way ahead. Their physical and motor skills

allow them to widen their lay arena, from dramatic play to table

games to outdoor pursuits.

School-age children start appreciating organized play – such as

innovated songs and rhymes, games with rules, relays and other

physical activities, sports and projects that they can accomplish

over a certain time frame.

Play Perks

Why the big fuss about playing? Play benefits the child in

ways that might be a tad difficult for adults to imagine.

Play brings pure and utter joy.

A toddler who jumps into an empty box and runs around the house

‘driving a car’ shows the sheer happiness that play brings him or

her. When children are asked what they did in school and they

answer ‘play,’ it is a clear sign that these kids remember a feeling of

genuine joy that is captured in this four-letter word.

Play fosters socio-emotional learning.

What does a ten-month-old baby who shrieks at the sight of her

stuffed toy have in common with a ten-year-old boy who plays

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basketball with his friends? They both deal with their confidence as

they choose to embark on their play activities. At the same time,

they are displaying their independence in the decisions that they

make. These two children are also internalizing social rules in their

respective play situations: the baby waits patiently for her stuffed

toy to appear, while the school-age child has to contend with an

impending loss in a ball game.

Play hones physical and motor development.

Play often involves the use of the senses, the body, and the

extremities. When children play, they exercise their bodies for

physical strength, fluidity of movement, balance and coordination.

Perceptual-motor ability, or the capacity to coordinate what you

perceive with how you move, is an essential skill that preschoolers

need to develop. A three-year-old who is engrossed in digging,

scooping, and pouring sand into a container must match his or her

perception of the space in front of him or her with actual hand

movements, so that he or she can successfully fulfill the motor


Play facilitates cognitive learning.

Play is vital to the intellectual development of a child. We live in a

symbolic world in which people need to decode words, actions, and


For young children, symbols do not naturally mean anything

because they are just arbitrary representations of actual objects.

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Raising Happy and Responsible Children in the 21st Century

The role of play is for the child to understand better cognitive

concepts in ways that are enjoyable, real, concrete, and meaningful

to them. For instance, through play, a child is able to comprehend

that the equation 3 + 2 = 5 means ‘putting together’ his toy cars by

lining them up in his makeshift parking lot. When he combines 2

triangles to make a square during block play, or writes down his

score is a bowling game, the child is displaying what he knows

about shapes and numbers.

Through play, the child is constructing his or her worldview by

constantly working and reworking his understanding of concepts.

Play enhances language development.

Toddlers who are still grappling with words need to be immersed in

oral language so they can imitate what they hear. They benefit from

songs and rhymes that provide the basis for understanding how

language works.

When these tots are playing with toys, adults model to them how

language is used to label objects or describe an event. At play,

preschoolers use language to interact, communicate ideas, and

likewise learn from dialogues with more mature members of society.

Play encourages creativity.

Barney the dinosaur was right about using imagination to make

things happen. A lump of Play-Doh suddenly turns into spaghetti

with meat sauce and cheese; a small towel transforms into a cape

that completes a superhero’s wardrobe; and a tin can serves as a

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drum that accompanies an aspiring rock artist. Play opens an

entire avenue for children to express themselves, show what they

know and how they feel, and to create their own masterpieces.

Play provides bonding opportunities.

Play is an important factor in child development. It provides for

interaction, experimentation, and moral development. Here are

some ways by which parents can encourage and support their

children’s playtime.

Let your child be the player-leader. Let children initiate their

activity, set their own theme, choose the parameters where the play

will take place. Play becomes a venue for children to express their

feelings and be in control.

Help them help themselves. When your 5-year-old asks for help,

say, figuring out how to piece a puzzle together, stop yourself from

coming to her rescue and first ask your child questions that allow

him or her to help himself or herself. Say, “Where do you think this

piece should go?” Afterward, commend his or her success.

Play attention. Once you make a commitment to play with your

child, watch for the following signals: Does he or she want you to

actively play a part in the activity? Does he or she need

encouragement? Is he or she tired or hungry? Does he or she need

to take a break?

Have a play plan. If you seem to have little time for playing with

your child, consider using self-care chores to have fun with him or

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her. Also, get support from other people in your household, like

older siblings, household help, or the child’s grandparents, so that

they understand why play is important and how they should

continue to encourage it.

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