Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Spiritual Revolution


August 19, 2019



What does freedom mean? What if those freedoms encroach upon the freedoms of another? How can we justly resolve disputes such as war and famine? How can we wake people up without creating a mass outcry? Is there a way to peacefully win World War III? Can we enlighten enough people to say no to war and other forms of oppression? The answer to this question is whether we can enlighten ourselves enough to be prepared to speak out against injustices as we see them. So many see and stay quiet. So many cannot see thus naturally stay quiet. It is only the few who see and speak out that are worthy of the Kingdom of God. We all see different aspects of life and are thus required to speak out in our own ways.

Once our basic needs are met, we are free to explore our heart's desire and this gives us the opportunity to find the work in which we are most suitable for. Welfare departments should invest heavily in educating people, but right now, the education allowance alone isn't enough to survive on. We should implement programs to encourage people to chase their dreams and support them during that process. The government should be investing in its people to become the best that they can be and as a result, our society would, in time, improve drastically. Helping those who are in need is the key to finding out where those people belong in society. Many just need the right education and the right job.

But does this make people happy? I see miserable people every day who have it all. But they don't have what I have. There is a flare behind me that sets everything I do on fire. Providing for one's basic necessities at least enables the individual to create positive goals and educate themselves in the fields that interests them. And they may be happy but their happiness is fleeting. Because true happiness comes from spirituality. And our society has discarded spirituality as a true phenomena. And stigma is situated as landmines all around spirituality as religion corrupts and distorts its allegorical meanings. What is the meaning of life? Why are you here and what should you do? Religion enslaves you to a doctrine while spirituality liberates you to all doctrines. A spiritual person will seek wisdom from all sources and not limit their perception to one set of dogmatic beliefs.



"To fix the world we must first fix our minds. To fix our minds we must first fix our hearts."



What does this quote really mean? To fix society we can't just take lots of actions in society and expect results. We must first repair our internal workings of our psychology. But fixing our psychology isn't enough. Hitler's goons were rational creatures. There is a point in the heart where we realise that we are meant for something greater and all of these hardships around us aren't fair and something needs to be done about them. Only then will our psychology be capable of taking actions in society that can truly change things. We must work ourselves through our heart and to our minds and then out to the world.

There is more of us. We outnumber the police, politicians, and military combined. If we unite our voices then they must listen. Love and not guns. That is our future. The last time I checked there were 255 mass shootings in the USA so far in this year alone! And the Hong Kong riots are not settling down. The Middle East is still torn in war. Children starve all around the globe. Our world is in a state of social unrest the more we realise how much the elite control our day to day lives. How are we to combat such huge issues such as war, famine, and natural disasters? I propose that we come together and fight our world problems as one force.

We should switch our model of assistance from a needs based approach to a strengths based approach. This means instead of focusing only on one's needs, look at their strengths and work with them to empower them in the areas in which they are gifted in. Of course, build the well so they have fresh drinking water, but I am sure using a strengths based approach that you would get more volunteers to help you build said well.

In order to implement a utopian society, one must have good leaders. Leaders that were meant to be leaders who's work can be easily tracked back in order to determine overall character of the individual. As the beginning of this book states, you will know one by their works. The true words of our current president is a television show where he was famous for screaming, "you're fired". Now he runs the country and to a certain extent, the world. His actions has a chain reaction in every nation of the world. We have a history of electing goof presidents. But that is the thing, they only give us a choice of fools. All those legitimately running are covered up by the media. Everything is set up. Politics is an expanded version of Hollywood. Because now, our television stars are integrated with our politics. Does all the war and hate in this world entertain you? These are the actions of our leaders in power.

As we have previously discovered, we are only capable of seeing what it is that we know. To elaborate on this point, all that is outside of us is us, or should I say is a reflection of our inner attributes. Because all one can see is what they know and all of which they know is a part of themselves personally. A person who is depressed views society as a depressing phenomena. Similarly, a person who is happy views society as a happy phenomena. The way we perceive the world will determine our possibilities. Knowledge is power and to know how to rewire one's own brain is priceless information. To comprehend that slightly changing your perspective changes the actual life you live is a revelation that directly brings about enlightenment. When we realise that we make the realities in which we exist within, then we will begin to ascend. For the first time in human history, the path from Earth to Heaven has been mapped out. And the answer lies not in religion but in spirituality.

Life's challenges are there as your reward for your devotion and not as punishment. Life would be boring if it were easy and it wouldn't motivate us to evolve. We need those difficulties in life in order to grow as individuals. A life without hardships is a life wasted away because there is no lived experiences to relate with others about their sufferings. Suffering is good because it shows us how to end suffering; it gives us the motivation to overcome the hardships presented in our day to day lives. Learn to love suffering and you will learn to no longer suffer. Because upon its complete acceptance, its concept breaks apart and becomes nonsensical. Let's have a revolution where we once and for all end suffering for all of mankind. Let's save the world by having a global spiritual revolution. Let its catalyst, be, you.