Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The Game of Life


August 22, 2019



Why do we as a species spend so much time gaming? Games teach us as they act as simulations. But why are so many people wasting their lives away playing games that add no benefit to their day to day lives? Their toils for the game will not be rewarded in real life and thus they spend their days in a fantasy. So much time wasted that could have been utilised in real-world activities. The games are supposed to prepare us for the real-world activities and not become the real-world activities. When I see friends that spend their days away playing games that will offer them no real-world benefit, it makes me sad.

I have a proposition for a new kind of game; one that interacts with real-life worldly events. I propose the star turn their own lives into the entertainment in which they are immersed in. I propose the star drop games that add no benefit to their day to day lives and instead create new games in the world around them which can both entertain and educate them in their areas of interest. I propose the star start entertaining others instead of letting others entertain them.

Let education become your entertainment. Find very specific areas in your education in which you shine in. Let that be your life's focus. Find the best teachers you can on the Internet in the fields you are most passionate about. Make this lifestyle your entertainment. Try to find free or cheap courses on the Internet that can earn you a qualification. Collect these qualifications, for they will follow you around throughout your life. Be careful in the qualifications you obtain because they will reflect both your character and abilities. Your education history paints a picture of who you are. Try and make that picture as close to who you are as possible because that will determine your future career possibilities.

Create your own life. Do not revolve around holidays, but achievements, which will be many living this type of lifestyle. Reward yourself for your achievements, even if only something small. Do not boast about your achievements, for they are for your wall and not necessarily anyone else's. Respond to interested ears but do not force your philosophy on them. Print up a card so that you can easily give your website to potentially interested individuals. Do not limit yourself to one form of media, meaning do video, audio, and text work. Strive to not make mistakes and you will make fewer and fewer of them. Broadcast your heart into the Internet and play games with it. Respond to hate with love, for all media exposure is good media exposure whether or not the media exposure was good or not. Paint with all the tools you have available and try to do everything yourself - for you are a one man operation. And what you do with that will paint who you are as a person as your works follow you around all of the days of your life.

Do not rely on only one media sharing platform. Do not become a "YouTuber" but instead make your identity independent of all corporations. Try your best to use all platforms which have proven even somewhat effective in the past. Many platforms will censor you but do not let that hold you back, for the Internet is vast and full of people who want to hear what you have to say. You just need to figure out where your audience can be found and advertise there. The process is long, especially when you are invested in very niche fields of practice. But eventually you will find them. And when you do plant as many seeds as you can and then move on, for there are many more plantations for you to sow. Don't get too comfortable in any one state, for you are here for all the people and not just some of them. You are their spiritual guide because you broke out of the addiction to games and television and they are now looking to you on how they can do the same.

Your intentions will write your work. What you have planned in your heart will come out as blood on your pen. Your inspiration will direct the outcomes of your investigations. And I recommend to only have one inspiration: God. Because God is infinite and that means that you will never run out of words to say. You will get out what you put in. You need to spend your time wisely and educate yourself in the areas most close to your heart. Because your work will be the result of the input in which you feed it.

It is all what you do with what you got. This is the allegory behind the proverb, "every man is created equal", because we are all equal but it all just depends on how we use what we got. If I choose to utilise my time to assess what I have and develop a long-term plan to fully optimise my gifts, then of course I am going to turn out a better individual than the one who drinks, smokes, and watches footy with all of their time. Those who choose to utilise their time developing themselves will become refined and sophisticated in the areas they blossomed in.

I was very blessed in life with a healthy good looking body. I put that to use in my films. I utilised what I had to most effectively do the work of God. God blessed me with a very youthful look so I used it for God's glory. Although I failed the mission so far of finding a suitable mate, I have only lost the battles and not the war. I might not have you right now, dear Ivory, but I have God and I can wait for you for a while. You see, I think it would be beneficial for you to do a philosophy degree. How many girls want to do that? The only woman for me is the one who wants to join passions and function as one unit together through God's grace.

We are soulmates, dear girl! For you are the only one who fit the requirements and wants to make their life philosophy. You are my dream girl and I can only ever accept you because you would be best for me and if I can't find you, I am better off alone. But I will keep my hopes high despite my age creeping up on me. I wanted this girl since 2008. I was young, vibrant, and full of life. Now I have aged over a decade and am still young, vibrant, and full of life. I look really young for my age. The life fully dedicated to God is the life that rejuvenates you. And don't be fooled, oftentimes you can tell a lot about a person from their looks. Today I was stopped in the street and asked by tourist to take a photo with their phone of them all together. Even though I have long hair, I am perceived as a trustworthy person in the public eye.

All of that was really off topic, but is it really? I input these letters in hopes that one day my other half will read or listen to them. While my inspiration is God, my motivation is finding my other half. This gives me a good balance in what to write about, for ultimately, I am writing specifically for my lover. She is my game and I am playing life in hopes to find her. Each day I increase my chances and each day I hope she becomes a little wiser, wherever she is. I know she is searching for my words and has been searching for them for a long time. But the world is huge and to find one specific unknown person in it is no easy task. Without Ivory (my imaginary girlfriend) I would not have been capable of all of this work. The idea of a righteous girl who strived for world peace plagued my mind countless of hours. But all I saw around me was selfish girls who preferred the guy with the big car than the big brains, and especially, big hearts. My experience with women is terrible. They seem to want to eat me up instead of help me flourish. Women can be really selfish creatures who exploit men for their personal gain. Prove me otherwise... Ivory?

This is my world and this is my life. It revolves around trying to teach a girl philosophy. I think of inventive ways to try and reach her. In the process, I end up teaching philosophy to the world, at least to anyone who will listen who happens to pass by my material. This life is my game and I constantly tweak it to make it better and better. As a result I often know people without words. But you must realise that I have been playing this game since 2008. I am a veteran. It will take you time to reach a capacity near what I can output. But you must realise, there is a lifetime of learning in my head. I didn't waste it away. And I lived for years on tops of mountains so I also possess the lived experiences. I am a sharpened blade; a two edged sword. Mainstream media knows about me but refuses to acknowledge me. I don't care. I will just make a new kind of media that trumps theirs. That is my game of life. What is yours?