Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The Medusa Effect


August 20, 2019



In throwing all of these ideas of grandeur around, we must reflect upon ourselves personally to contrast whether or not we possess these traits. And if you do not then do not fear, that is what all of my work is there for. The more you read and watch, the more refined of an individual you will become. Those ideals of grandeur can be achieved and I am the shining example. I proved those doctors wrong by all of my works saying otherwise.

Our main problem as a society is our constant wanting of things, those things only giving temporary satisfaction. As soon as we achieve our desire, the desire for it dissipates and then we almost immediately build a need for another desire. One thing accomplished; next! The solution is to learn how to be happy with what you have. Honestly, the less you have, the better. It is less to worry about. Focus your time and your energy on what you are most passionate about and not on television and movies. If you do not yet know what you are most passionate about, then you have some soul searching to do. Why not become a philosopher? I get the opportunity to voice my concerns in a public forum, just as Kant advised would, in time, bring about enlightenment to human kind.

But there is an obstacle: mainstream controls what is popular and what is not. So no matter how hard I try, I can't reach the general public. My work (which can help a lot of people) remains a hidden gem on the Internet. But I don't care and I soldier on even though I get no book sells and have never received a donation for my toils. I have it all for free and I require nothing of you. Unless you want the hard copy of one of my books, then you can get one quite affordably. I am trying to reach the largest audience possible but I feel that I am failing to reach those who would truly be receptive to this information. I feel like I am an alien broadcasting out to the world searching for like-minded people. I keep failing no matter how hard I try. And, up until lately, I had to constantly rebuild everything from scratch.

But I have many more years on this planet if a bus doesn't run me over tomorrow so that is a lot of time to try and improve my presence and hopefully, spread the good news far and wide. I hope to one day have a wife and a family, but I think my requirements are far from what is possible. But who knows, one day I might reach the right beautiful ears and find my soulmate through this process. But maybe I won't and I am therefore required to live happy alone in this life, and that I can do. I had two strike outs in relationships so far. My third has to be a home run. She has to be interested in my words, my books, and my videos. If she was not, it could never work. But time increases my web presence so I guess only time can tell whether or not my methods for attracting the right mate worked out.

When I look in my mirror, I see a beautiful individual who spends his life in worthwhile investments. I see an angel. So many in this world see a demon. So many hate who they are and often regret their decisions. If you want a utopian society, you have to obtain those character traits in which you valued as virtuous at the beginning of this journey. The outer mirror must reflect your inner attributes. Its reflection is only a shadow of the inner feelings you possess about both yourself and the world; and the way that works responds to you on an individual level. Each of us has a unique life based on a large array of circumstances and the way one inputs the crisis situations will determine the potential output they can provide in said situation. A doctor can help a man with a knife wound but a doctor cannot make my clothes, albeit his ability to stitch up my wound. We each can only perceive what it is that we know, so knowing is an important facet of human development. Collective knowing is when this information I am providing becomes public knowledge and we as a society pivot to the future of wealth and abundance.

We choose at every moment what to focus our attention on. At this moment, I might focus my attention on writing this paragraph and at this moment [smokes a bong], am now focused back on writing this paragraph. These "now" moments are presented before us and we are asked what we are to do with them. We can distract ourselves from life my enslaving ourselves to television and fiction books with very little to no moral value, or we can embrace life and distract ourselves with extremely meaningful work that is priceless to humankind. I grew tired of television shows and superheroes. I am a super hero, so why do I have to watch them? And what I do is much more brave than what they do. They are actors on the stage called Hollywood. I am an actor on the stage called life. Don't be mesmerised by their mainstream media (including music). Instead, find your own way and passion so that you can live a life outside of idol worship (the Oscar). Hollywood is Satanic and what they show you is backed by a hidden agenda.

The dark can be scary when we don't understand what lurks behind the dark. What we don't know is at first daunting for us to comprehend. We have to go through a process of learning to develop the entire picture given, like the overall idea a philosophy unit was attempting to convey. There is a lot to digest before we are able to comprehend its whole. A puzzle is made of many pieces and when we try to perceive the puzzle of life, we are left with infinite pieces. We can only ever hope to piece together our lot in which we were given in society. It takes a lot of time studying through puzzle pieces that are irrelevant to your personal picture. Eventually those pieces may come back to you but we can only build stone by stone. Be careful what foundations you lay because that determines the potential fruit of your prospective project.

Become like God is becoming a god in and of yourself. Once we obtain the characteristics of God, then we naturally do righteous actions. It is inbuilt in us and could be nothing else but righteous action. Deviating from God's plan is irrational so it is not in me to depart from the path that the previous sages have laid out for me. Through my search for enlightenment, I learned that giving with an honest heart is the key to living a happy and joyful life, satisfied physically, mentally, and spiritually. But if we are to say, "become like God", what does this really mean? What are characteristics of God in which we can mimic? If you have not noticed, my writing is a reflection of God. I am inspired in and through God. God has given me spirit to destroy all of the obstacles in my way. And God has given me humility to not care whether or not my work is popular. A quick Google search of virtuous characteristics will surely bring you a list of what it is like to be like God. To be like God is to be a giver. God has given us everything including the breath that I now breathe! So to be like God, I must become a giver and remove this selfish ego telling me to take all of the time.

We can only ever see what we know. We can only ever compare things in which we have experienced. We see homelessness on our streets every day. It is there and we kind of acknowledge it but at the same time turn a blind eye to it. But the fact of the matter is that we do not understand homelessness. And then we send in people who don't understand homelessness to try and rectify it. But they will only add fuel to the fire because you shouldn't rip a band-aid off before the wound is healed. There are complex emotional needs that homeless people have that resulted them in their situation. Each homeless person should be assessed individually and develop a case plan with their worker on goals they have and how they can achieve them. There are reasons people become homeless. It is not always because they started using heroin. And when complex emotional needs are left unattended to, values like a shelter become less important than a "healthy" individual.

Society is a reflection of our collective soul. All things in which exist in society represent our collective contributions and legacies. Our cultures are imbedded into our day to day lives and generally, Western society gets along with each other. Terrorism is a result of capitalistic exploitation of developing countries and will continue as long as we refuse to address the issues in which they raise. We must learn how to peacefully interact with one another and the only way to do that is through a global society. At first we will hate each other but eventually we will learn each other and upon completion of our human education, we will realise that we are all the same and are all interconnected and form as one soul.

I have learned a lot and have therefore seen a lot. My goal in my writings is to give you my eyes so that you may see something that you have never seen before. And I aspire to inspire you to therefore take that knowledge and use it to show other people the light that you have discovered through my words. I would love you to recommend my book but I would still be happy if you were able to convey to your friends some of the themes discussed in this book. It has thrown us around learning that everything which is not known is not perceived. As a result we are blind to most of what is around us - at least as to their internal workings.

How does electricity work? How does it go into our phones and how do our phones perform complex operations? It is magic. We can't truly understand how microchips function. Too many hands were involved in making it work, and we just stand on the shoulders of giants. Industrialism shattered our job market and now we work on very specific elements, understanding those elements very well but lacking any true understanding of the whole. As a result, learning more about the world is like reforming the shattered crystal into one. As we learn wisdom, the more of our soul we gain and this makes us more effective individuals in society who can look into the mirror and be proud of who they see.