Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Treasure Hunting



The light was fading as the Reywalmobile drove into the parking lot at the community baseball park with Reywal at the wheel and Datslob in the passenger seat. The car crunched to a stop on the gravel parking lot. Reywal stepped out of the car and then gestured impatiently at Datslob to get out. They opened the trunk and Reywal lifted out a large carry case that he handed to Datslob. Reywal leaned down to Datslob. “Alright. Now follow me and …………………..” Reywal pulled the toque from Datslob’s head to reveal a pair of headphones. “Aha” he cried.

 He snatched the headphones from Datslob’s head and threw them into the trunk. In an irritated voice he growled ominously at Datslob.

 “I’ve told you before. When you are on duty you take your music off you little junk pile. Criminy buckets.” Reywal rolled his eyes. “Now pay attention and follow closely.”

 He walked off towards the forest, holding the detector out in front of him with Datslob directly behind him. Suddenly, Reywal stopped, pulled his hat off, turned around and whapped Datslob on the head as Datslob trod on one of his heels. “Not thatclose crimminy buckets!!!”

 The two walked into the woods and then disappeared amongst the trees. Leesawold still perched on the branch of the tree became alert as she heard footsteps approaching. Leesawold watched as Reywal and Datslob cautiously approached. Reywal looked intently at a smaller handheld version of the Minosaur detector. He suddenly stopped and held out an arm to stop Datslob. He swung the instrument back and forth and suddenly his eyes lit up. He immediately charged over to the tree that Leesawold was perched on. Bending down he let out a holler as he discovered the five Krystils lying at the foot of the tree. Leesawold, high above the unsuspecting Reywal, fainted.