Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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More New Friends



Atlas sat looking at the beach ball in Keegan’s room. The beach ball began to shimmer and morphed into Greanwold. Atlas sat with his paws out in front, his ears straight up. Greanwold appeared in his form and greeted the dog. “ Hello Atlas dog. How are you?”

 Atlas’s mouth moved. “ You Minosaur right?

 Greanwold nodded. “You’re a dog right?”

“Yup. I heard about Minosaurs. Never met one till now. This a secret we talk?” Greanwold nodded gravely. “Very important that it stays a secret.”

Downstairs, the kids sat around the kitchen table, working their way through two large pizzas. They ate rapidly and every now and then there was a glance shot between Keegan, Jackie and Lisa. Cody looked from one to the other with a curious look on his face. Keegan abruptly stood up from the table. Concealed inside a napkin were two pieces of pizza. Cody noticed but didn’t say anything. “Now Keegan. Are you feeling OK?” asked Mrs. Clarke. “I want you in bed early tonight after your experience yesterday. I want you to get lots of rest for the next few days. Now have you had enough to eat?”

 Keegan nodded. “Awe come on mom, I’m not a baby. Now may I be excused please?”

 “Yes you may. Your father will be home late but I’m sure he’ll pop in and see you before he goes to bed.”

 Keegan left the table and raced up the stairs to his bedroom. As he entered the room, he looked at Greanwold and Atlas sitting on the floor facing each other, looking as if they were in conversation.

 Keegan looked alarmed. “Greanwold. Are you OK? Hey Atlas.”

 Atlas turned his head and looked at Keegan. It looked almost like a big smile creased his face. Keegan looked startled.

 “Hey. What’s with you Atlas? Greanwold, are you OK with dogs?”

 Greanwold had a strange smile on his face. “Greanwold likes dogs. I think I can be good friends.” He sniffed the air “What is that smell? Smells very good”. Keegan grinned. “Pizza. I got pizza. It’s the best food around Greanwold.” Greanwold looked puzzled. “What is a pizza? Is Greanwold going to like it?” Keegan nodded his head and handed the two pizza slices to Greanwold who took an experimental sniff. He looked at Keegan with appreciation and then took a bite. After a couple of chews, he nodded approvingly. He looked at Atlas for a second and then handed the other pizza slice to Atlas who wolfed his down and wagged his tail, looking for seconds.

 Greanwold looked at Atlas. “I think me and Atlas like some more. Do you have more?”

 Keegan shook his head. “No, but I can get some more …….. maybe. I can’t let my mom know you’re here so I’ll have to use my allowance and order some………… …………………”.

 Keegan stopped as he heard the footsteps running up the stairs.

 “Greanwold.” he hissed. “Hide. My brother and his friend are coming.” Greanwold looked up and shook his head.

 “No, they’re OK Keegan. We’ll give them a surprise. Have a funny time, OK?” Greanwold rose and hovered several feet in the air, wiping a few pizza crumbs from his mouth with the back of his paw. The door to Keegan’s bedroom was flung open and Cody rushed into the room followed closely on the heels by Jackie, Lisa and Parker. Cody came to a halt and gazed in astonishment as he almost ran into Greanwold’s hovering form. Cody had a couple of slices of pizza in a napkin in his hand. Greanwold looked at Cody’s hand and held out his hand to Cody.

 “Pizza! Whooooohoooooooooo.” said Greanwold upside down with his hand out. Mesmerized, Cody slowly handed the slices over to Greanwold. Keegan pushed by and closed the door behind Parker and Cody who both stood looking at Greanwold with his mouth agape. Cody pointed at Greanwold. “What is that!!” There was sudden silence in the room as all the kids looked at Greanwold who had nonchalantly turned right side up and now munched on his food. Keegan moved first. He stood between Greanwold and Cody.

 “It’s not a what Cody, it’s who.”

 Addressing Greanwold, he gestured to Cody. “Greanwold, this is my brother Cody and his friend Parker.”

 Keegan turned then turned to the two boys and lowered his voice. “OK you guys. This is Greanwold. He’s a Minosaur and it’s a bit of a long story. Now you guys …..” Keegan paused and gulped. “ … have to promise me that this is our secret. OK. Promise?”

 Parker, still gawking at Greanwold dragged his eyes away and said. “That’s cool with me dude but what’s a Greanwold? And, what’s a Minosaur?”

 Greanwold studied Parker from under lowered eyebrows with clinical interest. His eyes lit up and he said to Parker. “Hey you are a colo. Not like Keegan. You got color.”

 Parker grinned self-consciously, looked down at himself and smiled at Greanwold.

 “Hey man, what a cool dude. Put it there…. uh …. Greanwold.”

 Parker held out his hand to shake but Greanwold lifted into the air and did a butt shake to the amusement of the whole room.

 Cody held up two more pieces of pizza. “And to think I smuggled a couple of extra pieces of pizza up here because I thought you had smuggled anotherstray dog in without telling mom - again! So what’s the story little bro. Seems Jack’s and Lisa know what’s going on. How about bringing me and Parker up to speed on your …” Cody looked at Greanwold. “………green friend.”

 Keegan shrugged. “Well, Greanwold is a Minosaur and you know yesterday morning when I went off to the beach; well Mr. Shama …………………………………” Keegan retold the story of how he discovered Greanwold. As he finished he glanced over at Greanwold who seemed frozen.

 Keegan looked alarmed. “Greanwold, what’s wrong?”

 A look of alarm crossed Greanwold’s face. Atlas stood up and licked Greanwold’s hand and whined.